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No Next Scheduled run date?

Kurt H
Updated at 2019-06-05 20:14:51 UTC 
I have my device set up as "lawn" under my devices.  I have a program set up which has a run time for each of the zones, supposedly scheduled to start June 7.  Why is there no scheduled run appearing under my schedule or anything under my "next run" field under my listed device?
View: 2490   Answer: 2

Military time

Matty B
Updated at 2019-06-05 14:34:21 UTC 

Can the time be changed on the schedule to AM/PM and not 24/hr clock? if selected waters in the AM. If i switch it to the other 2 it changes the schedule to PM watering. What is the reasoning behind this? I would prefer AM watering but would like to use a different weather provider. 

View: 3315   Answer: 1

Amazon and Google connection in Gernany

Piti Germany
Updated at 2019-06-03 22:49:27 UTC 


I bought Netro Sprite because of the possibility to connect itto with Amazon and/or Google Home.

So, in Germany the Alexa skill is not in the Amazon store.... 

And Google Assistent can't find Netro Sprite.

In the list of home automation devices Netro ist also not included. 

The description to connect Google and Netro can't help me.

Ist it possible that you list the Amazon skill in Germany too?

And can you tell me, step by step, how I could connect Netro Sprite with my Google home?

Many thanks in advance


View: 2668   Answer: 1

Wont recognize network which has an apostrophe in the name?

Douglas Ely
Updated at 2019-06-03 15:27:39 UTC 
My customer has a network name that contains an apostrophe. Larry Arch's Wifi. He uses an AirPort Extreme router and two AirPort Extreme range extenders. They have many household devices connected to this network and all of their service contractors use it too. Is there a workaround? They will not be able to use Netro products if there isn't.  
View: 2563   Answer: 1

Not watering on any zone

A Miller
Updated at 2019-06-02 18:39:10 UTC 
The sprite worked perfect for about 3 weeks. Went out of town for a week, during that time it snowed for the entire duration of my trip. The unit worked as it should and didnt water. However when it should have picked up its schedule after weather cleared it did not. It will not run its zone at all. I have checked the resistance on all zones solenoids and they are fine at 28 ohm. I reconnected my old hunter system and all zones worked properly with that controller. So whats the next step?
View: 4176   Answer: 1

Constant Blinking

Seth McDonald
Updated at 2019-05-31 00:32:04 UTC 
My device appears to be connected and working, but I noticed the light on the unit is blinking constantly.  Is it supposed to be doing that?
View: 2513   Answer: 1

How the smart watering is scheduled?

Updated at 2019-05-30 15:57:58 UTC 

Maybe I missed something....

Just installed the controller and app. With “Smart” options Enabled with all zones, some zones will repeat themselves up to 4 times in one day, a few days in a week, some zone seems never scheduled at all(?). Is this how I should  use it or I have to use a fixed program only? How the auto scheduling is calculated?

View: 2451   Answer: 1

Using as a on/off switch

Updated at 2019-05-29 14:59:55 UTC 
Have netro installed with sprinkler system. It works well. I have an above ground pool that I want install a solar heater to. I'd like to use the Netro to open a valve at a specific time and close it later, either at a time or interval. The longest program run is 60 minutes. I'd like to see something around 8 hours. Also, to be able to turn on/off via the app like the sprinklers would be perfect. Is this possible? I have looked but haven't found a way yet. 
View: 2438   Answer: 1

Netro offline and not watering

Updated at 2019-05-28 22:23:43 UTC 

netro shows offline.  The app says zones are watering but no watering is occurring.   Plants are dying.

Retro device has a white light.

How do I fix this?

View: 2293   Answer: 0


José Miguel Salcedo
Updated at 2019-05-28 20:03:07 UTC 
Why  can't I water two zones at the same time
View: 2406   Answer: 1

Subsoil moisture level

Swaroop Jay
Updated at 2019-05-28 17:13:12 UTC 
How does Netro app calculate subsoil moisture levels? Note that I don’t have any sensors. Please advise 
View: 2510   Answer: 2

Still watered after *heavy* rain

Jon Storch
Updated at 2019-05-27 19:41:14 UTC 

Hello, this morning my Netro still watered my front lawn after we had a massively heave rain last night.

I have Smart Zone enabled for all my zones. The Netro was supposed to be optimizing water usage.  

Why did it run this morning?

Thank you,

Jon Storch


View: 2749   Answer: 1

Don’t Stop !!

Eduardo Ariste
Updated at 2019-05-26 11:27:42 UTC 
I have a problem. May be is the installation. The programm start watering ok, but when finish the App programm never stop watering until I desconnect the cable 24V. Somebody can help me ? It’s possible the cable connection wrong? (I have only 1 zone and the connection is: yellow to C, brown 1 and blue 2 ). Thank you very much
View: 2333   Answer: 1

Netro off line

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-05-25 02:59:21 UTC 
I have been away for about 3 days now, and there has been a power failure at home. Netro has been offline since then for couple of days now. I know my wifi connection is good because my nest is working fine. What is up with this connection not being able to reconnect after accidental signal drop. 
View: 2592   Answer: 1

I have a ton of errors again for the last two weeks!

Joshua Berk
Updated at 2019-05-23 18:39:21 UTC 

I just went to check on my sprinkler system since all of my grass has been dying and realized I've had errors on every watering attempt for the last 2 weeks!! I'm worried that a) it's not working and b) when it does start working it's going to flood my lawn again like it did last time because it tries to overwater for all the times it missed!

why aren't there any app notifications when this thing happens I shouldn't have to monitor the system manually to find out that it has not been watering for so long!

View: 2524   Answer: 1

Can't see answers to questions

Stan Bumgarner
Updated at 2019-05-23 00:30:01 UTC 
Topic: General

I can see the question and can see that someone has answered it. How do I see the answer?



View: 2432   Answer: 1

Remote Access?

Oliver Pettit
Updated at 2019-05-22 01:53:35 UTC 

Can you start the Pixie remotely?  i.e.  if I'm at work (i.e. not connected to my home network) I can start watering my garden?  If so is there anything I need to do to set this up?



View: 2660   Answer: 1

Manually skip next watering

Randy Ziffer
Updated at 2019-05-19 16:47:13 UTC 
How can I manually skip the next scheduled watering?  I am watching it pour outside and the next scheduled watering is at 6 pm this evening.
View: 2406   Answer: 2

Have to reboot Sprite every day.

Updated at 2019-05-19 15:04:11 UTC 

My Netro worked perfectly last season.  I left it plugged in through the winter and disabled the zones.  At some point during the winter, the light started blinking, and I didn’t worry about it until last week when I went to reactivate the zones.  The app indicated the sprite was offline, so I rebooted and it came back online with a solid light.  System worked with no issues.

The next day, the light was flashing again and app indicated offline.  This time I pressed the rest button and rejoined the network.  Again, worked for a day.  The next day, same problem - this time I rebooted my router.  Again it worked, but offline again the next day.  Don’t understand why it keeps losing connection this year.

View: 2546   Answer: 1

Is there a way to just set a test run of 1 minute per station?

Roianne Cox
Updated at 2019-05-19 13:52:50 UTC 
When trouble shooting it would be nice to have a test run button so you could just run all the stations one minute. You can manually run each station but you have to do it for each station which is a pain. I have someone working on my system and I have to run it for them and stand there to run each station.
View: 2345   Answer: 1