
Netro Support

Reside en: Camarillo, CA, US
Crecer: Kentucky Bluegrass, Maple


Smart zone enabled

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-11-26 01:51:39 UTC

Hi Steve,

 If you do not want smart zone schedule to override your own programmed schedule, you can set up the Smart Zone level from Advanced to Basic, which only skip rainning days for your programmed schedule.(Go to Settings->Zones->Smart Zone)

Smart watering: Level basic

In this level, no smart schedule will be generated. You will need to add programs manually (go to Settings->Programs to add programs) and Netro will skip programs when there is large amount of rain(>0.2inch/ 5.08 mm) or watering regulations.

Please note when smart zone is enabled, your local regulations will automatic override your own program if there is any conflict. 

For more information about Netro 3 watering modes, please refer to this article https://netrohome.com/forum/posts/111

Netro Support


Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-11-25 02:01:19 UTC

Hi Manuel,

You can also shop directly on our own official website https://netrohome.com. We can ship to Spain.


Netro Support

What about blowout?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-10-22 03:17:55 UTC

Dear customer,

We suggest that you can add your contractor as a manager. You can use our shared user function by adding manager of your each device. Please note shared users must have a Netro account.

Manager can use all the features of the shared device except deleting controller, changing address, deleting or adding sensor. The shared person who have registered our app can be added to your account by his email and then he is also be able to see your device on his app. Please see this article about how to use the shared user. http://www.netrohome.com/forum/posts/147 

Please let us know if you have further questions.

Netro Support

Mode between and eco and normal

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-10-17 05:18:47 UTC

Hi Sangjin,

For your case, you could try with the "customized" mode. In which, you can set the flow rate (inch/hour) and soil moisture level to adjust watering time. Please 

send us email to support@netrohome.com and tell us which zone you would like to adjust, and the preferred watering duration and frequency.


Netro Support

Installation Direct to pump

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-10-05 14:08:03 UTC

Dear customer,

Please contact our support team at support@netrohome.com on this issue.


Netro Support

Ip address

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-26 01:14:03 UTC

Hi Kris,

Thanks for your suggestion about assigning the IP address to the controller and I have forwarded it to our R&D. We will support this feature in the next upgrade.


Netro Support

Solid white light after install - HELP

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-26 01:12:04 UTC
Hi Carlos, 

Please following the below steps to do a reset again, see if it works:

  1. Power off the device(unplug the power adapter)
  2. Wait for 2 seconds, replug the power back in
  3. Wait for 3 minutes for the device to start up
  4. Press the reset button for less than 1 seconds to do a soft reset
  5. Wait for 5 seconds. This should set the light to slow blinking.
  6. Then you can go to the Netro app -> settings-> controller -> change wifi network/password.
Please let us know if it helps and you can reply to support@netrohome.com

Netro Support

Schedule setup

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-23 03:15:46 UTC

Hi Rich,

Could you please provide us some details about the error message of schedule conflict and we will look into this issue. Schedules conflict when watering times overlaps.


Netro Support

Unit measurements

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-18 02:00:24 UTC

Dear customer,

Measurement for countries other than the United States is m/s.


Netro Support

Feature request

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-16 06:56:01 UTC

Hi Tony,

Currently we do not upload the local IP address to the server and therefore there's no way to read the IP address from the app. However, you can look up the IP address by logging into the admin page of your WiFi router. 

We will consider uploading the IP address to server in the next firmware update.


Netro Support

Windows 10 APP or web page

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-09 05:48:17 UTC

Hi  Emanuel,

If you want to control through laptops. You can try the BETA version now:

Please visit our home website https://netrohome.comScroll down to "My account" and press try BETA.

If somehow you find the page does not display correctly, please refresh the web page.


Netro Support

How do I know how long a zone watered on its last schedule?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-09-05 05:21:28 UTC

Hi Ron,

If you want to check you programming, you can go to Schedule page. The date on calendar with blue dot beneath is the watering date. When you choose a specific watering date in the past, there will show a list of your watering schedules, and green check mark before the schedule means this schedule is executed. 


Netro Support

System went basqerk?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-27 08:44:20 UTC

Hi Ron,

Some schedules are skipped because of rain. If the default weather provider (DarkSky) doesn't work for you, you could try other weather source in settings->controller->weather provider. The latest version App has a new feature to support Weather Underground PWS, in which you can specify the weather station you want to use.  On the other hand, you can increase the threshold of rain amount, such that even with rain, Netro can still water your lawn. This is customized in settings->preferences->Rain. The default value is 0.2inch, you can increase it to e.g. 0.5inch.

Please let us know if you still have any question.

Netro Support

watering sequence

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-27 01:42:09 UTC

Hi Gérard,

Currently Netro system does not have a way to change the sequence of the zones. However, I think you can avoid watering zone 5 at certain time by creating a restriction. So basically you can tell the system to NOT watering a zone in a time frame. This can be done in settings->restrictions->add a restriction.


Netro Support

Smart watering once a week?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-26 06:54:39 UTC

Hi Andrea,

Netro's algorithm is based on expert gardening knowledge, one of which is to avoid watering equally everyday and instead to water less frequently but deeply. Netro waters your garden only when the soil is dry enough in order to draw more oxygen into the roots, leading to a lusher landscape. By default, we allow the moisture level to deplete to a low level (recommended by EPA) before next watering and that is why you might see longer watering duration than the original settings on your old controller.

We found you have created your own programs. FYI, if you need more information about Netro scheduling, please refer to this article https://netrohome.com/forum/posts/111

Netro Support

Yellow triangle with ! Inside

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-25 08:31:12 UTC

Hi Michael,

When Sprite finishes running a watering schedule, it will send a confirmation to the cloud server. In this way, the could server knows whether the schedules are correctly executed or not.


The exclamation mark means the cloud server did not receive the confirmation from the device. There are two possible causes:


1. the device is not powered up when it was supposed to be powered up to run that schedule. Therefore, the corresponding zone is not watered (what is why we use the exclamation to alert users)


2. the schedule run fine but it was during a temporary network outage or exception so that the confirmation cannot be delivered to the server. Wireless connection can be unstable for a short peroid time so it is not uncommon to have a glitch in the communication.



Netro Support

Why water twice a day?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-20 05:27:51 UTC

Hi Ron,

Could you please let us know on which day your zone 4 was watered on the highest heat of the day? We found Netro watered your zone 4 around 6 pm which should not be too hot. If you prefer to water at evening, please go to Settings->Preferences->Scheduling to set your preferred watering time.


Netro Support

Feature Request: API

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-19 01:19:45 UTC

Dear customer,

We currently do not publish our API. We may consider support API in our future development plan.  


Netro Support 

Rainfall correction

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-19 01:18:24 UTC

Dear customer,

Thanks for your suggestion and we will definitely forward your suggestion to our develop team.


Netro Support

Alexa skill

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-19 01:17:14 UTC

Hi Tony,

So far we only support Alexa skills in English. We are working on to support it in Italian.


Netro Support