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How do you stop the watering

Rick Jones
Updated at 2019-07-13 16:02:14 UTC 

Is there a way to stop the watering in the middle of a cycle?

View: 2904   Answer: 1

Spanish language for control

Updated at 2019-07-09 09:24:52 UTC 

Do you have any plan in order to include "spanish language" for controling netro watering with "alexa" and/or "google home"?

Thanks for the nifo and best Regards.


View: 3171   Answer: 1

Home Assistant

Updated at 2019-07-06 09:33:48 UTC 

Good morning, it would be interesting to have the ability to connect via home assistant

Also there is news for google home in Italian? 

Thank you 

View: 3217   Answer: 1

Smart watering

John Jessee
Updated at 2019-07-03 22:25:57 UTC 
How do you turn off smart watering and just have it run a normal program.  It’s a 100 degrees and it isn’t getting nearly enough 
View: 2950   Answer: 1

Auto connect to Internet after outage

Nipun Devlekar
Updated at 2019-07-01 01:01:18 UTC 
Will this controller autoconnect to internet after an outage just like my Nest does ?
View: 2861   Answer: 1

Watering Times

Updated at 2019-06-26 22:02:52 UTC 
All of our watering done with drip systems and I wondered if there is a way to water longer than 60 minutes for a zone?
View: 3103   Answer: 1

Support for IFTT

Shahid Warraich
Updated at 2019-06-25 17:25:17 UTC 

Anyone kows if IFTT is supported, if yes then any help with how to will be appreciated.

Thank you.

View: 3070   Answer: 1

Google Home Commands not Working

Updated at 2019-06-23 13:34:06 UTC 
For some reason, when I give Google the command to "talk to netro sprite to water zone for 5 minutes" or "ask netro sprite to water zone for 5 minutes" Netro comes back and says "I have stopped watering.  What else can I do for you?"  It won't do anything else but turn off the zones.  Why is this?
View: 3438   Answer: 1

GPS position

alesee COA
Updated at 2019-06-21 08:24:13 UTC 


I've just installed the irrigation controller  , but I have not GPS signal at my home . Now I have default position ( AL , USA) and I want to change into Italy. how can I do it ?  Thanks in advance for your help !

View: 3014   Answer: 1

Plant sensor readings

Dan Orms
Updated at 2019-06-18 03:16:48 UTC 
I have two plant sensors and they are registering subsoil readings but nothing for sunlight, temperature or moisture. Any thoughts?
View: 3144   Answer: 1


Updated at 2019-06-16 01:05:25 UTC 
Please please add notifications. Would be very nice to receive a notification when the system begins watering. Thank you
View: 3112   Answer: 1

Google Home

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2019-06-10 13:34:00 UTC 

I have a google home device but I am not able to find the Netro App, and the commands

View: 3655   Answer: 1

Kickstarters for Pixie, the Smart Hose Faucet Timer

Netro Inc
Updated at 2019-06-05 01:59:12 UTC 

To the Netro community:

We are very excited to introduce our new product, Pixie, the WiFi-connected Hose Faucet Timer. We have spent almost a year designing and developing the smart timer and now it is ready to meet the users.  

We believe Pixie is a great choice if you have water systems running through hose faucet. It is as smart as Sprite and can pair with Whisperer. It is solar powered and has a removable battery for quick charge. If you like the features in the Netro app, it has all the access to them.

For more information about Pixie, please email to or simply leave a message/comment below and we will send you a promotion code for the first 50 buyers.


Netro Inc

View: 371511   Comment: 24

Amazon and Google connection in Gernany

Piti Germany
Updated at 2019-06-03 22:49:27 UTC 


I bought Netro Sprite because of the possibility to connect itto with Amazon and/or Google Home.

So, in Germany the Alexa skill is not in the Amazon store.... 

And Google Assistent can't find Netro Sprite.

In the list of home automation devices Netro ist also not included. 

The description to connect Google and Netro can't help me.

Ist it possible that you list the Amazon skill in Germany too?

And can you tell me, step by step, how I could connect Netro Sprite with my Google home?

Many thanks in advance


View: 3395   Answer: 1

Wont recognize network which has an apostrophe in the name?

Douglas Ely
Updated at 2019-06-03 15:27:39 UTC 
My customer has a network name that contains an apostrophe. Larry Arch's Wifi. He uses an AirPort Extreme router and two AirPort Extreme range extenders. They have many household devices connected to this network and all of their service contractors use it too. Is there a workaround? They will not be able to use Netro products if there isn't.  
View: 3344   Answer: 1

Netro offline and not watering

Updated at 2019-05-28 22:23:43 UTC 

netro shows offline.  The app says zones are watering but no watering is occurring.   Plants are dying.

Retro device has a white light.

How do I fix this?

View: 2853   Answer: 0


José Miguel Salcedo
Updated at 2019-05-28 20:03:07 UTC 
Why  can't I water two zones at the same time
View: 3116   Answer: 1

Netro off line

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-05-25 02:59:21 UTC 
I have been away for about 3 days now, and there has been a power failure at home. Netro has been offline since then for couple of days now. I know my wifi connection is good because my nest is working fine. What is up with this connection not being able to reconnect after accidental signal drop. 
View: 3330   Answer: 1

I have a ton of errors again for the last two weeks!

Joshua Berk
Updated at 2019-05-23 18:39:21 UTC 

I just went to check on my sprinkler system since all of my grass has been dying and realized I've had errors on every watering attempt for the last 2 weeks!! I'm worried that a) it's not working and b) when it does start working it's going to flood my lawn again like it did last time because it tries to overwater for all the times it missed!

why aren't there any app notifications when this thing happens I shouldn't have to monitor the system manually to find out that it has not been watering for so long!

View: 3236   Answer: 1

Manual mode fail to shut off

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-05-16 02:05:13 UTC 

Today, I went around the house to start the season, checking springklers, and one zone wouldn't stop in manual mode. I tried to be closer to home to get better Wifi signal. It still would not stop even if I turn on/off other zone. Shouldn't  manual stop override any previous malfunctions? I had to shut the main sprinkler valve for now because there was no way to stop the water for one particular zone.

Any fix for this? I am planning on a leave and that was the whole reason I got Netro, but this worries me if water won't shut off while I am away.

View: 3215   Answer: 1