Javier NM
Actualizado 2024-05-12 06:32:07 UTC
Tema: Riego inteligente
Is there an article explaining the different watering modes of smart watering, more that the one line info on the menu? I am looking at information like levels of humidity pursued, depth of watering, or circumstances under which each mode is recommended.  Thank you
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Wency Pan
Actualizado 2024-05-13 07:24:35 UTC

Dear customer,

Currently, we don't have a detailed article explaining the different watering modes of smart watering. However, the information provided below may be helpful, although it's not yet comprehensive.

Please find the below description of each mode: 
EPA mode: very deep watering, is recommended by EPA. However, some customers think it doesn't provide enough water 
Regular mode: the default one, which should work for most of customers 
Deep mode: water infrequent to help plants grow deeper roots 
Frequent: water more frequently, for plants with short roots, e.g flowers 
ECO: saving more water than regular mode. 
Boost: if you need more water.

 I will pass along your feedback to the relevant department. Thank you for your suggestion!



Netro Support