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How to tell common wire

Shai Amiel
Actualizado 2021-04-30 15:27:16 UTC 

I had dc solonoids so Im redoing the whole system. 
I boyght bermad 24vac solonoids, they have 2 wires but both are red - how do I tell which one is connected to the common spark plug.

Ver: 1920   Respuesta: 1

Whisper controlled zone down to 11%

Simon Clark
Actualizado 2021-04-28 20:59:55 UTC 
I have a whisper connected to a zone that I have defined as new plant as it’s young vegetable plants. It says it will run every day for 9 minutes. 
However it’s not come on for the last week and when I checked today the moisture was down to 11%! 
Why hasn’t the zone been running? 
I can’t rely on your product if it doesn’t do the basics that keeps my plants alive. 
Ver: 2001   Respuesta: 1

Cycle And Soak?

Actualizado 2021-04-27 02:42:48 UTC 
Tema: General
Is their a cycle and soak setting that can be chosen on the spark controller?  Several smart controllers on the market offer the setting.   
Ver: 2019   Respuesta: 1

I live in the US but want my temperature in celsius

Actualizado 2021-04-27 00:19:53 UTC 
Hi I’m and Aussie living in the US and although I am happy to use pounds and feet etc Fahrenheit is just a ridiculous pile of crap that is used nowhere else in the world. 
How can I get the temperature display in my Netro app to show in Celsius?
Ver: 1822   Respuesta: 1

Run Off Adjustment?

Carey Family
Actualizado 2021-04-26 03:28:07 UTC 

Hi Netro, I have fruit trees in clays soils and I have the whisper sensor helping me monitor the water. I have two issues right now. One is the sensor does not seem to detach much change in the moisture content in the soil, even immediately after an hour of watering. The other issue is I am getting run off during each watering cycle but I cant figure out how to spread out the watering or reduce them without going to a manual setting. Can you help me? Thank you!

Ver: 2060   Respuesta: 1

Netro app discover tab

Zee D
Actualizado 2021-04-25 20:52:09 UTC 


I’m a new user to the Netro App. 

Can anyone please tell me what the discover tab is for?

What does the “irrigation” section mean? I thought it tells me how much water has flowed through my smart hose. But the number doesn’t seem to match. It’s way higher than what the actual number should be.

Ver: 1750   Respuesta: 1

Can not connect to wifi

Andrei Stancovici
Actualizado 2021-04-25 18:30:25 UTC 
Hello. I have restarted my netro 16 after winter. First it connected ok and after a power lose i stopped connecting to wifi. I have tried everything. The light is solid as if is connected. Plese help. Thank you
Ver: 1755   Respuesta: 1

Open tel zones atbthe same time

ivan hernandez
Actualizado 2021-04-25 11:58:25 UTC 

I have to activate two zones at the same time but i dont know how to do It.


Ver: 1823   Respuesta: 1

Sprite -6 can;t get past netro IRC =wifie

Actualizado 2021-04-23 23:08:09 UTC 

Cand get past the connecet to Netro IRC HOME network thing

Set up wifi

Neti URC - 87B (ok saved)

Click on my home network  is saved 

home netwok connected. 

exit out open the app.  back to add a product

then back to the connectint to your Netro .....

hit begin and start the cyle all over

I purchased this last summer. New router  does it have a warranty ?

Ver: 1882   Respuesta: 1

Trigger a single zone based on zwave switch

Moe E
Actualizado 2021-04-22 14:54:46 UTC 


My pools water fill line is connected as a zone on my sprinkler system. I would like to trigger turning on and off a zone based on a zwave switch status. Can this be done, or should I return my netro for a different system? It looks like netro does not have api access, and IFTTT is extremely limited. Thanks

Ver: 1935   Respuesta: 1


Actualizado 2021-04-22 12:34:57 UTC 
I only have 2 zones.  1st zone is programmed for only 2 days per week while the 2nd zone is programmed everyday and at a different time then the first zone.  However on the 2 days the first zone comes on, the second zone does not despite be programmed to.  As mentioned the on times are completely different.  
Ver: 1765   Respuesta: 1

Weather data

Vardhan Rajkumar
Actualizado 2021-04-21 18:03:34 UTC 

Just renabled netro after winter.  I see that the app thinks it has rained over the last few days, but there hasn't been any rain.i have darksky as the provider.  Is darksky still working?



Ver: 1968   Respuesta: 1

Netro has power, but suppendly stoped working.

Actualizado 2021-04-20 21:49:32 UTC 
It is offline and has no lights.  It it inside the garage and has had no environmental changes. 
Ver: 1817   Respuesta: 1

How is soil moisture in app calculated?

Mitch Green
Actualizado 2021-04-20 00:44:59 UTC 
The moisture indicator in the app shows my soil moisture is 38% but we had 3 inches of rain on 24 hours. How is moisture determined? We aren't using any sensors
Ver: 2148   Respuesta: 1


Michael Sheahan
Actualizado 2021-04-19 21:19:54 UTC 
Purchased in Nov of 2020 and stored until recently in basement.  When I went to put it for the season the battery was dead.  I understand it needs to be charged which I did for two days.  When I turn it on, I get solid white, then green and then red.  I also noticed it’s missing from my sensor list in the app. Like it has been deleted.   If I click edit button. Nothing happens.  Can you please help?  Thank you. 
Ver: 1859   Respuesta: 1

Email address

Troy pascoe st
Actualizado 2021-04-19 11:01:30 UTC 

I'm trying to change the email address connected with the app.  

When i change the email address and submit on the app it doesn't change.

Can someone let me know how its done.


Ver: 1846   Respuesta: 1

Actualizado 2021-04-19 10:06:30 UTC 
On the Home Page, how do I change the minutes on the manual water time. Mine seems to be preset at 5 minutes but I’d like to move it to 10 minutes. 
Ver: 1886   Respuesta: 1

Whisperer sensor soil type

Aki Lan
Actualizado 2021-04-17 13:47:25 UTC 
Tema: General


Is whisperer sensor able to know your soil type due to drain capacity?


Ver: 1844   Respuesta: 1

Multiple Pixies?

J Forrest
Actualizado 2021-04-17 03:33:18 UTC 

Can multiple pixies be controlled through the app as different zones?  Can they run sequentially - i.e. manually run all zones for 15 minutes one after the other?  Is a controller required for any of that?


Ver: 1823   Respuesta: 1

How to delete a device

Actualizado 2021-04-16 12:33:31 UTC 

I wanted to add a whisper sensor to my existing system.  I accidentally added it as a new device.  I did eventually add the new whisper sensor to my original device.  The issue is I now have two devices in the app.  The first is a device named Ros Reg that has my two whisper sensors attached and a second device named Sensor de planta with nothing attached to it. I want to delete the device  named Sensor de planta.  I cannot find a way to delete it.

T'he third device is named Ros Gotero

Ver: 1901   Respuesta: 1