
Rain vs moisture

Tungster Tran
更新时间 2018-08-06 01:15:02 UTC 


Wonder why the soil moisture doesn't change to 100% after a big rain in my area?  The soil moisture percentage is important since this might trigger the auto watering (water will kick in when the max moisture setting is greater than the actual moisture  percentage)


浏览: 4363   回复: 1

Two zones on same spot

Ken Wiens
更新时间 2018-07-31 22:06:08 UTC 

I have 4 zones. Two of these cover the same piece of ground. One zone has pgm sprayers and the other zone has regular sprayers .But they cover exactly the same area. How do I tell the app this so that it knows that running the sprinklers for one zone waters the same trees and grass as the other zone? 

To try and clarify the question - these zones cover the same physical piece of ground, (they overlap 100%) but netro doesn't know that, so it will water one zone and think the other zone is still in need of watering - and thus water the same grass twice. (each zone once so the same grass twice).  Netro's algorithm for determining soil moisture levels can't work if it doesn't realize these two zones are the same physical piece of grass. 

浏览: 4498   回复: 2

EPA Recommendations

更新时间 2018-07-14 11:30:12 UTC 

In the zone settings, the app offers different types of watering, for example, regular, deep watering, boost, etc. One is labeled EPA. 

What are the differences between the settings and watering times/amounts for: regular, boost, and EPA?

浏览: 4331   回复: 1

Same Zone Settings, Different Results

更新时间 2018-07-14 11:23:00 UTC 

Hello - I have a 9 zone system. I have set all of the zones with the exact same settings for type, grass, etc. I do not have any sensors. 

However, the app shows the zones having different moisture levels, and waters certain zones differently than others, even though the settings and system location are the exact same. 

Can you help me understand why the system would treat these identically programmed zones differently


浏览: 4327   回复: 1

Smart zone watering some zones multiple times

Jason Warren
更新时间 2018-07-10 11:29:26 UTC 

I have eight zones with smart watering enabled for all zones. I noticed this morning when looking at scheduling that a few of the zones will water multiple times in the same morning. For example, Zone one will water for 4 minutes, Zone 2, Zone 3 excetera. Then it goes back to Zone 1 for 3 minutes, and maybe zone for for 7 minutes. Is this normal?

I have inserted a screen shot.Notice the zone, "house left."

浏览: 4305   回复: 1

Two locations

Robert Garlick
更新时间 2018-06-22 13:31:35 UTC 

I have a system working in Florida and I just wanted to do the same thing in Kansas and I bought it and I have wired it but I haven't plugged it in because I don't know how I'm going to control each different location and I'm afraid something might go wrong and I won't be able to water in Florida.

So how do I control each separate location with the same phone?

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