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New plant/seeding setting

Cody Cant
Actualizado 2020-04-30 04:57:11 UTC 
Tema: General
Is there or could there be a feature to turn on a watering schedule that accommodates for new plants or seedlings that require a bit more water at first and then can be put into a normal schedule?
Ver: 2452   Respuesta: 1

Incorrect weather conditions

Andrea Merito
Actualizado 2020-04-09 20:33:11 UTC 
Tema: General

as the state / province is changed because Madrid is specified instead of Catania, consequently the weather is incorrect.

Ver: 2570   Respuesta: 1

Irrigation time of 0 minutes. then?

Luca Manfrin
Actualizado 2020-04-07 09:37:54 UTC 
Tema: General

What's the point option to set the irrigation time at 0 minutes in manual execution? 

It would be more useful a 30 seconds run for testing the valves.

Ver: 2568   Respuesta: 1

Master Valve

Simone Nolletti
Actualizado 2020-02-07 09:53:47 UTC 
Tema: General
Hello, is it possible to implement Netro with the master valve function? I have both well water and drinking water I would like to be able to choose which water to irrigate.
Ver: 2686   Respuesta: 1

all zone at the same time

Sebastian Diaz
Actualizado 2020-01-17 15:58:03 UTC 
Tema: General
hello, i have a netro Sprite and work on 3 zone, has con figúrate one at time, its posible configure to work with all zone at same times? 
Ver: 2701   Respuesta: 1

Whisperer does not save through weeks and months

Christophe Benoit
Actualizado 2020-01-16 07:05:52 UTC 
Tema: General


I have got a whisperer sensor since 6 months. It gives me each day the expected figures (temp, humidity, ...) but I have got no figures in the week and month view. It looks like the figures are not kept along days, weeks and month. 

Please advice,


Ver: 2694   Respuesta: 1

Product request: leak detector

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2019-12-03 05:45:42 UTC 
Tema: General
I would love to see a leak detector we could install onto the water lines that could communicate the amount of water used and detect leaks. Like the one Rachio offers.
Ver: 2667   Respuesta: 1

Whisperer settings

Manuel Roca
Actualizado 2019-11-30 23:47:29 UTC 
Tema: General
I’m wondering how many whisperer units I need to have if I my garden has 8 zones. Do I have to get 1 per zone? 

Ver: 2812   Respuesta: 1

Black Friday

John Mayer
Actualizado 2019-11-22 10:40:22 UTC 
Tema: General
Hello Netro, will you have a black Friday offer? 
Ver: 4706   Respuesta: 1

Cold winter season and whisperer ?

Yves Desrosiers
Actualizado 2019-09-26 11:12:56 UTC 
Tema: General


We have to take back inside our home the whisperer when the cold season is back I guess ? At what  exterior tempeture we should do this ?

Ver: 3713   Respuesta: 3

Whisperer seems wrong

Tim Foster
Actualizado 2019-09-22 15:02:12 UTC 
Tema: General

I only got my system delivered yesterday, so this could be something that I doing wrong, I have one whisperer in the back garden and one in the front. I live in Merida Yucatan and so it's hot all the time. The whisperer in the back is in direct sunlight most of the day yet it's reporting the temperature as 24. The one in the front is shaded by the house yet that is reporting 33. Both seem to be reporting incorrect moisture levels in both the topsoil and subsoil. Yucatán drains through stone to underground water sources so I would expect both topsoil and subsoil to be showing very arid.

Can anyone advise?

Ver: 2763   Respuesta: 1

Internet connection problems

Actualizado 2019-08-20 14:07:11 UTC 
Tema: General
I have had a lot of trouble with losing netro's connection with internet. My old router failed so I replaced it with an expensive mesh wifi system which provides wonderful service to everything I have tried to connect except my Netro! I have now discovered that it will not work with anything but 2.4 GHz wifi. The new wifi does not provide 2.4 connection. Is there a workaround for this? Or do I have to throw out my new state-of-the-art $400 5 GHz wifi to get my somewhat obsolete $100 Netro to work?
Ver: 3114   Respuesta: 2

Rainfall correction

Actualizado 2019-08-17 03:15:16 UTC 
Tema: General
Feature request: On the discover screen, please allow rainfall correction further back than yesterday and allow setting the correct rainfall amount to zero. (Lowest it goes currently is 0.1). 
Ver: 2656   Respuesta: 1

Whisperers firmware update

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Actualizado 2019-08-15 16:25:53 UTC 
Tema: General
When is it going to be released?
Ver: 2583   Respuesta: 0

Removing plant sensor

Actualizado 2019-08-14 20:41:19 UTC 
Tema: General

Hello, how can i remove the plant sensor which i added for error?

Ver: 2730   Respuesta: 1

Problems with the internet

Morrie Wayne
Actualizado 2019-07-15 16:50:35 UTC 
Tema: General
We have a hot spot for our internet connection from Verizon. The hot spot keeps going off line and we don’t know what to do to correct it. Our Netro unit is in Florida and we are in Ohio. We don’t have any one close in Florida to help us with our problem. Might there be a inexpensive internet we might be able to acquire, or do you have another solution? We appreciate any suggestions you might have. We are happy with our Netro unit. Morrie Wayne. Address in Florida is. 1673 Abasco Ct. The Villages, Florida 32162. Address In Ohio is 18379 Squirrel Run Dr, Cleveland, Ohio 44130. My cell # is 440-856-9242. Thanks for any solution to our problems.
Ver: 3042   Respuesta: 2

Whisper shipping

Matty B
Actualizado 2019-06-30 13:31:58 UTC 
Tema: General


I ordered a sensor and have yet to receive it. It has been well past 4 weeks. 

Number is: 180404 ― May 17, 2019

What is the status of the order?

Thank you. 

Ver: 3044   Respuesta: 2

PIR sensor

Vito Favaretto
Actualizado 2019-06-26 20:06:49 UTC 
Tema: General

I always find cats dejections on my garden but I  cats are not mines. I had an idea to avoid these cats' gift, installing a PIR sensor connected to netro controller by wifi that transmit a signal to water garden at cats presence. Cats don't love water so they leave my garden very quickly.

Do you think you can build a sensor like this?

I.could be a beta tester ;)

Ver: 2849   Respuesta: 1

watering usage doesn't match

Sangjin Lee
Actualizado 2019-06-21 22:49:22 UTC 
Tema: General

Here is something I cannot reconcile. I am dealing with a pretty big water usage reported by the utility. It says in the month of May I used 530 GPD (gallons per day). I seem to be watering every 3 days (set by Netro).

Compared to winter months when I rarely watered the lawn due to the rainy season, it is a jump of ~ 270 GPD.

When I check the Netro app, it reports I used ~ 3.5 CCF for the month of May. 1 CCF = 748 gallons, and that translates to roughly 87 gallons per day. This is less than 1/3 of what the utility is telling me. How can this discrepancy be explained? Any ideas/tips for finding why I seem to be using this much water? Thanks in advance!

Ver: 2916   Respuesta: 1

Change start time for a single day only

R Kelley
Actualizado 2019-06-06 01:06:07 UTC 
Tema: General
How to change start time only for a single day?
Ver: 2930   Respuesta: 1