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Can’t open netro app

Marcos Sanz
Updated at 2023-06-12 16:35:22 UTC 

Hi, is impossible access app netro

View: 1155   Comment: 1

Installation 3 Wisperer and a Pixie in my garden

Updated at 2023-06-12 12:25:08 UTC 
Good morning,

I have three Wisperers and a Pixie. I can't install my three Wisperers in the same area as my Pixie. I managed to install Wisperer with my Pixie but the other two. How do I install all Wisperer with my Pixie?

If the Pixie is installed in a different area than the Wisperers, does it all work together to optimize my garden watering?


View: 1195   Answer: 1

Netro sprite

mekanicul Meku
Updated at 2023-06-11 09:43:07 UTC 
hello, can you turn off the led on netro sprite?
View: 944   Answer: 1

Certificate Expired - AGAIN!

Updated at 2023-06-11 06:42:24 UTC 

Please renew the certificate so our app works again..  

Maybe you need to set a reminder around this as this seems to be a reoccurring problem.

View: 941   Answer: 1

Certificate error

Updated at 2023-06-11 06:03:25 UTC 
The certificate has expired. Please renew it asap as we are not able to access to the app
View: 1092   Answer: 2

Problem with APP connection

Davide G.
Updated at 2023-06-11 05:49:55 UTC 
View: 1067   Answer: 2

Updated at 2023-06-11 05:21:33 UTC 
View: 1089   Answer: 2


Carolyn Seyfried
Updated at 2023-06-10 17:50:24 UTC 
Please help resolve problems with whisperer moisture sensor. Does it need to be regularly cleaned or something so it will work properly???
View: 1008   Answer: 1

Whisperer sensor

Carolyn Seyfried
Updated at 2023-06-10 17:39:10 UTC 
Why doesn't sensor moisture percent change after watering grass
View: 1099   Answer: 1

Netro sprite chpset.

Eduardo Pariente
Updated at 2023-06-09 18:15:34 UTC 
Hello everyone. 

I have problem with the chipset of the Netro sprite. Any suggestions?? 
Thanks you. 
View: 956   Answer: 0

Netro sprite chpset.

Eduardo Pariente
Updated at 2023-06-09 18:15:24 UTC 
Hello everyone. 

I have problem with the chipset of the Netro sprite. Any suggestions?? 
Thanks you. 
View: 1045   Answer: 1

Scheduling ( Two Smart watering levels; Smart disabled)

Netro Support
Updated at 2023-06-09 06:07:25 UTC 

There are 2 different levels of Netro’s smart watering you can choose (For Netro watering controller, please go to Settings->Zones->Smart Zone; for Netro Pixie timer, please go to Settings->Garden->Smart Zone)

 1. Smart watering: Level advanced

This is the default setting of Netro watering controller's smart watering. In this level, your zones will be watered automatically by Netro with smart schedules.

Netro will do everything for you, you do not need to set up the program/schedule.

Netro will skip smart watering and programs when there is large amount of rain(>0.2inch/ 5.08 mm) or watering regulations and manual restrictions.

You can inspect the Smart schedules in the calendar view. They are with the blue water-drop icons.



2.Smart watering: Level basic

This is the default setting of Netro Pixie timer's smart watering. In this level, no smart schedule will be generated. You will need to add programs manually (go to Settings->Programs to add programs) and Netro will skip programs when there is large amount of rain(>0.2inch/ 5.08 mm) or watering regulations.

 If you do not want smart zone schedule to override your own programmed schedule, you can set up the Smart Zone level from Advanced to Basic, which only skip rainning days for your programmed schedule.

Please note when smart zone is enabled, your local regulations will automatic override your own program if there is any conflict. So when you set up your own program watering time, please do not conflict with your local Regulations if there is any. To check up regulations, please go to Settings->Regulations.



3.Smart-zone feature disabled

If you want to create your own programs and turn off smart zone feature and rain delay feature, go to Settings->Zones->Smart Zone (Settings->Garden->Smart Zone for Pixie Timer) and toggle the enable button. When the smart zone is disabled, the system will strictly follow the user program to water the zones. There is no intelligence here. Netro will not skip your schedules when there is rain. Regulation feature will not be in effect as well.

View: 10809   Comment: 12

Change Country

Updated at 2023-06-08 12:58:01 UTC 

Hello all,

While installing the app, we couldn't choose our location (Curacao) so we filled in Miami, FL. Is there a possibility to change country after all? I can find where to change it in settings but it's not allowing me. Can someone help me out?

Many thanks.

View: 992   Answer: 1

Pros and cons Spark 8 and Pixie

Adil Ridvan
Updated at 2023-06-08 04:44:28 UTC 

Just wanted to provide some feedback. I had B-hyve XR Smart Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Timer for 2 years. I noted that it does not water on a schedule sometimes. Either because the internet was down, and it did not reconnect or something else. The contractor who replaced it told me that there is probably an internal battery, and it should have been replaced. Too late.

I Googled the best irrigation timer and found that Orbit B-hyve is the best, followed by Netro. Never heard of it. I chose it because it retains programs in case of Wi-Fi outage. I bought Spark 8 zones and installed it today (my contractor did). Also 2 Pixies.


Clean modern packaging, clear web interface, app has installation instructions and troubleshooting tips.


Why white cover? I could not see indicators with daylight. How to pair? Did some of your staff try to install it in bright daylight outdoors?

Does it have an internal battery which eventually needs to be replaced? How is the memory retained? I believe this was a problem with B-hyve..

What about Pixie? Is rechargeable battery forever?

Web interface still needs improvement: for example – my order is in a different place than my account, Pixie should state that there is no backup program, other logical flaws.

Created a program on Spark, but when tried to edit time it did not allow, stating that the same program already exists.

Backup should automatically copy the program with the option to edit. Why should it be entered as a separate program if this is a backup in case of Wi-Fi outage?

The outdoor cover can have a transparent wall to see indicators.

Thank you.


View: 1251   Answer: 1

2 zones not working

Shahid Habib
Updated at 2023-06-05 13:39:04 UTC 


I have 9 zones but 2 of them are not popping up for watering. I can see water is coming out from the ground but not through sprinklers. I have unplugged Netro device and plugged it back but still those 2 zones are not working.

Any help will be appreciated.

View: 1065   Answer: 3

Delay canceling / Verzögerungen aufheben - wie geht das?

Börke Titscher
Updated at 2023-06-04 08:32:03 UTC 


I am a newbie in using the App für sprite sprinkler. I have tried the function to delay the time plan. But don’t know how to cancel that? 

Thanx und greetings from Germany 

View: 1033   Answer: 2

Water shuts off timer still going

D Hitch
Updated at 2023-06-03 14:10:58 UTC 
Hi. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this issue. The timer on my nero still counts down but the water turns off. In one of my zones the water only lasts 1 minute 50 seconds. 

Thanks for any help. 
View: 1041   Answer: 1


Updated at 2023-06-02 18:10:49 UTC 
Topic: General
My netro sprite is sometimes working or powered off.  I tried to reset it but no joy
View: 1229   Answer: 1

Nero Sprite

Glenn Thurston
Updated at 2023-06-02 12:12:10 UTC 
System keeps running, can’t shut off smart mode?  What steps to take to clear system and start fresh?
View: 946   Answer: 1

Smart mode initial watering

Matt Ward
Updated at 2023-06-02 01:19:52 UTC 
I’ve had the controller since winter so I wasn’t using it much in the winter. When I switched it to smart modes it seemed like it watered all day, multiple times a day. Is this just because it’s the initial watering in smart mode? If it’s a one day thing that’s fine but way too much ongoing. Also, on the averages it says 9 minutes every three days but it watered for over 15 minutes per zone several times that day. Thanks 
View: 1023   Answer: 1