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Smart Sprinkler Controlle starts then stops

Nigel Briggs
Updated at 2025-01-10 23:15:31 UTC 


My controller operates but many times, rather than executing the time setting. It just cuts out? 

I do have a sensor connected but I took it out of the ground to exclude wet soil feedback 

I'm guessing there is a parameter forcing the stops? 

Could anyone give me a direction where to look? 


View: 547   Answer: 1

Sprite went offline
Updated at 2024-12-18 02:30:29 UTC 
System went offline at 2 in the morning and I can’t get any response. Checked the outlet and it’s working. Tried to reset. Unplugged and plugged back in. Help!
View: 740   Answer: 1

Solenoid does not switch off

Nath Moyes
Updated at 2024-11-15 00:49:20 UTC 


My system has 5 solenoids.  All worked fine until recently.  One will turn on and off manually.  

However in smart timer it turns in but not off.  

How can I confirm if a app set up issue or a hardware issue with solenoid itself.  


View: 908   Answer: 1

Netro Spark valve testing

Peter Strohmayer
Updated at 2024-11-14 13:49:20 UTC 
How does the Spark test the valves?

I want to connect a 24V input sensor on the spark outlet channels to switch 2 knx connect valves in different location. Cabling to those valves is to long for 24V. 
The valve testing always says that there is not current and switch it off --> Do i need a resistor on the outlet to simulate a valve? If yes, which value should the resistor have?



View: 834   Answer: 1

Zone won't shut off.

Updated at 2024-11-10 05:55:43 UTC 


I have 4 zones and a master valve. When I run any of the zones, they won't shut off when the timer runs out. If I switch the AC power off, then the valve will shut. I have checked the valve and it has no issue with opening and closing except when the sprite is running it. I tested cables for continuity, and I have tried swapping cables with no change. My ac power pack is AC 24v.

This issue affects each of the valves but only when controlled via the sprite. The valves are fully operational otherwise.

Hoping for a fix, otherwise will return to Amazon under warranty and get another brand.

View: 867   Answer: 1

Sprite controller cycles on and off wifi

Updated at 2024-10-13 18:02:06 UTC 
My Netro controller is about three years old. I recently changed my Wi-Fi router about two months ago.  I repaired the controller with the new Wi-Fi, all seemed to work for a few days. Then the controller started cycling on and off of Wi-Fi. There are windows of several minutes that I can communicate with the controller, then windows of several hours when I cannot.  The light on the controller is solid for about 20 seconds, then three slow blinks, solid for 20 seconds, then three slow blanks, this pattern continues indefinitely. I have repaired the controller to WiFi several times. I have unplugged and then plugged the controller back in multiple times. Nothing seems to resolve the issue. It’s frustrating when I’m changing sprinkler heads and have to wait several hours to try a manual run to test the new heads. Has anyone else experience this and more importantly solved this issue? Thanks for the help!
View: 1066   Answer: 1

Random intermittently watering

Updated at 2024-10-10 01:51:03 UTC 
Seems like my system has a mind of its own.  It'll water on time for a few weeks then stop then water again. 
View: 1057   Answer: 1

Sprite wont connect to your internet so I can move forward

Updated at 2024-10-05 18:05:09 UTC 

My controller has been out almost a month. I have factory reset, short reset uninstalled app, and unplugged it. No matter what I do, i cannot get past the connect to netro wifi step. I need to blow out my sprinklers and I cannot get my device to work to manually run them. It will say its connected and do the spinning wait thing, then suddenly tell me to connect to the netro internet again. When I go to do it again it says no internet connection. Please help me. I sent an email from my email as the registered user (husband) is deployed in the middle east. Please look for an email from "kimbo__@" 


View: 1019   Answer: 1

Zone 1 not watering

Updated at 2024-09-24 23:25:59 UTC 
I have 6 zones and all but zone 1 run.  I start running manually and app says watering but nothing.  I checked the wires, none loose.  It will run randomly but I’m getting really frustrated.  
View: 1171   Answer: 1

Whisperer says: Sensor XXXX already in your account

Thomas Murphy
Updated at 2024-09-18 12:39:46 UTC 
Hello there!

I'm really hoping you can help me. I bought two Whisperer 2s.

I configured the first one (called Roses 1) and it works perfectly.

I configured the second one (called Office Pot Plant) and it went through the configuration fine but then doesn't appear in my app in the Sensors section (Roses 1 appears, but Office Pot Plant doesn't). 

I tried to configure it again and it told me that the name Office Pot Plant was already taken, but it doesnt show anywhere.

I tried a factory reset on the Whisperer which worked but when I tried to configure it, it gave me the error "ERROR: Sensor XXXX already in your account".  

I've looked at my account on the web and it only shows Roses 1.
So I can't add the device because it says it's there already, and I can't delete it because it doesn't appear!

Please can anyone you help? I wrote to Support yesterday (from the email for this account) but I'm hoping someone has a DIY fix for this?

Thank you so much!
View: 1201   Answer: 1

Smart watering not working

Carolyn Seyfried
Updated at 2024-09-10 16:17:51 UTC 
My sensor shows the moisture way above where I have my watering adjustment set to not water, but it is still watering. What am I doing wrong?
View: 1269   Answer: 1

Broken whisperer sensor

Jesús López
Updated at 2024-09-09 16:19:33 UTC 

Hi everyone!

My Whisperer Smart Plant Sensor has broken. I would like to know if it is possible to fix it by buying a replacement part or if there is a DIY solution to reuse the device.

Thank you.

View: 1325   Answer: 1

Discrepancia APP y WEB

JM del Amo
Updated at 2024-09-07 13:06:53 UTC 
Desde hace unos días la APP no está funcionando. Según la APP el WiFi está OFFLINE, pero según la página web está ONLINE. Según ambos está WATERING pero la realidad es que no está regando y no responde a órdenes. No dispongo en este momento de acceso físico al dispositivo. ¿Podrían indicarme si el problema es un problema local o de la APP/Web?
View: 1295   Answer: 1

1 valve works, two don't

Phil Rubin
Updated at 2024-08-17 21:52:30 UTC 
For some time the system worked perfect. Now I  have two sections that don't work. It turns out that the signal to activate the valve is too short. When I  put a meter on it and then activate the valve the meter jumps to 28v for about one second then drops to zero before the valve can move. Conversely the one that works stays at 28v for much longer. I have rebooted and reset the system.  Any ideas?
View: 1423   Answer: 1

Zone watering while disabled

Brian Paternostro Paternostro
Updated at 2024-07-31 10:10:11 UTC 

I am doing yard work to 2 of my 3 zones right now and have the whole system disabled for several days as many heads are disconnected.  Woke up a 5am to have zone 3 on and spraying water everywhere for 20 minutes. 

How is this possible? Why do you not update your softwar? 

View: 1770   Answer: 2

Error E1

Simone Ragnolini
Updated at 2024-07-26 11:13:02 UTC 
Ho, we need support, as we are having an issue as the app doesn’t activate watering. The control unot shows E1.
View: 1491   Answer: 1

La zona non si spegne

Updated at 2024-07-17 16:29:38 UTC 

Quando collego la valvola la zona resta alimentata a 24 v anche quando finisce il ciclo. Quindi non smette di irrigare anche con la spia di colore verde.

Senza la valvola invece la tensione torna 0 volt.

Cosa può essere il problema

View: 1589   Answer: 2

Problem with irrigation time

Daniel Encinas
Updated at 2024-07-12 10:43:36 UTC 
Hello, I have owned a Netro Sprite programmer for several years.

The problem I have is that it programs the phases intelligently and if it indicates that it has to water for 10 minutes. It only waters for about 1 minute but the app shows that it has watered for 10 minutes. The garden is drying out and I don't know what to do.
This happens to me in all irrigation phases. If I program it manually the same thing happens to me. If I try it twice, the second time it takes even less time to water.
I have connected the transformer directly to the phase, bypassing the programmer, and it works correctly.
Reviewing its problems section, I found a similar one in which it says to look at the 24 volt voltage. (which is correct, around 30 volt) and the resistance in ohms of more than 20 (around 30 ohmios). It also says that there the programmer has a recoverable fuse.

What can I do?


View: 1623   Answer: 1

Cannot find master solenoid valve

Updated at 2024-07-06 22:46:35 UTC 
None of the zones are watering when the app says it's watering. I measured each zone when active and each read 28 AC. When testing the resistance, the readings were jumping all over the place for each reading. This is leading me to believe there is an issue with the master solenoid valve. However, there is no wire that connects to the M slot on the controller. Looking around the house for any of the underground boxes, I have not been able to find the master solenoid. Attaching pictures of what I have found. Any help greatly appreciated.
View: 1763   Answer: 2

all connections good but sprite wont open any valves.

Douglas Ely
Updated at 2024-06-29 11:36:11 UTC 
One day, the Sprite just stopped opening the zone valves. We tested and reconnected all the wires and deleted and re-installed the Sprite. Still no luck. Ground is good too. What could be wrong?
View: 1640   Answer: 1