Whisperer, Smart Plant Sensor
價格: $69.99
Unlimited Netro cloud service included
Technical Specifications
– Dimensions: 8.5 X 2.5 X 12.6 (inches)
– Weight: 6.0 oz / 170 g
– Battery: rechargeable battery included, 600 mAh
– Working temperature: 10° to 120℉ / -12℃ to 50℃
– Mobile device: iOS(9.0+), Android(5.0+)
– WiFi: 802.11 N, 2.4Ghz, US / Japan / EU
– 2-year limited hardware warranty
傳感器是一個獨立的產品,不需要Sprite控制器來收集數據。 您可以在Netro應用中添加盡可能多的傳感器。 即使您沒有控制器,也可以使用這種太陽能傳感器遠端監控您的植物。 當您的植物的水分,溫度或光照水平需要特別注意時,Netro App會提醒您。
由於每個灌溉區域都是獨特的,有不同的植物,陽光和土壤條件,我們建議在每個區域放置一個傳感器以獲得最佳澆水效果。 我們建議您為您最關心的區域添加傳感器。 在該應用的未來版本中,我們將允許一個傳感器監控多達3個區域,但使用者需要確保這些區域具有相似的環境條件。
傳感器需要Wi-Fi才能連接到網路。 有兩個用於Wi-Fi通訊的頻段:2.4GHz和5GHz。 大多數現代路由器都可以在兩個頻段上運作。 傳感器僅使用2.4GHz頻段,因為2.4GHz的頻率範圍比5GHz更遠。 要確保傳感器在您的Wi-Fi網路範圍內,最簡單的方法是使用您的手機進行測試。 如果您的手機能夠偵測到WiFi訊號,傳感器應該能夠在同一位置連接。
是。 所有數據將保存在Netro雲端伺服器上。 只要您可以訪問互聯網,無論身在何處,您都可以查看數據並收到提示。
傳感器能夠儲存64個數據樣本。 它將保留所有數據,直到它可以訪問互聯網並將數據上傳到雲端伺服器。 您可以將其上傳的頻率從每小時一次更改為每12小時一次。

加入Netro從 2017-05-09
綜合評分: 3/5
2024-07-28 13:51:22 UTC
Worked with some problems for couple years ,but not made for Florida Sun . After couple years solar panel distorted and does not hold up under Florida UV .

Quim Retbin
加入Netro從 2022-02-03
綜合評分: 5/5
2023-02-25 22:58:06 UTC
Funciomna bien! Pero 1 año de uso y la fina capa de la placa solar se cae a trozos! No se que pasara otro año! Veo la version 2 que sera mejor….

Ken Wiens
加入Netro從 2018-07-26
綜合評分: 3/5
2021-06-13 18:13:15 UTC
Functionally a very good product. However there are 2 issues I have repeatedly found. The first is that recharging it after a winter shutdown takes about 4-5 weeks of continuous light. The second issue is that despite improvements in the probe, it is still way to delicate for something you push into the ground. I have broken two probes (both version 1) to date.

CZ Zhang
加入Netro從 2017-03-16
綜合評分: 5/5
2020-06-19 06:30:04 UTC
Nice design and works as advertised. The data seems to be quite accurate and the solar panel is why I buy it. My only complain is the moisture probe which does not seems to be very strong and you need to be careful when inserting it into the ground.

加入Netro從 2018-02-07
綜合評分: 2/5
2020-05-24 01:01:26 UTC
Good concept but poor quality. After 1 week the button collapsed and water damaged occurred, the LED light doesn't stay on (if ever) for more than few minutes, also I broke two of them just pulling them out from the soil, the probe is too delicate. Also too expensive for a worth of maybe $15 of components.

Ashur C
加入Netro從 2017-03-09
綜合評分: 5/5
2019-11-28 06:40:42 UTC
Having the Whisperer sensors for more than a year now and they have been working well. I can monitor the soil moisture level of my garden and that is very convenient. The team recently improved the app to allow adjusting watering for 3 zones out of each sensor which is fantastic as all my zones are now covered!