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MAC address

John Conley
Updated at 2021-01-07 15:26:26 UTC 
Where is the MAC address found?
View: 1673   Answer: 1

Technical question

Enrique Campos Sanchez
Updated at 2021-01-14 20:36:25 UTC 

Hi team.

I would like to know what is the maximun wire longitude that support by zone the Netro Driver using 24 VAC power supply.


View: 1852   Answer: 1

Rainbird esp-me with master valve to Netro Sprite

Geron R
Updated at 2021-01-19 23:06:52 UTC 
Currently I have 8 zones and the Master valve is on for all 8 zones. Does the Sprite app automatically open the master valve as it goes through each zone or do I have setup something first? 

Please advise

Thank you

View: 1574   Answer: 1


Awilda Betancourt
Updated at 2021-01-24 13:09:23 UTC 
I’m having problems with the runs zone one don’t go on and the other ones go on twice a day I’m trying to reset but I don’t know how thank you
View: 1738   Answer: 1

Date Format

Brian Keenan
Updated at 2021-01-29 09:00:07 UTC 
Is it possible to change the date format?  seems to be in US format no matter what i put in the preferences. i.e i would like 21st December to be 21/12/2021
View: 1573   Answer: 1

Smart Watering Algorithm

John Kollehner
Updated at 2021-02-09 13:52:56 UTC 

How does the algorithm work?   Specifically how far into the future do it look at the weather forecast?   Is this limited to just the next day or can this be adjusted to look beyond tomorrow.    Using the smart system, my sprinklers came on this morning, even though the forecast calls for a 70% chance of 1 inch of rain in 2 days.    If I were controlling the system, I would not have watered, given the price we pay for water.

View: 1824   Answer: 1

Turning off

Rony Z
Updated at 2021-02-15 13:58:39 UTC 
Can I turn Netro off on the app ?
View: 1642   Answer: 1

Netro Sprite 2.5.3 no watering and no reset

Updated at 2021-02-18 13:04:06 UTC 


I installed my nero sprite-12 2 months ago. Today , finally, I connected my 6 valves and the C cable to the Nero. Then, I tried to watering the first one (doing play bottom) but the valve does not work. I put 24v int he valve directl and it started watering. Then, I check with a multimeter the output for the valve in the nero controller and It was 0v.

Then, I delet the controller in the app and tried to reset the Nero sprit but I doesnt do anything. I hold the rst button during 8 or more second  several times but the led stills keep lighting and no wifi radiated to connect. 

¿How Can I solve this issue?   

APP version 2.5.3

View: 1694   Answer: 2

Valve sttoped

Carlos Jimenez
Updated at 2021-02-18 21:28:28 UTC 
Topic: General
Hi, I will apreciate if someone can help me, I'm going crazy, becouse suddenly, one of the solenoid valve stopped after 10 seconds. But the app show that it is running. I changed the valve with a new one, but same 7-8 seconds after run, it stoppes. Pls help me! Thanks
View: 1588   Answer: 1

WiFi link

Updated at 2021-02-20 17:56:18 UTC 
Hi, i would appreciate if someone could help me. I need to link the netro to the router without password, however the procedure need a password in any case: how can I do? Thanks for the support 
View: 1418   Answer: 1

explicit instructions on how to add weather station weather station, namely weatherunderground personal weather station

Joe Ryan
Updated at 2021-02-24 00:01:13 UTC 
Topic: General

explicit instructions on how to add weather station weather station, namely weatherunderground personal weather station. How do you add station ID


View: 1604   Answer: 1

Zone says Loading

Updated at 2021-02-24 14:03:11 UTC 
After the numerous power outages in Dallas last week, my sprinklers attempted to run this morning.   At its scheduled time, the zone shows "loading" but - no water.   ???
View: 1445   Answer: 1

How many electro valves

Updated at 2021-02-25 21:52:58 UTC 

Hello I would like to know how many electro valves I can open at the same time?



View: 1468   Answer: 1

Ignoring Restrictions for one zone

Brodie Lewis
Updated at 2021-03-01 02:55:53 UTC 

Hey Team,

Have one zone that is connected to drippers in an undercover area with hanging baskets

Need to set a regular schedule for watering in this area, that ignores restrictions for this area, but still applies for other zones. 

Is this available in the app at the moment?

View: 1545   Answer: 1

How to add additonal members

Vijay Chidambaram
Updated at 2021-03-04 03:19:58 UTC 
Topic: General

We have installed Netro Sprite system yesterday

we like the Netro app to manage the programs.

My question is this: How do i add additional members of the house the same access to manage the programs ?, such as altering zone level scheduling etc.

View: 1691   Answer: 1

Sensor not starting

Joan Peiro
Updated at 2021-03-06 08:53:31 UTC 

Good morning

I have received two days ago my new sensor. I am not able to start the sensor to proceed with the installation.  

When I press the power button it makes a short flash in red after releasing but does not turn to white , blink or green.  

Same effect when I press quickly  three times or six times.   It only produces a short flash in red.  I can not proceed with the installation as my app does not find the Netro wifi of the sensor as it is off.    I tried to leave the sensor under solar exposure for a full day with no change in the behavior.  Still just a short red flash after pressing the power button but nothing else.

Can you guide me how to solve the problem? 

View: 1745   Answer: 2

Selling our house - transfer sprite to new owners account

Tod Johnson
Updated at 2021-03-08 13:29:28 UTC 
Topic: General
We are selling our house. How do we transfer the current sprite to the new owners without resetting all the settings?
View: 1717   Answer: 1

App non si configura con IPHONE 7 Plus iOS 14.4

Antonino Marretta
Updated at 2021-03-08 08:10:40 UTC 

Salve a tutti, come da titolo la app durante la configurazione con smartphone in questo caso un IPHONE 7 PLUS con iOS 14.4 non riesce a completare l’accoppiamento con Netro , ho riprovato con smartphone Android con successo.

Ho fatto presente l’anomalia anche all’azienda costruttrice, la quale ci sta lavorando.

Chiedo a qualcuno di voi se ha avuto lo stesso problema.

View: 1384   Answer: 1

Skip watering moisture for Bermuda lawn

Fran Roman
Updated at 2021-03-09 20:30:13 UTC 

Hi! I just installed my brand new whisperer, and I’m wondering which value I should configure for the skip watering functionality (80% by default). I have the perception that is too high for a Bermuda lawn.

Thank you!

View: 1513   Answer: 1

Foreca as weather provider

Fran Roman
Updated at 2021-03-09 21:21:35 UTC 

Please add Foreca as weather provider! In Europe is much better than the available options on the app. Metro group is also a good option for your European customers like me.

Thank you

View: 1620   Answer: 1