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Netro Customer

Reside en: Birkenhead, South Australia, AU
Usar: SPARK-16


Alexa Skill and Integration with App

Louise Brinkman
Actualizado 2023-08-12 23:01:10 UTC
Tema: Netro App
This skill needs an urgent update.  There is no way to have Alexa water unless it is all zones or 1 zone at a time.  Have written 3 different watering programs for my 16 zones as not all zones require watering on same day or times etc...however, unlike the Orbit BHyve for example, you cannot have Alexa water Program A for no manual watering of any program via Alexa unless all 16 zones or 1 at a time!  Asking Alexa to water means ALL zones which is not desirable for so many customers.  And my regular 6 zones that require watering at different times is painful by one zone at a time via Alexa.  Smart Watering has proved unreliable with my soil and plant type so not to be trusted and now unused by me. Why on earth can it not be updated to allow for a program to run via Alexa like all the other wifi controllers that are Alexa enabled?  Purchased this only for Alexa capabilities so horribly disappointed.  And why on earth can one not save a manual program WITHOUT a start time?  If it needs a start time it is not manual!  I know there is the Backup program for loosing wifi.  But at this stage it is hard to understand why something so basic in an Alexa Skill like running a program (for specific zones only) has not already been implemented.  Have emailed customer support regarding this several days ago and as yet no response.  Please advise of a way around this.  Help would be appreciated, kind regards

Option to Manually Run a designated Program with Alexa control

Louise Brinkman
Actualizado 2023-08-10 05:52:23 UTC
Tema: Hogar conectado
Have just installed the NetroHome Spark 16 station unit. All working, connected to wifi and Alexa.  Have written a Program called "A" to water zones 2-8 for 6 minutes, however, I do not want it to water according to a set time on any given day but when I choose to manually run the program  via voice through Alexa.  I've disabled smart watering on all my zones.  I've saved the program but Alexa does not support "open NetroHome and run program A" would I manually word it to Alexa to water zones 2 to 8 manually?  Or, how to save a "manual" program that I can run at whim via the app but preferably through Alexa when I choose to run it (without start times etc)...the app clearly allows a manual run but I don't want to run all 16 zones for certain minutes...just zones 2-8 for the same amount of time when I choose without commanding Alexa for individual zones or configuring through the app every single time....I bought the unit for voice control with Alexa, I don't want to fiddle with phone app each time. Please advise how to save a manual program without a regular start time that I can easily use with Alexa (I can write a custom command Alexa routine to run it).  Thank you in advance and looking forward to figuring this out.