
  • Photo of Netro WHISPERER 1
  • Photo of Netro WHISPERER 2
  • Photo of Netro WHISPERER 3

Whisperer 2nd Gen, Smart Plant Sensor

價格: $79.99


Unlimited Netro cloud service included


Ships in two weeks Shipping Policy


New features introduced for the Whisperer 2nd Gen:

  • USB port for faster charging
  • New WiFi module for better compatibility
  • Larger battery for longer operation
  • Enhanced Temperature Sensor for higher accuracy

Whisperer 2nd Gen has all the functionalities introduced in the 1st Gen:

Efficient Solar Panel  –  A 1-day solar charge supports 2-3 weeks of operation
Multi-Color LED  –  Pick your favorite color to light up your garden at night
Moisture Sensor  –  High accuracy. Works with all types of soil
Sunlight Sensor  –  Measure a wide range of spectrum from infrared to visible
Waterproof  –  Made with durable plastic and requires minimal maintenance

Technical Specifications – Dimensions: 8.5 X 2.5 X 12.6 (inches) – Weight: 6.0 oz / 170 g – Battery: rechargeable battery included, 800 mAh – Working temperature: 10℉ to 120℉ / -12℃ to 50℃ – Mobile device: iOS(9.0+), Android(5.0+) – WiFi: 802.11 N, 2.4Ghz, US / Japan / EU Warranty – 2-year limited hardware warranty


傳感器是一個獨立的產品,不需要Sprite控制器來收集數據。 您可以在Netro應用中添加盡可能多的傳感器。 即使您沒有控制器,也可以使用這種太陽能傳感器遠端監控您的植物。 當您的植物的水分,溫度或光照水平需要特別注意時,Netro App會提醒您。
由於每個灌溉區域都是獨特的,有不同的植物,陽光和土壤條件,我們建議在每個區域放置一個傳感器以獲得最佳澆水效果。 我們建議您為您最關心的區域添加傳感器。 在該應用的未來版本中,我們將允許一個傳感器監控多達3個區域,但使用者需要確保這些區域具有相似的環境條件。


傳感器需要Wi-Fi才能連接到網路。 有兩個用於Wi-Fi通訊的頻段:2.4GHz和5GHz。 大多數現代路由器都可以在兩個頻段上運作。 傳感器僅使用2.4GHz頻段,因為2.4GHz的頻率範圍比5GHz更遠。 要確保傳感器在您的Wi-Fi網路範圍內,最簡單的方法是使用您的手機進行測試。 如果您的手機能夠偵測到WiFi訊號,傳感器應該能夠在同一位置連接。


是。 所有數據將保存在Netro雲端伺服器上。 只要您可以訪問互聯網,無論身在何處,您都可以查看數據並收到提示。


傳感器能夠儲存64個數據樣本。 它將保留所有數據,直到它可以訪問互聯網並將數據上傳到雲端伺服器。 您可以將其上傳的頻率從每小時一次更改為每12小時一次。

綜合評分: 3/5
2024-07-28 13:51:22 UTC
Worked with some problems for couple years ,but not made for Florida Sun . After couple years solar panel distorted and does not hold up under Florida UV .

綜合評分: 5/5
2023-02-25 22:58:06 UTC
Funciomna bien! Pero 1 año de uso y la fina capa de la placa solar se cae a trozos! No se que pasara otro año! Veo la version 2 que sera mejor….

綜合評分: 3/5
2021-06-13 18:13:15 UTC
Functionally a very good product. However there are 2 issues I have repeatedly found. The first is that recharging it after a winter shutdown takes about 4-5 weeks of continuous light. The second issue is that despite improvements in the probe, it is still way to delicate for something you push into the ground. I have broken two probes (both version 1) to date.

綜合評分: 5/5
2020-06-19 06:30:04 UTC
Nice design and works as advertised. The data seems to be quite accurate and the solar panel is why I buy it. My only complain is the moisture probe which does not seems to be very strong and you need to be careful when inserting it into the ground.

綜合評分: 2/5
2020-05-24 01:01:26 UTC
Good concept but poor quality. After 1 week the button collapsed and water damaged occurred, the LED light doesn't stay on (if ever) for more than few minutes, also I broke two of them just pulling them out from the soil, the probe is too delicate. Also too expensive for a worth of maybe $15 of components.

綜合評分: 5/5
2019-11-28 06:40:42 UTC
Having the Whisperer sensors for more than a year now and they have been working well. I can monitor the soil moisture level of my garden and that is very convenient. The team recently improved the app to allow adjusting watering for 3 zones out of each sensor which is fantastic as all my zones are now covered!