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Actualizado 2023-06-11 05:21:33 UTC 
Ver: 2312   Respuesta: 2

Delay canceling / Verzögerungen aufheben - wie geht das?

Börke Titscher
Actualizado 2023-06-04 08:32:03 UTC 


I am a newbie in using the App für sprite sprinkler. I have tried the function to delay the time plan. But don’t know how to cancel that? 

Thanx und greetings from Germany 

Ver: 2198   Respuesta: 2

Water shuts off timer still going

D Hitch
Actualizado 2023-06-03 14:10:58 UTC 
Hi. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this issue. The timer on my nero still counts down but the water turns off. In one of my zones the water only lasts 1 minute 50 seconds. 

Thanks for any help. 
Ver: 2161   Respuesta: 1

Nero Sprite

Glenn Thurston
Actualizado 2023-06-02 12:12:10 UTC 
System keeps running, can’t shut off smart mode?  What steps to take to clear system and start fresh?
Ver: 2034   Respuesta: 1

Smart mode initial watering

Matt Ward
Actualizado 2023-06-02 01:19:52 UTC 
I’ve had the controller since winter so I wasn’t using it much in the winter. When I switched it to smart modes it seemed like it watered all day, multiple times a day. Is this just because it’s the initial watering in smart mode? If it’s a one day thing that’s fine but way too much ongoing. Also, on the averages it says 9 minutes every three days but it watered for over 15 minutes per zone several times that day. Thanks 
Ver: 2298   Respuesta: 1

My Netro Whisperer Is No Longer Reporting

Actualizado 2023-06-01 19:44:40 UTC 

I have 4 plant sensors and one has stopped reporting on 5.29

Last report shows it was 98% battery, but nothing since then. When I press the button it blinks once red.

How can I troubleshoot it?

Ver: 2047   Respuesta: 1

WU PWS request pixie-Z1

Richard B
Actualizado 2023-05-29 01:04:07 UTC 

Can you please set my pws for a new pixie timer to KNYFORTS6?

Thank you. 

Ver: 2048   Respuesta: 1

Manuel Run delay

Actualizado 2023-05-26 00:37:50 UTC 
Why is it when I hit manual run? There’s always a delay.
Ver: 2065   Respuesta: 1

A Netro Spark with no WIFI

Actualizado 2023-05-25 16:07:02 UTC 


Just bought a Spark and realized my home wifi sig doesn’t reach the location where it is installed. 

While I sort out how to increase the signal I wonder if there is a way to program the Spark to operate without Wifi 


Ver: 2053   Respuesta: 1

Netro Spark firmware version

Luis T
Actualizado 2023-05-24 15:54:35 UTC 

Hi there,

I have a Netro Spark with firmware version 3.2.1. Firmware updates are done without user intervention or how can I perform a firmware update?



Ver: 2333   Respuesta: 1

Frequently disconnection from the wifi

Actualizado 2023-05-24 05:07:48 UTC 

My device is always offline unable to connect to the wifi. I have to reset it and then the connection works for a while.

There is a repeater  2 meters from it. The signal is strong.

Ver: 2040   Respuesta: 1

App Showing Ofline

Katie Wallace
Actualizado 2023-05-21 11:09:21 UTC 
I have a Spark Controller and the unit is showing me a solid green light but the app is saying offline. I have rebooted my WiFi and the controller with no luck. Any suggestions?
Ver: 1914   Respuesta: 1

Nitro speak to system

Charlie Patel
Actualizado 2023-05-11 18:55:33 UTC 
When I click on manual run for my sprinkler system, no blue arrow is there to start on the zone it how do I program them back on so I can do that
Ver: 1976   Respuesta: 1

Sprinklers stop working in all zone

Anupam Kumar
Actualizado 2023-05-11 00:29:18 UTC 
Hi, my sprinkler was working till yesterday but today non of the zone is working . Mine shows online and when I run it manually, it shows as running but it is not watering.is that related to Netro server issue ?
Ver: 1924   Respuesta: 1

Home assistant integration

Christophe Benoit
Actualizado 2023-05-03 16:22:33 UTC 

I just developed a Netro Smart Garden integration for Home Assistant.

Take a look here if interested: https://github.com/kcofoni/ha-netro-watering.

Best regards

Ver: 3267   Comentario: 3

App states watering when it is not

Michael Cayless
Actualizado 2023-05-03 15:45:48 UTC 
I have noticed at times when I’m using the app that it states that it is watering when it is not. I checked the schedule, and the schedule does not say it is watering either. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? Thanks.
Ver: 2156   Respuesta: 1

Pixie Z1

Jason Willis
Actualizado 2023-05-02 14:13:57 UTC 
I just got the new pixie z1 and it doesn’t control the water from the faucet. When I turn it on the water simply flows through as if the smart faucet isn’t there. Also I did not receive my smart sensor for the ground and no responses from the emails I have sent you you. 

Jason Willis


Ver: 2136   Respuesta: 1

Multiple users

Norm Markworth
Actualizado 2023-04-17 00:22:59 UTC 

How do I set the Sprite for two users. Setting up user 1 killed the user 2 setup.


Ver: 2678   Respuesta: 2

dummy serial for testing

Christophe Benoit
Actualizado 2023-04-16 17:53:00 UTC 


I am presently uprgading my jeedom plugin of Netro and I need to test my code with all models. I can do it with Sprite/Spark/Sensor since I have got the devices in my own installation. This is not the case for Pixie, I do not plan to purchase it since I do not need it but some of my plugin users do have it.

Do you have a test/dummy serial number that I could use for testing Pixie integration ?


Ver: 2276   Respuesta: 1

carlos davalos melgar
Actualizado 2023-04-13 20:06:46 UTC 
Especias primarias cuales son?
Ver: 2100   Respuesta: 0