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Netro Smart Watering -Water Infrequently, Longer for Better Lawn

Netro Support
Updated at 2018-09-12 07:54:55 UTC 

Frequent, shallow watering encourages a shallow root system. A shallow root system means a lawn is under drought stress when the top inch of soil dries out.

Conversely, deep, infrequent watering during hot, dry weather is important to maintain a healthy lawn. Deep watering encourages the turf to develop a deeper, more extensive root system. The denser root system will make your grass less susceptible to periods of drought. A more dynamic root system will also offer the fringe benefit of discouraging competition from weeds.

To determine how long you have to run your sprinkler or irrigation system, take a flat-bottomed container such as a coffee can and mark off half-inch increments. Place the can or cans where it will be hit by the water, and time how long it takes to gather a half-inch of water. Then run your sprinkler twice as long. You may need to apply water even slower to steep slopes to avoid wasting water to runoff.

Netro's motto when it comes to watering: slowly, deeply, infrequently. Netro's algorithm is based on expert gardening knowledge, one of which is to avoid watering equally everyday and instead to water less frequently but deeply. Netro waters your garden only when the soil is dry enough in order to draw more oxygen into the roots, leading to a lusher landscape. By default, we allow the moisture level to deplete to a lower level before next watering and that is why you might see longer watering duration than the original settings on your old controller.

Netro smart controller gives your lawn the right amount of water, assures that your garden is getting its required amount of water – no more, and no less.


Water infrequently, longer for better lawn

View: 407428   Comment: 68

Home Assistant Netro integration

Jose Lao
Updated at 2023-11-07 13:27:20 UTC 

Hi new HOME ASSISTANT integration of Netro. install it using HACS.

thanks to the developer kcofoni!!

View: 29124   Comment: 1

Junk box pixie

Ray Williams
Updated at 2021-06-17 22:30:16 UTC 

Biggest pos cant turn on the timer just to water then goes to sleep cant even connect when away never been able use this junk box

So Dissatisfied

View: 3898   Comment: 1

Good results

Updated at 2023-10-24 18:55:29 UTC 
View: 2833   Comment: 2

Introducing Stream, Netro's Smart Indoor Watering System

Netro Inc
Updated at 2023-11-07 06:10:16 UTC 
Topic: General

The Next-gen Indoor Watering System

Stream is Netro's first indoor watering product. It is specially designed to perform accurate drip irrigation for your potted plants. Stream is packed with many advanced hardware technologies including low-noise pumps, hall-effect flow sensors and long-range WiFi connection. It fits seamlessly into the Netro Eco-system and works with the Netro app.

Stream is now released for pre-order. Learn more at

View: 2456   Comment: 0

This smart controller system is filled with bugs. I'm returning this this awful junk evice

Vincent Coutinho
Updated at 2023-02-18 16:26:02 UTC 
This thing creates a smart schedule and never follows through.  Give me my money back you thieves.
View: 2713   Comment: 2

Netro Plugin for Jeedom

Christophe Benoit
Updated at 2022-11-30 22:07:13 UTC 

Hello guys,

Thanks to Netro public API, I have developed a plugin for Jeedom which allows us to take control of our great netro devices within this famous home automation system. if you are interested, don't hesitate to take advantage of it, it's free of charge !

Please find the documentation right here for further details :


View: 3039   Comment: 1

Kickstart the Netro Zigbee Hub and Pixie-Z1

Netro Inc
Updated at 2022-09-13 06:23:11 UTC 
Topic: General

To the Netro community:

We are excited to introduce our new products, the Netro Zigbee Hub and the new smart timer Pixie-Z1. They combined deliver a different experience of smart watering system. 

The Netro Zigbee Hub hosts a long-range local Zigbee network that links all the end devices. It connects to your router (wireless or wired) to transfer data between the end devices and the Netro cloud service. The Hub will work with all our Zigbee products including the new timer Pixie-Z1(introduced below) and the new soil moisture sensor coming this year, as well as the new 4-Zone sprinkler controller and the new weather sensor coming next year.

The new host timer Pixie-Z1 is re-designed from the original Pixie timer in many ways:

1. Always online for instant quick runs. No more sleep mode

2. Powered by two AA alkaline batteries with approximately one year of battery life. Notifications on low battery

3. Supports Google Home and Google Assistant

The Netro Zigbee Hub and Pixie-Z1 are expected to ship in September. To join the Tester program please email to and we will send you a discount code in return for feedbacks.


Netro Inc

View: 122165   Comment: 3

Android devices logout issue

Wency Pan
Updated at 2022-07-12 06:35:45 UTC 

Android devices logout issue


Recently some android devices (Samsung galaxy S20/21) has battery optimization feature which prevents the app running at back stage. So it will have logout issue.


If you smart phone do have this feature, please disable the battery optimization and deep sleep mode in the installation. Put unused apps to sleep.

Check this article for turning off battery optimization

Check this article for turning off battery optimization for putting unused apps to sleep.


Then close all the apps and reboot your phone to see if it works. 



Netro Support

View: 3379   Comment: 1

Rain presiction is wrong

Paul X
Updated at 2022-07-04 15:12:41 UTC 

I am in Poulades, Greece, and the current rain prediction is 67% when reality is there is not a cloud in the sky. BBC predicts rain at 1%. The system wants to water every 3 days which ties up with tje incorrect 67% prediction

View: 3191   Comment: 1

Manual operation

Paola Pinnavaia
Updated at 2022-06-17 23:21:30 UTC 

I am reporting a problem that has been occurring for a few months. Manual operation fails from time to time for no reason. Before the new version of the app, this never happened.
It is a serious problem

View: 64072   Comment: 2


Ron Ferrars
Updated at 2022-05-30 14:12:27 UTC 
Change the minutes on smart schedule
View: 3535   Comment: 1

Sleeping mode

Updated at 2022-05-18 10:11:40 UTC 

My pixie sprinkler keels since 24h on status sleeping even if it should go on line twice a day, usually did until yesterday, it does not water nor using programs nor manually. I am far from my home what can I do?

View: 3476   Comment: 1

Like the app update.

Dave Henderson
Updated at 2022-04-09 02:14:47 UTC 
Topic: General
Nice to see improvements with end user in mind. Love the simpler home screen. Found it totally easy to set program for new grass seed for remote site from my bed. I know I sound like an employee but I am really enjoying this app and product.
View: 63236   Comment: 3

High Quality Weed Seeds For Sale

Lloyd Walter
Updated at 2022-03-23 08:31:18 UTC 

- indica weed seeds - these will grow into a short, bushy plant with fruity flavors and effects.

- sativa weed seeds - these will grow into a taller, lanky plant with more cerebral effects.

- ruderalis weed seeds - these will grow into a short, bushy plant with potent effects.

The cannabis plant is a flowering plant that is used for both recreational and medical purposes. The plant has been used by humans since the beginning of recorded history. Cannabis use can be traced as far back as 10,000 years ago.

There are many benefits to using cannabis, such as relieving chronic pain, stimulating appetite, reducing nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, and treating sleep apnea. It is also effective in reducing the symptoms of PTSD and other anxiety disorders.

Cannabis can be consumed in many forms including smoking it or drinking it in tea form. Smoking cannabis has been shown to improve lung function and reduce chronic pain symptoms while drinking it can help with nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy treatment.

View: 3676   Comment: 3

Mi experiencia con Netro

Marcelo Vasquez
Updated at 2021-11-25 18:21:23 UTC 
Topic: General
Hola les cuento mi experiencia con Netro, trabajo actualmente en el estado de Nueva York, y tengo 500 plantas de bluebery en Chile souh America, y lo controlo desde acá, he tenido excelentes resultados con el sensor de humedad, me hubiese gustado que el sensor fuera más largo, pero con el actual se ha manejado perfecto, también creo que deberían diseñar una caja más robusta para exteriores, estoy muy feliz con la aplicación con el equipo y el sensor. 
View: 3786   Comment: 2

Nuova interfaccia penosa!!

Andrea DiPi
Updated at 2021-11-05 03:00:01 UTC 

La nuova interfaccia fa pena!!!

Per agire in manuale ci ho messo 10 minuti X capirete dove l’avevano messo!!!

È molto meno intuitiva, poi che mi facciano vedere la foto delle piante non importa!!! Manco posso mettere le mie!! 

View: 4559   Comment: 1

Service-outage Notice: Technical Problems with Google Home/Assistant and iOS Notifications

Netro Inc
Updated at 2021-10-07 05:53:59 UTC 

Dear Netro users,

We are experiencing technical issues with Google Home/Assistant and iOS notifications due to a recent server update. Currently these services are unavailable. All other features in the Netro app and website are working normally.

Our R&D team is working on the solutions with priority and hopefully they will back online in a few days. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Netro Inc

View: 3947   Comment: 0

Netro and Home Assistant

Jens Wymeersch
Updated at 2021-07-28 18:18:16 UTC 

Although that I'm still hoping Netro will start understanding their appliance/app is only a smart part of a smart home ecosystem and start integrating with Home Assistant. Even huge vendors like Tuya, have understood that this is essential for most Home Automation Enthusiast. 

For the time being, some folks have used the API to get some data to home assistant

I believe a lot of us are happy with the appliance, but aren't looking at it often enough. Result in my case at least that my whisperer was out for more than a month. This could have been avoided if we had an integration to Home Assistant who would have alerted me.

So please Netro, do the extra mile !

View: 6331   Comment: 7

Kickstarters for Lapland, the Smart Garden Light

Netro Inc
Updated at 2024-09-19 03:30:21 UTC 

We are so excited to introduce our new product line, Lapland, the Smart Garden Lightening System. We have spent almost a year designing and developing the first model, Lapland S1, the Wi-Fi-connected Spotlight and now it is almost ready to meet the users. 

For more information about Lapland, please visit Lapland Spot Light | Multi-color outdoor spotlight (, email to or simply leave a message/comment below and we will send you a promotion code for the first 100 buyers.

View: 14828   Comment: 3