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Discrepancia APP y WEB

JM del Amo
Updated at 2024-09-07 13:06:53 UTC 
Desde hace unos días la APP no está funcionando. Según la APP el WiFi está OFFLINE, pero según la página web está ONLINE. Según ambos está WATERING pero la realidad es que no está regando y no responde a órdenes. No dispongo en este momento de acceso físico al dispositivo. ¿Podrían indicarme si el problema es un problema local o de la APP/Web?
View: 40   Answer: 0

1 valve works, two don't

Phil Rubin
Updated at 2024-08-17 21:52:30 UTC 
For some time the system worked perfect. Now I  have two sections that don't work. It turns out that the signal to activate the valve is too short. When I  put a meter on it and then activate the valve the meter jumps to 28v for about one second then drops to zero before the valve can move. Conversely the one that works stays at 28v for much longer. I have rebooted and reset the system.  Any ideas?
View: 255   Answer: 0

Zone watering while disabled

Brian Paternostro Paternostro
Updated at 2024-07-31 10:10:11 UTC 

I am doing yard work to 2 of my 3 zones right now and have the whole system disabled for several days as many heads are disconnected.  Woke up a 5am to have zone 3 on and spraying water everywhere for 20 minutes. 

How is this possible? Why do you not update your softwar? 

View: 543   Answer: 2

Error E1

Simone Ragnolini
Updated at 2024-07-26 11:13:02 UTC 
Ho, we need support, as we are having an issue as the app doesn’t activate watering. The control unot shows E1.
View: 422   Answer: 1

La zona non si spegne

Updated at 2024-07-17 16:29:38 UTC 

Quando collego la valvola la zona resta alimentata a 24 v anche quando finisce il ciclo. Quindi non smette di irrigare anche con la spia di colore verde.

Senza la valvola invece la tensione torna 0 volt.

Cosa può essere il problema

View: 539   Answer: 2

Problem with irrigation time

Daniel Encinas
Updated at 2024-07-12 10:43:36 UTC 
Hello, I have owned a Netro Sprite programmer for several years.

The problem I have is that it programs the phases intelligently and if it indicates that it has to water for 10 minutes. It only waters for about 1 minute but the app shows that it has watered for 10 minutes. The garden is drying out and I don't know what to do.
This happens to me in all irrigation phases. If I program it manually the same thing happens to me. If I try it twice, the second time it takes even less time to water.
I have connected the transformer directly to the phase, bypassing the programmer, and it works correctly.
Reviewing its problems section, I found a similar one in which it says to look at the 24 volt voltage. (which is correct, around 30 volt) and the resistance in ohms of more than 20 (around 30 ohmios). It also says that there the programmer has a recoverable fuse.

What can I do?


View: 497   Answer: 1

Cannot find master solenoid valve

Updated at 2024-07-06 22:46:35 UTC 
None of the zones are watering when the app says it's watering. I measured each zone when active and each read 28 AC. When testing the resistance, the readings were jumping all over the place for each reading. This is leading me to believe there is an issue with the master solenoid valve. However, there is no wire that connects to the M slot on the controller. Looking around the house for any of the underground boxes, I have not been able to find the master solenoid. Attaching pictures of what I have found. Any help greatly appreciated.
View: 623   Answer: 2

all connections good but sprite wont open any valves.

Douglas Ely
Updated at 2024-06-29 11:36:11 UTC 
One day, the Sprite just stopped opening the zone valves. We tested and reconnected all the wires and deleted and re-installed the Sprite. Still no luck. Ground is good too. What could be wrong?
View: 530   Answer: 1

Netro Spark

Juan Manuel Fernández de Sosa
Updated at 2024-06-22 20:41:47 UTC 

En relación con mi pregunta anterior ya he visto que poniendo el riego nocturno a las 23:30 se acepta, pero si se pone a las 23:59 sale el error. Por lo tanto anulen mi anterior pregunta, aunque me resulta algo extraño que no permita 23:59 siendo el mismo día.


View: 556   Answer: 1

Netro Spark

Juan Manuel Fernández de Sosa
Updated at 2024-06-22 20:24:29 UTC 

He instalado mi nuevo Netro Spark. En modo smart produce demasiados riegos en una determinada zona de forma muy constante, y con demasiado tiempo. No me parece nada lógico. Quiero dejar eliminado el modo smart y programar personalmente el riego. Consigo programar un riego de las cuatro zonas que utilizo en un determinado horario de la mañana, pero cuando voy a añadir un segundo riego diario por la noche me da un mensaje "ERROR: Program cannot cross a day".

¿Significa esto que solo puedo programar un riego al día? Muy extraño, mi anterior programador permitía tantos riegos diarios como quisiera simplemente indicando las horas.

Por favor, una solución, porque si solo se puede programar un riego al día no me soluciona nada este dispositivo.


View: 570   Answer: 1

one zone not opening

Updated at 2024-06-03 16:54:39 UTC 

Has anyone had only one zone not work properly? I've checked my voltages and everything seems to be normal but one of my 4 zones does not operate either with the schedule or manually running the zone. Any tips help cause i'm at a complete loss.

Thanks in advance


View: 639   Answer: 1

Pump shuts off after 5-10 mins

Vardhan Rajkumar
Updated at 2024-06-01 22:02:36 UTC 


I just restarted my irrigation system after the winter.  I have tried to manually run a zone.  After watering for 5-10 mins the water turns off but the Netro timer still shows watering.

I am trying to determine whether the pump has turned off because the Netro "on" signal stopped or whether the thermal overload relay on the pump circuit caused it to shut off.  

Is there a way I can check which it may be?



View: 613   Answer: 1

Multiple zones running on Netro Sprite sprinkler system

Updated at 2024-05-27 17:47:14 UTC 

I have three zones that are running at the same time with low water pressure to all three. This is a new problem. Any ideas on hat might be causing it? 

So far I've tried replacing one solenoid, that did not work. I switched the zones in the control box for one of the three zones but the same result when I activated the switched zone. 

I also tried disconnecting one of the zones, and when I triggered it it did not run. But when I triggered one of the zones I left connected, it did run with low water pressure

View: 724   Answer: 1

Zone Won't Disable

Gary Walloch
Updated at 2024-05-25 20:49:25 UTC 

I have tried to disable this zone in settings, but it will not disable.  If anyone knows a solutions please let me know.


View: 700   Answer: 1

Pixie Z1 Battery Drain

Passawit Kaovilai
Updated at 2024-05-12 03:01:25 UTC 

One of my Pixie Z1 is after months of use is having abnormal battery drain where a 100% battery to dead within 3 days. Is this something warranty would cover?

I've replaced 3 sets of AA batteries now within a week or so.

View: 772   Answer: 1

Schedule issue

Barbara Williams
Updated at 2024-05-03 17:43:01 UTC 

I have 3 zones. We have had system running for several weeks early in the morning. Yesterday I checked history & found all 3 zones had instead of a green checkmark icon, an orange wifi with red x icon (see photo below). I was able to try "run now", and only zone 1 worked. 

I ended up deleting ALL schedules & did a one time water on zones 2 & 3 & they worked. I made a new schedule for all 3 zones, and this morning i got the orange wifi icon on zone 1, & zones 2 & 3 ran just fine. 

Any ideas?   TIA!

View: 848   Answer: 1

ElctroValve don't sart

Francesco Merisio
Updated at 2024-05-02 20:19:07 UTC 

Hy, i hava a problem.

When i start a irrigation cycle, only one Valve don't open, but when i start a test cycle from App, the same valve correctly open and start for few second the irrigation.

Why in the ccycke test the same valve it's ok and in the manually start don't go?



View: 777   Answer: 1

Timer and sensor data incorrect on PC web browser

Mart B
Updated at 2024-04-21 17:25:05 UTC 


I had to replace a dead timer a while ago, it and my whisperer are working great in my iPhone Netro app.

But ... when I log into my Netro home on a PC, using MS Edge web browser, my current equipment is not there, it has all my old stuff that should no longer exist ... I checked and am definitely logging in as the same account on both iOS and PC. It is very weird.

Is there any way to get this corrected?

View: 869   Answer: 1

Zone won't start watering

Homestead One
Updated at 2024-04-11 13:58:33 UTC 


For some time one of my zones won't start watering. I have changed the valve with a new one but still won't start watering. 

Any ideas? Thank you! 

View: 945   Answer: 1

Open Circuit Master Valve

Matt Ward
Updated at 2024-04-08 23:44:05 UTC 


My system is not working. When I run a valve test, it shows all valves are normal but the master valve has an open circuit error. I have checked all the wires and there is not voltage at the wires at the valve itself. I used a volt meter at the Netro controller and there is no voltage coming out of the controller for the master valve. Any suggestions? 



View: 945   Answer: 1