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Lyndon Whyatt


Whisperer sensor flashing blue

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-12-22 19:53:57 UTC
Tema: Solución de problemas
I reset my Whisperer sensor by following the reset instructions and on restart it flashed white. I added the sensor via the app but it didn’t produce a WiFi signal and I couldn’t connect to it in Settings on my iPhone. After a while it flashes dark blue. 

What is happening and how can I fix it?

Netro sensor stopped working

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-10-02 21:03:34 UTC
Tema: Hogar conectado
Hi, my Netro Smart Plant sensor has stopped working. I’ve tried a hard reset for 8 seconds but no LEDs come on.

Watering adjustment settings

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-06-15 16:55:38 UTC
Tema: Netro App
In the Netro app underwatering adjustment, what percentage setting is recommended under ‘moisture to skip watering’ and ‘moisture to add water’. I have a clay loam soil and we are having warm weather.

Choice of irrigation hardware

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-06-09 21:01:28 UTC
Tema: Instalación

Hi I have ordered a Netro spark controller and three sensors. My next step is choosing 12VAC solenoids, a drip irrigation system for beds and pots and a misting system for my propagation bench.

I am new to this and would appreciate a pointer to recommended setups and suppliers.

Do I locate valves near to the Spark and run underground hoses to my beds or am I better off running cables to valves next to the beds? What are the pros and cons? 

Whisperer in the UK

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-06-07 10:59:12 UTC
Tema: General
Hi, can you update me on availabilty of the whisperer in the UK? I'd like to install a system before going on holiday!