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Netro Sprite non apre le valvole

Simone Nolletti
Actualizado 2020-06-03 09:40:36 UTC 

valvole hunter 24vac, netro non apre le valvole.

i collegamenti sono stati eseguiti come da istruzioni.

Quale può essere il problema?

Alimentatore 24v 1000ma e’ corretto?

Ver: 2710   Respuesta: 1

Watering metrics question

Actualizado 2020-06-03 16:09:22 UTC 

I am new to gardening and traditionally, I can kill a plastic plant.  I have started a small flower bed with 3 rose plants in it.  

Is there a way to read the information in the app to learn how many gallons have been given to the plants in a given period of time?

My simplistic understanding of the rose plants is they should get 3 gallons a week total.  My current moisture % in the app shows 68.  Do i need to focus on getting that and keeping it at 100%?

Thanks ahead of time for any education you offer.

Todd in Texas

Ver: 2872   Respuesta: 2

Metrosideros (Myrtaceae)

Alessandro Raffi
Actualizado 2020-06-03 21:09:16 UTC 

Can I have your help with Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) please ? I can't find It in the plants Mame in the Netro App. Sun? Water? Can you suggest me a similar one in the Netro App?

Thanks a lot,


Ver: 3604   Respuesta: 1

Notes section per zone

Simon Clark
Actualizado 2020-06-04 07:13:33 UTC 


Could we get a notes section in the zone setup so we can record extra information about the zone.  it could be wire colouring for install, notes about other setup / sprinkler install information or general notes about how that zone is performing and changes we might want to make.  


Ver: 2550   Respuesta: 1


Gary Niederpruem
Actualizado 2020-06-04 12:08:43 UTC 

When I turn on manually by pressing two times it’s fine. However the water turns off automatically after a minute or two. Is this right?  How do I get it to stay on longer so I can shut it off manually 

Also should the LED stay on all the time?

Ver: 2450   Respuesta: 1

Upgrading from 6 to 12 zones

Carlos Oliveira
Actualizado 2020-06-05 21:10:19 UTC 


I am upgrading from 6 to 12 zones controller.

Is there a way to move all the historical data and zone settings to the new device ?

Thank you

Ver: 2542   Respuesta: 1


Actualizado 2020-06-06 16:01:17 UTC 
Tema: General
La salida eléctrica es a 24v?. Podría conectarlo a la electroválvula Rain Bird?. SI quisiera controlar otros dispositivos como bombillas de 12/24 V AC, en distintas zona Puedo hacer? Puedo hacerlo de manera manual o programando por horas, sin interferir en el riesgo?
Ver: 2393   Respuesta: 1

A way to dial it down

Actualizado 2020-06-07 01:51:41 UTC 
Last summer I used Smart Zone Regular mode.  It did a great job but it watered somewhat more than I would have liked.  I checked all the other mode settings and outside of ECO which looked to cut it in half I didn't see any mode that would do what I am looking for.  For customized I didn't see a clear way to have it water say 20% less than Regular mode.  Is there a straightforward ways to do this?   Seems like a nice feature would be to be able to adjust a mode up or down in say 5% increments or so.  That way we would have all Smart Zone Advanced benefits without having to do a lot of manual customization.   thanks
Ver: 2235   Respuesta: 1

Alimentatore per Netro Sprite e’ corretto?

Simone Nolletti
Actualizado 2020-06-07 19:32:59 UTC 
Ver: 2631   Respuesta: 1

Thanks for IFTTT

Joe Ryan
Actualizado 2020-06-07 22:38:39 UTC 

I notice that the IFTTT apps are pre canned. I have 3 whisperers and would like to control 3 different zones. I got around this by choosing a to water when moisture fell below 40% and 50% for 2 different zones. I there a way to trigger 3 different zones at the same 40% moisture?

Again Thanks for your efforts.

Ver: 2496   Respuesta: 1

Multiple Zones share readings from 1 Whisperer?

Actualizado 2020-06-08 15:26:52 UTC 

I have a whisperer in one of my zones connected perfectly. I have a large back yard, so 3 of my zones are essentially the same. No difference zone-to-zone on the sunlight, slope, grass type, soil type, etc...

Can I have multiple zones use that one whisperer for data? I like the soil moisture readings from the sensor (currently sensor zone shows 33% moisture but the other two zones without the whisperer show 65% moisture).

Thank you!

Ver: 2388   Respuesta: 1

How can I adjust the flow rate of my system?

Jason Wire
Actualizado 2020-06-08 21:50:29 UTC 
How can I adjust the flow rate of my system?
Ver: 2556   Respuesta: 1

Rain Delay

Actualizado 2020-06-10 03:03:28 UTC 
Tema: General

Why or how does the rain delay option work?

Mine is set up with the minimum rain but the program still goes off no matter what. 

My B-hyve sends me a “rain delay” message. 

Ver: 2911   Respuesta: 1

How to water some zones simultaneously

Actualizado 2020-06-10 04:38:59 UTC 


I have many zones and I want some of them to work simultaneously, not consequently. Hot to setup the app?

Ver: 2535   Respuesta: 1

Deactivate or disable smart watering

Maegan Nelson
Actualizado 2020-06-10 08:59:42 UTC 
How do I disable the smart watering programming?  
Ver: 2547   Respuesta: 1


Simone Nolletti
Actualizado 2020-06-11 14:23:08 UTC 

Che unità di misura e’ “area insqm” ?

metri quadrati ?

pollici quadrati ?!


Ver: 2665   Respuesta: 1

New subscription model and Spark

Ryan Sciandri
Actualizado 2020-06-11 19:55:28 UTC 
Tema: General
Will the Spark be available through subscription?
Ver: 2621   Respuesta: 1

My sprinklers are not watering when app says it is.

Mark Poppen
Actualizado 2020-06-12 01:34:57 UTC 
This is my third summer with Netro. I haven't had any problems in the past.  I turned my water on from it being winterized in October and it is not working.  Any chance it could be Netro or do I need to get someone to look at the wiring at the hook up to the water main? 
Ver: 2722   Respuesta: 1

Define Soil Type

Rob and Susan Tartre
Actualizado 2020-06-12 02:18:54 UTC 
I see references to defining your soil type.  I have gone through the entire app multiple times and cannot find where that is defined, nor can I find it in the documentation.  There doesn’t seem to be an “owners’ manual” or “operating manual” per the support person I called (only online video help).  I cannot find where soil type is defined.
Ver: 2555   Respuesta: 1

Frequent mode

Junglim Huh
Actualizado 2020-06-12 20:20:04 UTC 
Frequent mode vs regular, which consumes more water?
Ver: 2615   Respuesta: 1