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Rain versus no rain

Dennis G
Actualizado 2019-07-03 03:27:38 UTC 
I understand feature for setting rain delay, but would find it useful to adjust smart scheduling to say there was NO rain on a day it was forcasted. We have had >90 degreeF days and today smart schedule had rain as forcast, but we only had a trace - meaning the lawn needs irrigation but Smart is preventing/delaying it. I know I could increase the amount of rain threshold,  but it will still not correct for when that amount of rain has occured in the area - just not here.
Ver: 2500   Respuesta: 1

Forecast provider for Italy

Gabriele Gianello
Actualizado 2019-07-03 11:53:03 UTC 

Have you already schedule to connect METEO.it and THE WEATHER CHANNEL ? The available providers are not so fine tuned with ITALIAN forecast data system. Please see attached screenshot of the three different forecast provided today from your three providers :

Ver: 2632   Respuesta: 1

Smart watering

John Jessee
Actualizado 2019-07-03 22:25:57 UTC 
How do you turn off smart watering and just have it run a normal program.  It’s a 100 degrees and it isn’t getting nearly enough 
Ver: 2365   Respuesta: 1

Hunter valve PG101 opens but never closes

Actualizado 2019-07-04 07:12:42 UTC 
hey guys, my smart Sprinkler isn´t working correct. after installing the hole stuff and first testing, i was so happy that everything worked fine. but my hunter valves PGV100 never Closes anymore. for testing i ve connected the valves directly with my trafo 24VDC 1A and it worked fine. so i guess that the zonecontacts working not correctly. any ideas? is the DC Adapter really the reason? i need help, or i send the Netro back to amazon… Hey Leute, mein kluger Sprinkler funktioniert nicht richtig. Nachdem ich das ganze Zeug installiert und getestet hatte, war ich so glücklich, dass alles gut funktioniert hat. aber meine Jägerventile PGV100 schließen nie mehr. zum testen habe ich die ventile direkt mit meinem trafo 24VDC 1A verbunden und es hat einwandfrei funktioniert. Ich denke also, dass die Zonenkontakte nicht richtig funktionieren. irgendwelche Ideen? Das falsche Netzteil? Ich brauche Hilfe, oder ich schicke den Netro zurück zu Amazon ...
Ver: 2489   Respuesta: 1

Home Assistant

Actualizado 2019-07-06 09:33:48 UTC 

Good morning, it would be interesting to have the ability to connect via home assistant

Also there is news for google home in Italian? 

Thank you 

Ver: 2532   Respuesta: 1

Reset Moisture Level

Actualizado 2019-07-06 14:06:03 UTC 


For testing reasons I "watered" one of my zones manually, which increased the moisture level (but I did not water this zone actually). How can I reset the moisture level of one or all zones to get a proper calculation again and to have all my zones (that are absolutely identically configured) showing the same level and getting the same scheduled watering?


Ver: 2475   Respuesta: 1

New Whisperer won't turn on, Single Red LED flash

Actualizado 2019-07-07 14:40:49 UTC 
I just received my new Whisperer and when I push the power button, I get one single red LED flash and that's it.  It won't do anything else.  I put it in the sun for a couple of hours to see if the battery was dead, this didn't solve the issue.
Ver: 3391   Respuesta: 1

Why do you describe your system as AI?

Doug Clark
Actualizado 2019-07-07 18:06:07 UTC 
This isn’t AI!
Ver: 2480   Respuesta: 1

How to change zip code in the addres in the setting/controller

Actualizado 2019-07-09 07:50:41 UTC 

How to change zip code in the addres in the setting/controller?

By mistake I nitroduced a wrong zip code in the address of the controller... How can I change it? Do I have to remove the controller and inmediatelly to add a new one? Thanks.


Ver: 2811   Respuesta: 3

Spanish language for control

Actualizado 2019-07-09 09:24:52 UTC 

Do you have any plan in order to include "spanish language" for controling netro watering with "alexa" and/or "google home"?

Thanks for the nifo and best Regards.


Ver: 2530   Respuesta: 1

Whisperer Test

Dan Leng
Actualizado 2019-07-10 18:29:27 UTC 
My new whisperer is connected inserted into the ground as per the instructions.  It has been there for two days through various watering cycles but the app says the topsoil moisture level is 0% ( the subsoil is 88%).  Is the unit defective or am I missing something?
Ver: 2838   Respuesta: 2

Watering all zones simultaneously

Rod Timby
Actualizado 2019-07-11 18:09:47 UTC 
I installed as directed and only have three zones, but every time the system comes on all zones are watering simultaneously.  I installed the common wire as it was removed from the last controller and each valve wire is hooked to zones 1-3.  Any thoughts or ideals are appreciated.  Thank you
Ver: 2254   Respuesta: 0

Watering all zones simultaneously

Rod Timby
Actualizado 2019-07-11 18:14:39 UTC 
I installed as directed and only have three zones, but every time the system comes on all zones are watering simultaneously.  I installed the common wire as it was removed from the last controller and each valve wire is hooked to zones 1-3.  Any thoughts or ideals are appreciated.  Thank you
Ver: 2329   Respuesta: 1

Controller consistently goes offline

Kyle Giacomini
Actualizado 2019-07-12 15:05:29 UTC 

Hi there,

My controller has been losing connection to the internet everyday for about two weeks. The controller light stays solid and my app says the controller is offline. I can only reset the controller by physically disconnecting the power supply for 10 seconds and rebooting. This is getting anyoying and is  becoming a daily routine. I have a wifi extender 2 ft from the controller location as well. If I can't depend on the controller to stay online, what's the point of having an internet based sprinkler system? What steps can I take to make the controller stay connected to the internet?

Ver: 2674   Respuesta: 1

How do you stop the watering

Rick Jones
Actualizado 2019-07-13 16:02:14 UTC 

Is there a way to stop the watering in the middle of a cycle?

Ver: 2341   Respuesta: 1

Netro + Netatmo

Luca Magnani
Actualizado 2019-07-14 07:42:29 UTC 
Good morning
I have a netatmo weather station,
it would be nice to connect it to read the weather data precisely for my area.
Thank you in advance
Ver: 3635   Respuesta: 1

No light

Gilbert Lee
Actualizado 2019-07-14 15:37:53 UTC 
I changed my network.  Went to change network on sprite.  I get no light.  I pressed the reset button and no light.  Tested my power and I get 24 volts.  Rep luges t in and still no light.  Netro is 1 year old
Ver: 2439   Respuesta: 1

Location Based Watering Restrictions - Check-in Interval

Matt Grooms
Actualizado 2019-07-14 18:58:52 UTC 

One of the great features of Netro is it's ability to look up my local (city/state) watering regulations, and apply them to my watering schedule. Bravo Netro!

Months ago, when I installed my Netro controller it looked up the then current (Stage-One) restrictions, and applied them to my watering schedule. However, since that time the watering restrictions have been eased (Year-Round restrictions) , and I'm allowed to water any day of the week. Well, Netro did not follow the changes and is still applying the old restrictions.

I attempted to trick Netro into rereading my local restrictions by turning the feature off, then back on. No luck.

So the questions are:

1) How often does a Netro Controller check the cloud database for updated watering restriction for it's location?

2) How often does Netro Central (you guys) check with communities for watering restriction updates and update your database so that deployed Netro controllers get accurate rules to apply?

I can see where it might be hard to keep up with small communities and rural areas, but my location (San Antonio, Texas, USA) has almost two-million people in the area. A single update on your part would provide a potentially large number of Netro users with current watering restriction information.



Ver: 3407   Respuesta: 1


Actualizado 2019-07-15 03:55:15 UTC 

Are there any plans to add HomeKit support to Netro? I have Alexa but prefer Apple's smart home platform.

Ver: 3345   Respuesta: 2

Problems with the internet

Morrie Wayne
Actualizado 2019-07-15 16:50:35 UTC 
Tema: General
We have a hot spot for our internet connection from Verizon. The hot spot keeps going off line and we don’t know what to do to correct it. Our Netro unit is in Florida and we are in Ohio. We don’t have any one close in Florida to help us with our problem. Might there be a inexpensive internet we might be able to acquire, or do you have another solution? We appreciate any suggestions you might have. We are happy with our Netro unit. Morrie Wayne. Address in Florida is. 1673 Abasco Ct. The Villages, Florida 32162. Address In Ohio is 18379 Squirrel Run Dr, Cleveland, Ohio 44130. My cell # is 440-856-9242. Thanks for any solution to our problems.
Ver: 2635   Respuesta: 2