
Recharging whisperer in spring after winter shutdown

Ken Wiens
更新时间 2021-05-28 19:17:48 UTC 

I buy a new whisperer every year (on my 4th year now). I also try to charge the old ones each year. I set them in the direct sun. At night I put them under a direct indoor light source. This year they have been charging for a little over 4 weeks now. This gives them enough power to run for 7-10 seconds. As the watering season where I live is only about 4.5 months, this means that every whisperer only lasts me 4.5 months. It's a pretty expensive solution at this rate. 

Is my experience common? Has anyone gotten a whisperer to work after being stored over the winter (and I do charge then fully before turning them off for the winter)?  I assume the internal rechargeable batteries just aren't that good. Has any one had any experience changing the batteries?

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How do I do long uninterrupted watering?

Douglas Peale
更新时间 2021-05-28 02:59:54 UTC 
The Sprite is breaking the watering of my trees into a whole bunch of short bits of watering. Given the way my soil sucks down water, I'd prefer to water my trees for 4 contiguous hours of watering every two weeks, but there does not seem to be a way do specify this directly.
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Sensor usage

Ilya Lifshits
更新时间 2021-05-22 08:17:29 UTC 

Hi ,

I have a grass area that a split for 2 watering zones. How can I use 1 whisperer to serve both. 

How it possible to assign sensors to multiply zone or setup the zone to follow watering pattern of another zone. 


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John Conley
更新时间 2021-05-21 12:05:43 UTC 
How long should it take to the senors to learn?
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If I stop one of my zones from watering it keeps trying Help!!!

Mitch Green
更新时间 2021-05-20 22:11:37 UTC 
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Watarering modes

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2021-05-16 07:44:57 UTC 

Hi there

I would like to learn more about the watering modes. Specially I would like to know the difference between EPA and Deep. 

Make´s sense to use it in summer? specially in hot areas over 30ºC


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Whisperer not providing any readings

John Lillistone
更新时间 2021-05-15 09:23:08 UTC 
Whisperer installed and working for over a month. Self learning completed and just getting great control of the watering. 

This morning, battery level 89%, no firmware updates available and all readings have been at 0% for the last 10 hours. 

Any ideas anyone?
浏览: 2635   回复: 2

Rainfall from weather station

Jannis Drew
更新时间 2021-05-14 16:50:13 UTC 
I have a weather station that is connected to WU. I have linked the station on the app, but it doesn’t seem to use actual rainfall. It only uses the forecast weather. 

Is there anyway to change this so the actual rainfall is used? 
浏览: 2799   回复: 1

Smart water regulation

Albert Heinold
更新时间 2021-05-13 09:40:49 UTC 

How do I turn OFF the “All Day Smart Water Regulation”?  It is on for just 2 days a week and screws everything up.

Thanks for any help.

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Whisperer stop working

Gianluca De Virgilio
更新时间 2021-05-11 15:34:15 UTC 

After 3 weeks of working, my whisperer stop working. It didn’t connect to the Wi-Fi. It was off.

I try to switch on, without any effect. I tried to put it direct indet the Sun for more then one hour. It restart working. After one day inserire the Sun it stopper again to work. Now is raining, so I can’t do nothing.


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One of my zones isn't smart watering

Mitch Green
更新时间 2021-05-02 12:39:44 UTC 
2 of my 3 zones are automatically watering however one zone is not any thoughts why?
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To many watering with smart option

Adrian Nagy
更新时间 2021-05-02 06:10:18 UTC 

Dear Netro,

I jut set up your device (again; because it is spring here); but smart watering time look way to much. Why do I need to water my 100 Sqm grass 5 times 8min in a day?

Thank you for your help in advance , Adrián 

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Adjusting watering amount to match restrictions

Trevor M
更新时间 2021-05-01 11:37:20 UTC 
My region is currently asking that we only water once per week. I was under the impression that the smart controller made those adjustments automatically for me, but it is showing that I am scheduled to water 3x this week. Is the only way for me to change this to do it manually? 
浏览: 2872   回复: 2

How is soil moisture in app calculated?

Mitch Green
更新时间 2021-04-20 00:44:59 UTC 
The moisture indicator in the app shows my soil moisture is 38% but we had 3 inches of rain on 24 hours. How is moisture determined? We aren't using any sensors
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How to Set Schedule?

更新时间 2021-04-14 02:13:12 UTC 
I created a schedule under settings, programs and indicated a start date. When I go to “schedule” I do not see the program j created on the calendar. Please help. 
浏览: 2690   回复: 1

Instant watering

更新时间 2021-04-03 00:01:28 UTC 
Yard has been fertilized and need to water now as next scheduled is Sunday.
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Smart scheduling problem with sensor watering adjustment configuration

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2021-03-29 08:57:05 UTC 

I have checked in the smart schedule that tomorrow is programmed to run zones that should be skipped.

I have set up the whisperer to skip run if moisture is above 40%. Current moisture is:

  • Zone 2 - 92%
  • Zone 5 - 70%

浏览: 3052   回复: 2

Netro pixie Internet off

Andrea Zorgniotti
更新时间 2021-03-14 07:08:00 UTC 
Hi, I'm the owner of a Netro 6 channel at my primary home where I use the smart watering function with no program, after 4 years I found the correct configuration and I'm really happy about the complete automation. In my vacancy home I bought a Pixie few weeks ago. I'm afraid the connection could be off when I'm not there. In the last weeks I set a program with 1 day on 5 min and the next off and the smart watering to check the rain and cancel the day raining. I would like to use the Pixie in the complete automation like in my principal home. So my question is what happen if I set only smart watering and then internet go off? Is it scheduled inside the Pixie a sort of program of watering that works anyway and the plant will receive water (even if in not an optimized way)?
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Skip watering moisture for Bermuda lawn

Fran Roman
更新时间 2021-03-09 20:30:13 UTC 

Hi! I just installed my brand new whisperer, and I’m wondering which value I should configure for the skip watering functionality (80% by default). I have the perception that is too high for a Bermuda lawn.

Thank you!

浏览: 2572   回复: 1

Sensor Temperature Reporting

Nasser Ahmed
更新时间 2020-12-14 02:12:42 UTC 

One of my sensors is reporting strange temperature numbers. Any ideas on how to fix this. I tried a reboot and a reset (remove and add again).

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