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Zone not watering keep loading

Fabio Pellizzoni
Updated at 2021-04-13 20:10:43 UTC 


It happened recently that the app shown "online" and  i tried to start one zone  but didn t  work. the count down start but the message loading keep showing and the zone never actually start

Do you have any idea why ?


View: 2313   Answer: 1


Imran Ali
Updated at 2021-04-12 22:54:05 UTC 


Is there a way for the App to notify me once irrigation has started or stopped? 

Thank you.


Imran Ali 

View: 2437   Answer: 1

How to delete a device

Scott Gustafson
Updated at 2021-04-10 16:04:18 UTC 
I wanted to add a whisper sensor to my existing system.  I accidentally added it as a new device.  I did eventually add the new whisper sensor to my original device.  The issue is I now have two devices in the app.  The first is a device named Sprinkle that has my three whisper sensors attached and a second device named Plant Sensor with nothing attached to it. I want to delete the device  named Plant Sensor.  I cannot find a way to delete it.  



View: 2480   Answer: 1

Moisture Level

Des Mullin
Updated at 2021-04-09 23:48:09 UTC 
Due to external factors on our property it would be very useful to be able to set the current moisture level for a zone. Is there a way to do this ?
View: 2470   Answer: 1

How do I cancel a watering schedule while we make sprinkler repairs?

David Farries
Updated at 2021-04-07 02:16:14 UTC 
How do I cancel a watering schedule while we make sprinkler repairs?
View: 2349   Answer: 1

Netro Doesn't respect watering hours in smart mode

Updated at 2021-04-05 18:16:46 UTC 

Doesn't respect watering hours in smart mode.

The time of the zones has only been changed and it cannot be reset and it is watering every 5 minutes.

How can I reset any zone

View: 2486   Answer: 1

What do the icons mean?

Jim Stichbury
Updated at 2021-03-31 06:55:06 UTC 

Hello - just a question about icons / symbols on the schedule.

Guessing the green tick means ‘success’, but what do the warning symbol, and the phone screen symbol mean?

View: 2420   Answer: 1

Server offline

Mirko Paganelli
Updated at 2021-03-30 16:15:01 UTC 
Oggi è tutto il giorno che mi dice Offline... La connessione internet funziona correttamente... C'è qualche problema nel server? 
View: 2361   Answer: 1

Is SQ Footage needef in the app for each zone

Kevin Westling
Updated at 2021-03-28 06:40:48 UTC 
I notice in the App, that there is a field called SQ  Feet. It's this info needed if im setting everything.
View: 2376   Answer: 1

When will be Netro Smart available in Europe?

Raúl Vázquez-Noguerol Méndez
Updated at 2021-03-20 20:38:05 UTC 
I’d like to know if Netro Spark will be available in Europe. 
View: 2299   Answer: 1

What does the app show for whisperer?

Updated at 2021-03-17 20:54:48 UTC 

I am trying to figure out what the graph shows for the week. It seems like the app shows the average light for the day. Moisture present at midnight each day. And average temperature each day. Is this correct? Or is it maximum temperature for the day?

It would be nice if I could have the graph could show more than just one reading per day. It would also be nice if you could go back and see the more detailed chart for a full day after it has passed. As it is now I can only see the one data point for days that are past.

Finally for the individual days it is a bit annoying switching between am and pm. I wish there was just a graph for each day that looked like the graph for the week/month except that there was a data point for every hour. Definitely more annoying and less useful to have am and pm separate and not be able to see the changes like you can with the graph.

Thank you.

View: 2352   Answer: 1

Foreca as weather provider

Fran Roman
Updated at 2021-03-09 21:21:35 UTC 

Please add Foreca as weather provider! In Europe is much better than the available options on the app. Metro group is also a good option for your European customers like me.

Thank you

View: 2353   Answer: 1

Zone says Loading

Updated at 2021-02-24 14:03:11 UTC 
After the numerous power outages in Dallas last week, my sprinklers attempted to run this morning.   At its scheduled time, the zone shows "loading" but - no water.   ???
View: 2208   Answer: 1

Smart Watering Algorithm

John Kollehner
Updated at 2021-02-09 13:52:56 UTC 

How does the algorithm work?   Specifically how far into the future do it look at the weather forecast?   Is this limited to just the next day or can this be adjusted to look beyond tomorrow.    Using the smart system, my sprinklers came on this morning, even though the forecast calls for a 70% chance of 1 inch of rain in 2 days.    If I were controlling the system, I would not have watered, given the price we pay for water.

View: 2758   Answer: 1

Date Format

Brian Keenan
Updated at 2021-01-29 09:00:07 UTC 
Is it possible to change the date format?  seems to be in US format no matter what i put in the preferences. i.e i would like 21st December to be 21/12/2021
View: 2361   Answer: 1

Rainbird esp-me with master valve to Netro Sprite

Geron R
Updated at 2021-01-19 23:06:52 UTC 
Currently I have 8 zones and the Master valve is on for all 8 zones. Does the Sprite app automatically open the master valve as it goes through each zone or do I have setup something first? 

Please advise

Thank you

View: 2442   Answer: 1

Metro France cloud down?

Julian Hansen
Updated at 2020-12-29 01:07:40 UTC 
Hi My netro has been offline for more than 1 day can you estimate when it will be back online? Julian
View: 2643   Answer: 1

Add "Year" moisture and light chart

Roman Stanek
Updated at 2020-12-27 18:34:40 UTC 

It would be helpful to see the moisture and light charts for the full year and not just for weeks or months


View: 2265   Answer: 1

App stuck on Idle

Pam Manwaring
Updated at 2020-11-18 02:21:16 UTC 
App shows my Netro is "Idle". I've closed the app, unplugged the unit, plugged back in, hit reset quickly, connected to Netro wi-fi, then to my wi-fi entered password and app says it successfully connected but then is still in Idle mode. I can't manually or programmatically water. Help! All of my mature plants are dying here in the desert. Thank you.
View: 2371   Answer: 1

Editing “Programmed” schedules

Stan Balafas
Updated at 2020-11-16 17:52:28 UTC 

I created, and subsequently edited the name of the scheduled program.  The editing doesn’t work properly.

I labeled each program with a time, then changed the time (side yard - 9am) then (side yard - 10am) and it won’t change.  I’ve had to delete the program and create a new one for it to properly be labeled.  

It’s not updating name when I change it.  The coding isn’t working to update, even when I select save.  Seems a pretty rudimentary problem.  

Thank ypu

View: 2487   Answer: 1