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Javier NM

Lives in: Las Rozas, Comunidad de Madrid, ES
Using: SPRITE-6
Growing: Hydrangea, Abelia



Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-26 06:49:27 UTC
Topic: Connected Home

First of all, I have been using my Sprite for one year, and the result is very positive. My lawn is better, and I have learnt about how watering should be done in my case. Congratulations to the Netro team. Let me add some questions below.

On 2023-06-13 Wency said "Netro sever side gets/ updates weather information every early morning at around 4 am.

If the weather forecast changes, Netro will update and recalculate the schedule." But could you expand what time zone is this 4 am?.

And a second question is: how often the system recalculates the watering scheduling after a programmed or manual watering? Will that go in the same refreshing as the weather info refreshing? also at 4 am?

Thank you.


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-26 06:32:56 UTC
Topic: Netro App

Good morning. I am observing that when I manual-water using the web app, and the watering ends, the indicator (blue watering can) remains blue, indicating that the system is still watering. Only resets when the page is left or refreshed. I think that the refreshing should be done automatically, perhaps. The current situation makes the user think there is some hang up in the system, although it is not operationally significant.

Thank you.


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-12 06:36:42 UTC
Topic: Netro App
How could I mark those articles or questions that present a special interest for me (something like my "preferred topics")? Some time after reading them, I see it hard to locate in the database. Thank you.


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-12 06:32:07 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering
Is there an article explaining the different watering modes of smart watering, more that the one line info on the menu? I am looking at information like levels of humidity pursued, depth of watering, or circumstances under which each mode is recommended.  Thank you


Javier NM
Updated at 2023-11-02 07:49:07 UTC
Topic: Netro App

I am using Netro software with a Sprite-6 controller. After some moths use I am delighted with the system. The tools it provides help me a lot controlling my garden, with good results. Congratulations. Normaly I use three out of my four zones in Smart (advanced) mode, and the fourth one in Smart (Basic).

I would be useful if we could have a field (name it "Notes" or similar) so that we could enter useful information about the use of each individual program (for example, "I reduced frecuency to alternate days after Oct 15th", or other information. 

Not having that field causes useful feedback not to be available when managing programs.

Thank you.

Time Shift and Sprite-6

Javier NM
Updated at 2023-10-29 10:26:02 UTC
Topic: General
Is Netro software affected in any degree by changes in official time (summer to wnter time and viceversa)? Thank you.


Javier NM
Updated at 2023-07-20 07:08:54 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering

Looking in the Personalized watering mode of Smart watering, I would ask what is the default water flow rate that Netro app uses to calculate watering. I did some tests and guess that it might be around 38 mm/h. Is that right? Having a domestic flow different could distort the data used by the algorithm and might recommend to use personalized settings instead of the default settings. Thank you.


Javier NM
Updated at 2023-07-04 11:25:43 UTC
Topic: Netro App

While I was doing some tests with my installation (Sprite-6), I received a notification warning me of a "load error". It happened while I was manual-watering ant the water supply valve was shut. I found it very useful. Now, two questions arise:

(a) I never found the above notification in the "Notifications" section of my account. Wouldn´t it be expected there?;

(b) Is it possible to know the list of notifications that the system can send to the user, so that one could know the system better and prepare strategies if needed? 

Evereyday I am happier with my Sprite. I find it to be a top system. Congratulations to the team!