
Netro Whisperer gen2 4 zones

Luca Gennuso
更新时间 2025-03-25 22:22:40 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Hello, please take in consideration to extend the possibility to link the whisperer up to 4 zones at least. I have 4 zones enabled on my netro sprite and the smart zones enabled and linked with the whisperer only on 3 of them. How can I setup all the 4 zones to follow the same smart program? Now the 4th zone (not linked with the whisperer) can follow only a manual program or a smart zone which is different from the other 3. I would like to water the garden with all the zone at the same time.
Thank you 
浏览: 119   回复: 1

Dutch language improvement

Perry en Louise Mevissen
更新时间 2025-03-22 08:54:24 UTC 

Some translations in the app for the Dutch language are a bit off. The wrong translation from English to Dutch is used.

For instance to save a setting in Dutch the word “sparen” is used. “sparen” in Dutch is used for instance to save money. The proper Dutch word to save a setting is “opslaan”

Another one is how “disabled” is translated. It currently says “gehandicapt” which is the Dutch word for disabled people. When a setting is disabled the proper Dutch word is “uitgeschakeld”, literally meaning off-switched

Kind regards,


浏览: 146   回复: 1


Perry en Louise Mevissen
更新时间 2025-03-22 08:43:22 UTC 
话题: 通用

One of our sectors runs inside a greenhouse now. Apart from soil type and sprinkler head type, does anyone have advice how to optimise sector settings for this situation? I feel the influence of sun and normal outdoor temperature is different, and rain is completely absent in this sector. 

May I suggest to add some sector setting that it is inside a greenhouse?



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Whisperer availability

Jean Paul Lasserre
更新时间 2025-03-16 18:50:01 UTC 

My present whisperer has difficultly to charge even on sunny days and will soon need to replace it (my experience is that battery life is at most 2 years).

Unhappily it is apparently out of stock in all European sites I tried.

Ordering it from the US is much more costly due to fixed administrative cost of custom clearance added to custom duties and VAT.

When do you think you will re supply European sites ?

Thank you

浏览: 273   评论: 1

Tiempo de riego

Doyle Farm
更新时间 2025-03-16 17:30:27 UTC 

Cómo puedo hacer que el programador riegue más de 60 minutos. Solo me permite 60 minutos por programa

Gracias Marcelo 

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Water transfer during rain

mark spencer
更新时间 2025-03-12 02:34:42 UTC 

Assumption is that rain events need to prevent / skip watering.

I have one requirement that is the opposite where if it has rained more than 5mm, i want to use my watering system to pump water for about 15 minutes from my 100,000 litre water tank to a 12,000 litre holding tank that I use for gravity fed gardens. 

Is there a way?

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Whisperer plant sensor, not showing up in app

Mike Carey
更新时间 2025-03-02 17:48:24 UTC 
I have tried to access my whisperer plants sensors, but they do not show up in the Netro app. What do I need to do to rectify this?
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Door came off the unit

Michael Riley
更新时间 2025-02-19 19:52:51 UTC 
The door came off my spark 8 unit.  This made the electronics tape disengage from the base. How do I reattach that tape back into the slot.  I tried by hand but it seems impossible without detaching the motherboard and making more problems 
浏览: 510   回复: 1


更新时间 2025-01-30 20:05:17 UTC 

I was offered a discount on January 24, 2025 on purchasing a New Netro Sprite 6 after mine failed.  I cannot get anyone to respond to my email.  I would like to proceed with the purchase.


Darla Carpenter

浏览: 662   回复: 1

API Error 4 - even with the example Device key

更新时间 2025-01-23 17:32:49 UTC 

We are using your API example, where ABCDEFG is the device key.
Using this example, we're getting the following error returned: {"status":"ERROR","meta":{"time":"2025-01-23T10:15:30","tid":"1737627330_uXNP","version":"1.0","token_limit":2000,"token_remaining":1993,"last_active":"2025-01-23T10:15:30","token_reset":"2025-01-24T00:00:00"},"errors":[{"code":4,"message":"Invalid sensor","params":{}}]}, 

It is the same when we use the actual device keys for our Sprite and Whisperers 2.

Could you please help understanding why we're getting the error number 4 "invalid sensor"?

浏览: 781   回复: 1

Netro offline

Brett Gardner
更新时间 2025-01-20 00:02:43 UTC 

As previous question, netro showing offline, but green on box. Not watering.

Have reset network and reconnected. Same.


Hard reset?



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Pixie - Z1

Steve Inwood
更新时间 2025-01-16 10:10:53 UTC 

My Pixie Z1 has lost connection with hub. Have reset multiple times, just comes up with hub not detecting any deices. Have replaced batteries,

reset, with no luck. Is the unit faulty? Purchased on 6/6/23. Bought a Pixie 1 so have nothing to check Hub.Have reset that several times to.

浏览: 724   回复: 1

Why does this thing even with everything switched off start and stop?

Nigel Briggs
更新时间 2025-01-15 10:05:07 UTC 

Why ? 

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Netro Spark problem

Russ McEvoy
更新时间 2025-01-11 17:12:27 UTC 
话题: 通用

This morning my 16 zone Spark unit was showing a red LED.

The app said it was online but when I tried to manually water a zone, it just said "connecting" for the duration with nothing happening outside.

Our wifi was running as normal and the room with the controller in had a good signal.

Unplugging and plugging back in solved the problem but it doesn't leave me with much confidence of the unit if it's going to do this at a critical time of year without being noticed.

Is there a reliability issue with the latest firmware?

浏览: 779   回复: 1

Smart Sprinkler Controlle starts then stops

Nigel Briggs
更新时间 2025-01-10 23:15:31 UTC 


My controller operates but many times, rather than executing the time setting. It just cuts out? 

I do have a sensor connected but I took it out of the ground to exclude wet soil feedback 

I'm guessing there is a parameter forcing the stops? 

Could anyone give me a direction where to look? 


浏览: 734   回复: 1

Zone 1 and Zone 2 are reversed

Fat Cut
更新时间 2024-12-29 07:11:04 UTC 

The two zones on the Netro Stream Smart Indoor Watering System are in reverse. When I select Zone 1 manually on the machine or from the app, the water squirts out from Zone 2. And by selecting Zone 2, the water comes out from Zone 1. Anyone else having the same issue? Is this something I can fix as a DIY, like opening the box and swapping out the two wires? 

浏览: 966   回复: 1

Zone photo

Russ McEvoy
更新时间 2024-12-28 11:29:31 UTC 
话题: Netro App


I've just installed a Spark 16 and I'm playing with the settings. I tried out a zone photo that hasn't really worked but can't seem to find a way to delete it.

Can someone help please?

浏览: 828   回复: 1

smart solar powered netro wifi tap timers

Trevor Pfeiffer
更新时间 2024-12-26 20:05:12 UTC 

Hi do you sell the smart solar powered netro wi fi tap timers direct,i need 20 thanks 

Trevor Pfeiffer

浏览: 843   回复: 1


更新时间 2024-12-26 11:35:25 UTC 

One of the sensors started giving humidities form 80 yo 30% from one hour to another. I changed the position of the sensor and restarted various times. Now the sensor measures 0% humidity. 

Now after 4 days the sensor is dead. Tried charging and still doesn't start or show any life.

Any ideas to solve this problem?


浏览: 878   回复: 1

Random Start

Mario Hardy
更新时间 2024-12-23 12:56:07 UTC 
话题: Netro App
I don’t know what’s going on my Netro spark randomly started on its own at night. 5 or 6 times a night for 1 min up to 10 min. Yesterday it ranned for nearly 90 minutes. How can I prevent this?  
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