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Network error

Al Piscopo
Updated at 2021-06-17 10:27:03 UTC 
I am trying to add a Manager and the system will not accept the email address I am entering. When I tried entering just a user name it populated an unknown email address. I deleted this. 

Then when I tried exiting the screen I received the Network Error 2507

View: 2070   Answer: 1

System stuck on watering

Haris Eliades
Updated at 2021-06-17 05:07:11 UTC 

The system is stuck many times on watering, without showing a line below that is being watered. And so i have to restart it from the plug...

Any ideas? Can i restart from the mobile instead of plug?

View: 2334   Answer: 2

Sprinkler heads change directions

Jen Wells
Updated at 2021-06-17 00:36:39 UTC 
Just bought a home that has Netro however each time the sprinklers turn on they are pointing in different directions then we had them originally set. We end up watering cars and the street more than the lawn. Any suggestions? 
View: 2332   Answer: 1

Why such erratic scheduling when using smart watering?

Updated at 2021-06-16 14:03:50 UTC 
Why does the Spark controller schedule watering zones so erratically?  I have 7 zones and if it decides that all 7 zones need to be watered on the same day, why wouldn’t it just water in order 1-7.  Instead it might water 1,2,4,7,3,5,6,7?.  Or it might water zone 1-2 on one day, 4,5,6,3 the next day, and then 7,7 the next day.  

Why does it want to water at least one or two zones per day for 4-5 days in a row instead 5-7 zones per day and turn on the system two days in a row?  

Seems like it would place uneccersary wear on valves and other system parts.  
View: 2445   Answer: 1

Watering adjustment settings

Lyndon Whyatt
Updated at 2021-06-15 16:55:38 UTC 
In the Netro app underwatering adjustment, what percentage setting is recommended under ‘moisture to skip watering’ and ‘moisture to add water’. I have a clay loam soil and we are having warm weather.
View: 2388   Answer: 2

Smart watering with an irrigation pump

Updated at 2021-06-15 14:16:19 UTC 
My irrigation system runs off of a pump.  If I enable smart watering, will zones automatically enabled for a certain day run sequentially such that the pump will be turned on at the beginning of the daily cycle and off at the end of the cycle?  I don't want the pump cycling on and off multiple times during the day.
View: 2187   Answer: 1


Updated at 2021-06-15 14:09:28 UTC 
Topic: General
Best I can tell from the cursory technical specs is that for the Sprite the backup for a custom (not smart) watering schedule is in the cloud and for the Spark the backup is stored on-device in nonvolatile memory.  Is this correct?
View: 2165   Answer: 1

whisperer + smartzone

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2021-06-14 20:59:45 UTC 

I irrigation zones attaches to the same sensor. 

I do not understand why the smart schedule do not schedules the same amount of time, and dates for the 2 zones.

View: 2578   Answer: 1

Manual runs not working and watering during rain

Rebekah H
Updated at 2021-06-13 19:48:23 UTC 


My Netro has been watering despite heavy rains. The home page shows the soil is 100% saturated. Also, when I try to manually run the system, none of the zones will come on. I’ve tried the reset button and I’ve tried unplugging the system but it still won’t work. 

Any ideas? 


View: 2374   Answer: 2

Whisperer Bad Readings

Billy Wood
Updated at 2021-06-13 19:42:18 UTC 

I have one Whisperer up and running just fine. Based on this I purchased a second. The second produced readings that were inconsistent when the device was placed next to the first Whisperer (read about half on moisture when compared to the first). So, I sent it back to Amazon for a replacement. The replacement arrived and it also appears problematic. The light reading is normal, but the temperature is 486 degrees F and the moisture is 1 percent. The device is stuck at these aberrant readings and they are obviously problematic. I've tried deleting the device and reinstalling several times. The result is the same.

Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.

View: 2275   Answer: 1

Connection issue

Updated at 2021-06-13 18:17:52 UTC 
My phone will not connect to the Sprite, any suggestions?  It tells me to connect to Netro….., I select that in my WiFi options, but it does not connect.  
Comcast confirmed I have the correct WiFi service/equipment. 
View: 2461   Answer: 2

Installation of sprite

Mark Killeen
Updated at 2021-06-12 21:53:35 UTC 

I have all connected and seems fine but when testing turning on each station I get a "pending" but no sction!

Each zone then said"loading"  for 5 minutes each then nothing. Please offer any help!

View: 2620   Answer: 2

Text overlap in App

Kevin Westling
Updated at 2021-06-12 14:46:02 UTC 
It's annoying that text overlap in the app. It's there a fix for this?
View: 2352   Answer: 1 sensor or not to sensor?

Kevin Westling
Updated at 2021-06-12 14:37:12 UTC 
Topic: General

I'm only using a sprinkler system to water St. Augustine grass on a .2 acres in South Florida. The entire area is flat and has the same soil make-up (loam). Direct sunlight shines mostly all day on every area other than a small 10'x40' strip on the west side of the house that is shaded part of the day. I have no trees and no plants. I have a Sprite controller and 1 whisperer sensor which is connected to the 3 zones that get the most sunlight. The learned % is at 55%

I don't see any benefit in using the whisperer. Thoughts?

View: 2335   Answer: 1

Change sensor zone?

Jeff W
Updated at 2021-06-12 14:23:07 UTC 
I have a whisperer and a pixie configured in the same zone. My pixie is defective (the unit leaks water which wound up damaging the unit and battery and no longer works, replacement is in progress), so I want to delete it in preparation for my replacement. It says I need to remove the sensor first. Is there any way to just move the sensor (a Whisperer) to a different zone, or perhaps to just simply unlink the sensor from the Pixie, or do I actually have to delete the sensor from my account and then go through the process of re-adding it back to my wifi network and all that? The app makes it seem like I have to actually delete it then re-add it. Since my replacement unit won't be here for over a week I had desired to keep the sensor monitoring the soil in case I need to manually water it.
View: 2218   Answer: 1

Whisperer won't blink white during setup

Kevin Westling
Updated at 2021-06-12 03:01:46 UTC 
Prior to installing a whisperer to my system, I set it up outside in direct sunlight for 5 days. When I try to add it to my Sprite, the light only blinks red once. I've tried multiple times to press the power button 6 times and it's still just flashing red just once. What am I doing wrong?
View: 2743   Answer: 1

Looking for Beta testers

Netro Inc
Updated at 2021-06-11 06:11:28 UTC 

Dear all Netro customers,

The long waited new version (3.0.0) of the Netro app is on the horizon. The major improvements of this version are

1. faster in loading data 

2. new manual run interface

3. new home view design

4. more languages supported

We sincerely invite you to join the Beta testing program. Please email to or leave a message below if you would like to try the new app. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !


Netro App Team

View: 23936   Comment: 60


Carolyn Seyfried
Updated at 2021-06-10 23:51:43 UTC 
What is eating my marigolds 
View: 2243   Answer: 0

Skipping watering

Sid Smith
Updated at 2021-06-10 21:05:17 UTC 

I have 9 zones which water every even day. 2 of the zones (flower beds) also have separate program for odd days. When the forecast predicts rain on an odd day and it does not materialize I run the flower bed program in late evening. The problem is that the full program the next day skips the 2 flower bed zones. Why is this?

Can we also add a rain probability % as the inch/rainfall parameter is not shown in weather forecasts. How does the program know when measuring minimum rain restriction.

View: 2366   Answer: 1

Skipping watering

Sid Smith
Updated at 2021-06-10 21:04:56 UTC 

I have 9 zones which water every even day. 2 of the zones (flower beds) also have separate program for odd days. When the forecast predicts rain on an odd day and it does not materialize I run the flower bed program in late evening. The problem is that the full program the next day skips the 2 flower bed zones. Why is this?

Can we also add a rain probability % as the inch/rainfall parameter is not shown in weather forecasts. How does the program know when measuring minimum rain restriction.

View: 2275   Answer: 0