
Dutch language improvement

Perry en Louise Mevissen
更新时间 2025-03-22 08:54:24 UTC 

Some translations in the app for the Dutch language are a bit off. The wrong translation from English to Dutch is used.

For instance to save a setting in Dutch the word “sparen” is used. “sparen” in Dutch is used for instance to save money. The proper Dutch word to save a setting is “opslaan”

Another one is how “disabled” is translated. It currently says “gehandicapt” which is the Dutch word for disabled people. When a setting is disabled the proper Dutch word is “uitgeschakeld”, literally meaning off-switched

Kind regards,


浏览: 90   回复: 1

Whisperer availability

Jean Paul Lasserre
更新时间 2025-03-16 18:50:01 UTC 

My present whisperer has difficultly to charge even on sunny days and will soon need to replace it (my experience is that battery life is at most 2 years).

Unhappily it is apparently out of stock in all European sites I tried.

Ordering it from the US is much more costly due to fixed administrative cost of custom clearance added to custom duties and VAT.

When do you think you will re supply European sites ?

Thank you

浏览: 229   评论: 1

Tiempo de riego

Doyle Farm
更新时间 2025-03-16 17:30:27 UTC 

Cómo puedo hacer que el programador riegue más de 60 minutos. Solo me permite 60 minutos por programa

Gracias Marcelo 

浏览: 245   回复: 1

Water transfer during rain

mark spencer
更新时间 2025-03-12 02:34:42 UTC 

Assumption is that rain events need to prevent / skip watering.

I have one requirement that is the opposite where if it has rained more than 5mm, i want to use my watering system to pump water for about 15 minutes from my 100,000 litre water tank to a 12,000 litre holding tank that I use for gravity fed gardens. 

Is there a way?

浏览: 263   回复: 1

Whisperer plant sensor, not showing up in app

Mike Carey
更新时间 2025-03-02 17:48:24 UTC 
I have tried to access my whisperer plants sensors, but they do not show up in the Netro app. What do I need to do to rectify this?
浏览: 396   回复: 1

Door came off the unit

Michael Riley
更新时间 2025-02-19 19:52:51 UTC 
The door came off my spark 8 unit.  This made the electronics tape disengage from the base. How do I reattach that tape back into the slot.  I tried by hand but it seems impossible without detaching the motherboard and making more problems 
浏览: 473   回复: 1

API Error 4 - even with the example Device key

更新时间 2025-01-23 17:32:49 UTC 

We are using your API example, where ABCDEFG is the device key.
Using this example, we're getting the following error returned: {"status":"ERROR","meta":{"time":"2025-01-23T10:15:30","tid":"1737627330_uXNP","version":"1.0","token_limit":2000,"token_remaining":1993,"last_active":"2025-01-23T10:15:30","token_reset":"2025-01-24T00:00:00"},"errors":[{"code":4,"message":"Invalid sensor","params":{}}]}, 

It is the same when we use the actual device keys for our Sprite and Whisperers 2.

Could you please help understanding why we're getting the error number 4 "invalid sensor"?

浏览: 750   回复: 1

Pixie - Z1

Steve Inwood
更新时间 2025-01-16 10:10:53 UTC 

My Pixie Z1 has lost connection with hub. Have reset multiple times, just comes up with hub not detecting any deices. Have replaced batteries,

reset, with no luck. Is the unit faulty? Purchased on 6/6/23. Bought a Pixie 1 so have nothing to check Hub.Have reset that several times to.

浏览: 686   回复: 1

smart solar powered netro wifi tap timers

Trevor Pfeiffer
更新时间 2024-12-26 20:05:12 UTC 

Hi do you sell the smart solar powered netro wi fi tap timers direct,i need 20 thanks 

Trevor Pfeiffer

浏览: 797   回复: 1


更新时间 2024-12-26 11:35:25 UTC 

One of the sensors started giving humidities form 80 yo 30% from one hour to another. I changed the position of the sensor and restarted various times. Now the sensor measures 0% humidity. 

Now after 4 days the sensor is dead. Tried charging and still doesn't start or show any life.

Any ideas to solve this problem?


浏览: 826   回复: 1

Sprite / Spark and Flume

Bruce P
更新时间 2024-12-12 22:28:13 UTC 

I have a Flume on my master water meter.

Is anyone familiar with any integration between Sprite/Spark and Flume?

Thinking of scenarios like:

If Flume water is already in use heavily (can be defined) then delay watering

Logic between Flume and either Metro to help with faulty valve / leak detection based on water (augmenting Spark's*)

If Flume detects water is shut off, don't run any Netro programs

* I read in Wency's reply at (https://netrohome.com/en/forum/posts/3479/show_question) that 

"The faulty valve detection relies on monitoring the voltage and current of the water valve's operational state. As for measuring the volume of water consumed, it's a consideration for future developments."


浏览: 824   回复: 1

Manual operation won’t come on

Carolyn Simmons
更新时间 2024-12-01 20:53:00 UTC 
I live in Conroe, TX and I cannot get the manual operation to come on. I’m supposed to water every 2 weeks during the winter months if I have not had rain. No rain in over 2 weeks so I need to turn it on. I do not have anything programmed right now. Any suggestions?
浏览: 897   回复: 1

Netro Pixie - Winter ❄️ Is coming

Andrea DS
更新时间 2024-11-27 21:01:38 UTC 


I have a Netro Pixie  and I was wondering if it's safe to leave it outside in the garden during the winter. The temperatures here in North of Italy can drop as low as -5°C (23°F).

Is it okay for the unit to handle these conditions, or would it be better to move it indoors to avoid any potential damage? In any case is not expected to perform any watering activity until Spring time.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

浏览: 903   回复: 1


更新时间 2024-11-10 09:36:28 UTC 


I had to change my google password and now I lost all my datas from my last installation in my Netro system.

What can I do to find it again. Must I install everything new?

Who can help me?



浏览: 1007   回复: 1


John Zuzula
更新时间 2024-10-19 23:45:24 UTC 
Why is connection lost with my cover on. But when I take it off it then reconnects? My lawn once again looks like crap because this thing glitches out.
浏览: 1125   回复: 1

Manual mode without delay

Phil Houghton
更新时间 2024-10-04 23:27:59 UTC 
How do I get a manual run without having a delay. Manual should be manual in my opinion. No added delays from his knows where. Please can anyone help?
浏览: 1140   回复: 1

How do I?

更新时间 2024-10-01 00:08:51 UTC 

Help! How do I set up my controller to a connect to my new router?

Vincent Devlahovich 


Loyal customer

浏览: 1210   回复: 1

Kickstarters for Lapland, the Smart Garden Light

Netro Inc
更新时间 2024-09-19 03:30:21 UTC 

We are so excited to introduce our new product line, Lapland, the Smart Garden Lightening System. We have spent almost a year designing and developing the first model, Lapland S1, the Wi-Fi-connected Spotlight and now it is almost ready to meet the users. 

For more information about Lapland, please visit Lapland Spot Light | Multi-color outdoor spotlight (netrohome.com), email to info@netrohome.com or simply leave a message/comment below and we will send you a promotion code for the first 100 buyers.

浏览: 17604   评论: 3

Ac adaptor

Cisco -
更新时间 2024-08-24 21:45:58 UTC 


I have bougth a Netro sprinkler w/o adaptor for an offer on Amazon IT.

Unfotunately i though a 24Dc adaptor would be OK but valves don't turn off while using program and manual irrigation too.

Point is that it is very hard to find an Ac Adapter 24V in our country.

Could you please help to find some place where to retrieve one?


浏览: 1485   回复: 1

Van Klaveren Patrick
更新时间 2024-08-15 10:04:53 UTC 

How can I share the Nero application of my watering control system with my gardener?


浏览: 1559   回复: 1