
Val Smith
更新时间 2022-06-30 23:51:43 UTC 

浏览: 2233   回复: 0


pe ti
更新时间 2022-06-29 14:34:04 UTC 
May I use the whisperer to check grass?
浏览: 2160   回复: 1

Weather accuracy

Rafael Lliso
更新时间 2022-06-27 17:31:02 UTC 

Hi, Would it be possible to use Netatmo network as weather provider? Each member on this network has its own weather station and you can connect to see the real time weather on each station. As an example, my brother has one which measures temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall,... It would be nice to use real time data instead of expected data.




浏览: 2526   回复: 2

Sun Rise

Jannis Drew
更新时间 2022-06-20 20:36:54 UTC 


It would be nice in further development of the Netro app if there was an option to begin watering at sunrise. With the time of sunrise automatically adjusting day by day. 

浏览: 2522   回复: 1

Irrigation cancelled over the last 2 days

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2022-06-19 07:58:52 UTC 

The system has cancelled watering over the last 2 days. I see at the scheduler window. But I do not know what is the reason. 

Where can I get the logs, or info?


浏览: 2700   回复: 1

Smart schedule, cutting times in half?

Steve A
更新时间 2022-06-17 17:37:53 UTC 
I'm confused.  This year, after two previous years of no issues... The smart schedule is showing my times cut in half.  Example:. I asked it to water for about 25 minutes, starting at 5 AM.  When I look at the schedule it's creating, it's showing, water for 15 minutes at 5 AM, then another 15 Minutes at 5:45 AM

Why is it doing this?   I want the 28 minutes, contiguous.

Thanks for any info

浏览: 2349   回复: 1

Not working

Victor Bermejo
更新时间 2022-06-17 05:45:18 UTC 

Actually something happened but the smart watering is not working properly anymore.

I already tried changing modes, types of floor, sizes of different zones, amount of sun, climate provider, I also tried using manual program, etc....but only can get a green and healthy grass spending a huge amount of water and money.

Still watering even when its raining.

The moisture level is 3% when its all wet.

Jumps schedules with error randomly.

Please come back to previous algorithm , app version or whatever. Everything was perfect till March 22.

Kind regards,

浏览: 3065   回复: 1

multiple zones starting at the same time

更新时间 2022-06-14 11:23:54 UTC 
Is it possible to start multiple zones at the same time, or group zones so that all can start simultaneously. 
浏览: 2140   回复: 1

Insufficient watering

Gianluca Vettore
更新时间 2022-06-11 18:29:36 UTC 

my spark controller schedules insufficient watering of my lawn, so much so that it is very dry. on which settings (type of soil?) can I intervene to have longer irrigation times?

Thanks for your help.

浏览: 2255   回复: 2

Rain restriction

Geron R
更新时间 2022-06-11 11:38:54 UTC 
It rained all day yesterday and will rain today. The app says it’s a thunderstorm today and to skip watering but I look outside and the system is watering the grass. How do I fix this?
浏览: 2438   回复: 1


Ron Ferrars
更新时间 2022-05-30 14:12:27 UTC 
Change the minutes on smart schedule
浏览: 3947   评论: 1

New Pixie, not getting past step 3?

更新时间 2022-05-27 02:32:57 UTC 

iPhone -

- Get app

- Crete account

- Go to connect timer

- Next

- Enter name and stuff, next

- Turn on unit, next

- Connect to Netro_* wifi, next

"Please connect to wifi network "Netro_*"......

I have disabled the IP security on the iPhone side. 

Please advise.

浏览: 2259   回复: 1

How does Netro calculate watering mm

Bayoule Bayoule
更新时间 2022-05-24 18:50:51 UTC 

I have declared drippers. How does netro calculate watering mm? Does it not dépend from drippers sizes?



浏览: 2296   回复: 2

Broken part

Jeremie Coderre
更新时间 2022-05-10 02:52:42 UTC 

Hi there!

This part broke on my Pixie when trying to loosen it. I’ve been to the hardware store, but did not find anything that would fit. Is there any way to get a replacement part?

I've tried to email Netro, but my emails get a Delivery Satus Notification (Failure) when I send them. Do someone knows if there is an other way to email them? I've tired support@netrohome.com and info@netrohome.com.

Thanks in advance!

浏览: 2272   回复: 1

Rain Strategy

Luca Cerini
更新时间 2022-05-09 09:24:20 UTC 


this morning I was looking through my netro setting and I notice that the Rain strategy field (Threshold mm) was blank.

I don't remember how I set it in the past but maybe it is an upgrade?

In your experience wich method is the best? Forecast or Expectation?

Wich threshold in mm is suggested?

I have a normal garden on a flat area with clay soil.




浏览: 2176   回复: 1

Watering out of schedule time

Luca Cerini
更新时间 2022-05-09 09:14:09 UTC 


In my garden I've all the zones set to smart watering in a time frame between 0:00 and 5:00 am.

Tonight netro started to water at 3:14 and than I manually stop a 6:33 because I had to walk on the garden.

Why it watered with such delay and didn't stop in the morning at 5:00?

I'm using netro from 3 years and never happend.

Do I have to adjust some settings?

I'm attaching a screenshot of my settings:



浏览: 2168   回复: 1

No moisture reading

更新时间 2022-05-04 17:59:14 UTC 

I have 5 Whisperer sensors and 1 of them is no longer measuring moisture.  Temp and Lux are being measured but consistently zero on moisture.  Placed next to another functioning sensor that is reading moisture and still nothing.


浏览: 2525   回复: 3

Rain stop

Javier Baruque
更新时间 2022-05-03 14:52:20 UTC 

Hello,  how to establish in app the stop of irrigation schedule when rain previsión is on?


浏览: 2185   回复: 1

Whisper Sensor

Ian Moore
更新时间 2022-04-26 02:55:10 UTC 

I've had the whisper sensor for about a year and it's worked great the entire time. I decided to add 2 more sensors for more zones and both of them are reporting absurd numbers more often than not. I have tried resetting them, moving them, nothing is working. Really not happy right now. Attached is a screenshot of a typical day's readings. 

浏览: 2443   回复: 1

Smart Watering - Water in the Morning

Netro Support
更新时间 2022-04-24 01:45:07 UTC 

Watering correctly saves time, money, and plants. The heat of summer is coming, and along with it, water restrictions in many municipalities. Summer water restrictions can force us to re-evaluate our watering practices. In many cases we may find that our watering practices are wasteful and inefficient.

Deep, infrequent watering is recommended. In most cases, an inch of water per week (rain plus irrigation) should be sufficient. Applying that inch of water in one deep watering will encourage deeper rooting, which leads to stronger, healthier plants. Watering once a week also fits well into most municipal water restrictions. Shallow, frequent watering, on the other hand, will lead to shallow root systems and high water loss through evaporation. With shallow watering, such as light frequent sprinkling, you actually end up wasting quite a bit of water and still don’t meet the needs of your plants.

The best time of day to water a garden is in the morning, since that gives the plants time to dry off before nightfall. It's cooler and winds tend to be calmer so water can soak into the soil and be absorbed by the grass roots before it can evaporate.Leaving water on plants overnight can lead to mold. Watering your garden at the right time and using the right method will keep your plants healthy.

There may be need to evaluate the device used for watering. While a lawn sprinkler may be a good method for the lawn, it may not be the best way to water a vegetable garden. Pick a watering device that matches the needs of your garden and the time you have available to water. Once a device is selected, know the correct way to use that device, in order to water efficiently.

When faced with summer watering restrictions, save yourself time and money by carefully selecting the time and watering device which best suit your garden’s needs. With Netro's smart watering, home gardeners may not fear that with restrictions in place they won't be able to properly water their gardens. Netro specializes in Evapotranspiration Reduction (ETR) and automatically make seasonal watering adjustments. Even in the hottest summer, Netro takes good care of your garden.

If you must water in the evening, try between 4 and 6 p.m. which should give the grass blades time to dry before nightfall. The later you water, the greater chance of disease becoming prevalent in your lawn. It's worth noting, though, that you don't necessarily have to water your lawn. Lawns are resilient. Established and properly cared-for lawns can survive weeks without water by going dormant (when the lawn turns brown), then recover once the rain returns.

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