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Reset, but still not connecting

lorenzo s
Updated at 2024-12-19 23:36:08 UTC 

Please help. I'll provide a reward for getting my N-12 to work.


View: 659   Answer: 1

Sprite went offline
Updated at 2024-12-18 02:30:29 UTC 
System went offline at 2 in the morning and I can’t get any response. Checked the outlet and it’s working. Tried to reset. Unplugged and plugged back in. Help!
View: 459   Answer: 1

Changing ownership

Andrew Hopkins
Updated at 2024-12-16 01:39:48 UTC 

Hi, I am just about to sell our house and with it the Netro Retic system. How do I change the owner email? I’ve tried it in the app but it keeps failing 🙁 



View: 602   Answer: 1

Changing ownership

Andrew Hopkins
Updated at 2024-12-16 01:38:57 UTC 

Hi, I am just about to sell our house and with it the Netro Retic system. How do I change the owner email? I’ve tried it in the app but it keeps failing 🙁 



View: 423   Answer: 1

Sprite / Spark and Flume

Bruce P
Updated at 2024-12-12 22:28:13 UTC 

I have a Flume on my master water meter.

Is anyone familiar with any integration between Sprite/Spark and Flume?

Thinking of scenarios like:

If Flume water is already in use heavily (can be defined) then delay watering

Logic between Flume and either Metro to help with faulty valve / leak detection based on water (augmenting Spark's*)

If Flume detects water is shut off, don't run any Netro programs

* I read in Wency's reply at ( that 

"The faulty valve detection relies on monitoring the voltage and current of the water valve's operational state. As for measuring the volume of water consumed, it's a consideration for future developments."


View: 441   Answer: 1

Manual operation won’t come on

Carolyn Simmons
Updated at 2024-12-01 20:53:00 UTC 
I live in Conroe, TX and I cannot get the manual operation to come on. I’m supposed to water every 2 weeks during the winter months if I have not had rain. No rain in over 2 weeks so I need to turn it on. I do not have anything programmed right now. Any suggestions?
View: 515   Answer: 1

Netro Pixie - Winter ❄️ Is coming

Andrea DS
Updated at 2024-11-27 21:01:38 UTC 


I have a Netro Pixie  and I was wondering if it's safe to leave it outside in the garden during the winter. The temperatures here in North of Italy can drop as low as -5°C (23°F).

Is it okay for the unit to handle these conditions, or would it be better to move it indoors to avoid any potential damage? In any case is not expected to perform any watering activity until Spring time.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

View: 522   Answer: 1

Solenoid does not switch off

Nath Moyes
Updated at 2024-11-15 00:49:20 UTC 


My system has 5 solenoids.  All worked fine until recently.  One will turn on and off manually.  

However in smart timer it turns in but not off.  

How can I confirm if a app set up issue or a hardware issue with solenoid itself.  


View: 643   Answer: 1

Netro Spark valve testing

Peter Strohmayer
Updated at 2024-11-14 13:49:20 UTC 
How does the Spark test the valves?

I want to connect a 24V input sensor on the spark outlet channels to switch 2 knx connect valves in different location. Cabling to those valves is to long for 24V. 
The valve testing always says that there is not current and switch it off --> Do i need a resistor on the outlet to simulate a valve? If yes, which value should the resistor have?



View: 603   Answer: 1


Updated at 2024-11-10 09:36:28 UTC 


I had to change my google password and now I lost all my datas from my last installation in my Netro system.

What can I do to find it again. Must I install everything new?

Who can help me?



View: 637   Answer: 1

Zone won't shut off.

Updated at 2024-11-10 05:55:43 UTC 


I have 4 zones and a master valve. When I run any of the zones, they won't shut off when the timer runs out. If I switch the AC power off, then the valve will shut. I have checked the valve and it has no issue with opening and closing except when the sprite is running it. I tested cables for continuity, and I have tried swapping cables with no change. My ac power pack is AC 24v.

This issue affects each of the valves but only when controlled via the sprite. The valves are fully operational otherwise.

Hoping for a fix, otherwise will return to Amazon under warranty and get another brand.

View: 620   Answer: 1

Zine will not run

TJ Woods
Updated at 2024-10-27 14:40:45 UTC 
I changed the sprinkler head on zone 5 after installing the new controller. All zones work but 5. I can run it manually. It won’t work on smart watering.
View: 871   Answer: 1

Tie the irrigation of two lines on the same garden

Updated at 2024-09-04 07:59:17 UTC 
Topic: General
I have two irrigation lines on the same garden, is there any setting that would allow these two areas to be “tied together” such that they irrigate on the same day (session)? (Obviously first one line and then the other).
View: 1061   Answer: 1


Kathleen Hamilton
Updated at 2024-09-11 19:43:50 UTC 
I have six sensors but use only 3 which are 1, 3 and 4; however, I am having problems with sensors 4.
View: 1087   Answer: 1

Smart watering not working

Carolyn Seyfried
Updated at 2024-09-10 16:17:51 UTC 
My sensor shows the moisture way above where I have my watering adjustment set to not water, but it is still watering. What am I doing wrong?
View: 1047   Answer: 1

Broken whisperer sensor

Jesús López
Updated at 2024-09-09 16:19:33 UTC 

Hi everyone!

My Whisperer Smart Plant Sensor has broken. I would like to know if it is possible to fix it by buying a replacement part or if there is a DIY solution to reuse the device.

Thank you.

View: 1105   Answer: 1

Netro Whisperer humidity error

Pierluigi Cilli
Updated at 2024-09-08 07:29:59 UTC 


why after irrigation the humidity is lower than before?

This problem only with 2nd gen sensor...


View: 1073   Answer: 1

Discrepancia APP y WEB

JM del Amo
Updated at 2024-09-07 13:06:53 UTC 
Desde hace unos días la APP no está funcionando. Según la APP el WiFi está OFFLINE, pero según la página web está ONLINE. Según ambos está WATERING pero la realidad es que no está regando y no responde a órdenes. No dispongo en este momento de acceso físico al dispositivo. ¿Podrían indicarme si el problema es un problema local o de la APP/Web?
View: 1067   Answer: 1

Ac adaptor

Cisco -
Updated at 2024-08-24 21:45:58 UTC 


I have bougth a Netro sprinkler w/o adaptor for an offer on Amazon IT.

Unfotunately i though a 24Dc adaptor would be OK but valves don't turn off while using program and manual irrigation too.

Point is that it is very hard to find an Ac Adapter 24V in our country.

Could you please help to find some place where to retrieve one?


View: 1139   Answer: 1

1 valve works, two don't

Phil Rubin
Updated at 2024-08-17 21:52:30 UTC 
For some time the system worked perfect. Now I  have two sections that don't work. It turns out that the signal to activate the valve is too short. When I  put a meter on it and then activate the valve the meter jumps to 28v for about one second then drops to zero before the valve can move. Conversely the one that works stays at 28v for much longer. I have rebooted and reset the system.  Any ideas?
View: 1194   Answer: 1