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Updated at 2024-11-10 09:36:28 UTC 


I had to change my google password and now I lost all my datas from my last installation in my Netro system.

What can I do to find it again. Must I install everything new?

Who can help me?



View: 72   Answer: 1

Zone won't shut off.

Updated at 2024-11-10 05:55:43 UTC 


I have 4 zones and a master valve. When I run any of the zones, they won't shut off when the timer runs out. If I switch the AC power off, then the valve will shut. I have checked the valve and it has no issue with opening and closing except when the sprite is running it. I tested cables for continuity, and I have tried swapping cables with no change. My ac power pack is AC 24v.

This issue affects each of the valves but only when controlled via the sprite. The valves are fully operational otherwise.

Hoping for a fix, otherwise will return to Amazon under warranty and get another brand.

View: 69   Answer: 1

Change whisperer mode

Updated at 2024-06-15 11:33:22 UTC 


What is the proper way for changing Whisperer from standalone mode to adding it to my Netro Pixie or Sprite?


View: 1006   Answer: 1

Cannot find master solenoid valve

Updated at 2024-07-06 22:46:35 UTC 
None of the zones are watering when the app says it's watering. I measured each zone when active and each read 28 AC. When testing the resistance, the readings were jumping all over the place for each reading. This is leading me to believe there is an issue with the master solenoid valve. However, there is no wire that connects to the M slot on the controller. Looking around the house for any of the underground boxes, I have not been able to find the master solenoid. Attaching pictures of what I have found. Any help greatly appreciated.
View: 1051   Answer: 2

Need a notification, other than in calendar, when watering doesn't work.

Jake Tanner
Updated at 2024-06-16 22:53:34 UTC 

Apparently there are times when the wifi connection to one of our Pixie devices is not reliable.  Yes, I should work on that.  However, it has worked flawlessly in the past, and this is something new.  Nonetheless, when the water schedule fails because of no wifi signal, there should be some kind of notifcation OTHER than having to open the app, go to the calendar, and look for the tiny red icon.  The app is right there on the phone, and could generate a notification.  The app has the email address and could generate a notification.  The current method is borderline dysfunctional, and mostly useless.

The main screen can say "Watered 10 hours ago"  .. but the calendar OBVIOUSLY shows that that even did not happen.


View: 959   Answer: 1

Weatherflow Tempest PWS Weather Provider

Updated at 2024-06-17 19:59:17 UTC 

I noticed that Weather Flow PWS was added as a weather provider for Netro and successfully linked my Weather Flow Tempest with my Netro Pixie Z1+Hub+Whisperers.  However I have a few questions:

1) There seems to be no way to remove or change the link to Weatherflow, like selecting another station.  Can you add a way to do that?  

2) Since linking to Netro, I have changed the name of my Tempest Device on their platform from the default serial number to a descriptive name, but Netro still shows the old name for the device when I click on it in the Weather Provider menu, is that a problem, or are they still linked?  (and if it is a problem, how can I update the link?)

3) What data is actually pulled from Weatherflow?  The forecast shown in the Netro app does not line up exactly with what my tempest shows, nor do the rainfall totals on the discover tab.  

4) I have also linked my Tempest with Weather Underground and can use them as a Weather Provider instead.  The Netro app says Weatheflow PWS shares 9 days of forecast and 1 day of history, while Wunderground PWS shares 7 days of forecast and 7 days of history.  I prefer not relying on an additional middleman to link my tempest to Netro, but is it better to have the additional history or additional forecast?

View: 967   Answer: 1

network error

paolo cellini
Updated at 2024-06-18 10:24:07 UTC 


i have a Netro app

on ios with a 12 station 

Starting this morning i receive a 

Network error message

i restarted/ re connect

same message

May i need a new firmware ? 

View: 1153   Answer: 3

Where is the documentation on how to use the app?

Lance Blaise
Updated at 2024-06-20 03:41:17 UTC 
Where is the documentation on how to use the app? I have no clue how to set my own schedule or how to use the smart scheduling... I can't find anything on how to use this app at all and it's pretty confusing. I am looking at the app and it seems to have smart watering enabled, but there are times where it's skipping 3 days randomly and there is no rain that is supposed to take place on those days, so no clue why it's skipping those days. Can someone direct me to where the documentation is for using the app?  Thank you. 
View: 944   Answer: 1

Netro Sprite offline

David Domingues
Updated at 2024-06-20 06:58:04 UTC 


Since 2 days now, my netro Sprite is offline.

The light is solid  but quickly blinks each 6 seconds.

What should I do?

Are Netro servers online?

Thank you,


View: 928   Answer: 1

Start two Zones at the same time

Updated at 2024-06-22 18:15:57 UTC 

Dear netro team,

I missing the function that I can open two zones at the same time.  If this is possible you could combine different valves.

This would be a huge advantage.

Thanks for your response. 

View: 930   Answer: 1

Netro Spark

Juan Manuel Fernández de Sosa
Updated at 2024-06-22 20:24:29 UTC 

He instalado mi nuevo Netro Spark. En modo smart produce demasiados riegos en una determinada zona de forma muy constante, y con demasiado tiempo. No me parece nada lógico. Quiero dejar eliminado el modo smart y programar personalmente el riego. Consigo programar un riego de las cuatro zonas que utilizo en un determinado horario de la mañana, pero cuando voy a añadir un segundo riego diario por la noche me da un mensaje "ERROR: Program cannot cross a day".

¿Significa esto que solo puedo programar un riego al día? Muy extraño, mi anterior programador permitía tantos riegos diarios como quisiera simplemente indicando las horas.

Por favor, una solución, porque si solo se puede programar un riego al día no me soluciona nada este dispositivo.


View: 967   Answer: 1

Netro Spark

Juan Manuel Fernández de Sosa
Updated at 2024-06-22 20:41:47 UTC 

En relación con mi pregunta anterior ya he visto que poniendo el riego nocturno a las 23:30 se acepta, pero si se pone a las 23:59 sale el error. Por lo tanto anulen mi anterior pregunta, aunque me resulta algo extraño que no permita 23:59 siendo el mismo día.


View: 940   Answer: 1

programs overlaping (smart scheduler and watering adjustment)

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-06-25 10:19:26 UTC 

The smart schedule overlaps with the watering adjustment program that runs when the moisture goes below a %.

Yo can see here that zone 5 run 10 minutes the program and then 37 minutes the scheduler.  It has no sense and it is a waste of water.

  1. After the watering adjustment run, the smart scheduler should recalibrate the timing based on the humidity of the land.
  2. I have the whisperers, the whisperer should monitor the humidity and stop the smart watering once it reaches 99% of humidity but it seems the program runs all the way.

This could be improved in the application.

Thanks for your support and keep up the good job

View: 998   Answer: 1

Red dot

Jean Paul Lasserre
Updated at 2024-07-03 18:53:21 UTC 
What is the significance of a red dot next to the green bell ? 

Do not see anything anywhere and have not received any notice.


View: 938   Answer: 1


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-26 06:49:27 UTC 

First of all, I have been using my Sprite for one year, and the result is very positive. My lawn is better, and I have learnt about how watering should be done in my case. Congratulations to the Netro team. Let me add some questions below.

On 2023-06-13 Wency said "Netro sever side gets/ updates weather information every early morning at around 4 am.

If the weather forecast changes, Netro will update and recalculate the schedule." But could you expand what time zone is this 4 am?.

And a second question is: how often the system recalculates the watering scheduling after a programmed or manual watering? Will that go in the same refreshing as the weather info refreshing? also at 4 am?

Thank you.

View: 1134   Answer: 1

2 zones must run the same amount of time

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-07-06 15:35:53 UTC 

Hi there 

I have the garden zones like the diagram. And I want zone 4 a 3 run the same amount of time. Currently they use different whisperers and have different schedules what makes the grass to present in summer dry patches. I would like to force to run 3 and 4 the same amount of time.

Should I use only one whisperer attached to both zones (3 and 4)? 

View: 1028   Answer: 3

Increase Run Time Per Zone

Don Carli
Updated at 2024-07-04 18:58:45 UTC 


I have a number of zones that I would like to run for 180 minutes. Can you enable this for me?


View: 955   Answer: 2

Metro timer

Anne McNamara
Updated at 2024-07-04 13:16:31 UTC 
Everything shows it should be running, but it doesn’t wake up. I have it set for online during watering periods. It says it’s communicating but it’s not running. How do I wake up metro when I want to communicate
View: 939   Answer: 1

Adjusting for tree cover

Steve M
Updated at 2024-06-30 23:47:30 UTC 
Much of my non-lawn landscape area is sheltered by heavy tree canopy, meaning light rain does not reach the ground in the same amount that weather apps might report. If I find that smart zones are not getting enough water, how would I tweak the zone settings?
View: 905   Answer: 1

app crashing

Updated at 2024-06-28 14:13:56 UTC 
Hi I install the app on my android tablet but when I am trying to manually water my plant on SPRITE-12, the app is always crashing. I try everything with no success.

Can you please help.



View: 979   Answer: 1