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How do I access my sprinkler controller with a web browser?

Douglas Peale
Updated at 2021-05-27 22:32:59 UTC 

I just bought a Netro Sprite based on the description and reviews on Amazon:

One of the main selling points for me was one of the bullet points in the description:

"Lifetime Cloud Service - Connects to WiFi(2.4G), monitors and controls your sprinkler system anywhere from iOS(8.3+), Android(5.0+) devices and Web browsers"

I tried looking up its IP address on my router, but that fails to connect. How does one access this controller using a "web browser"?

This feature is very important to me.

View: 2205   Answer: 1

How do I do long uninterrupted watering?

Douglas Peale
Updated at 2021-05-28 02:59:54 UTC 
The Sprite is breaking the watering of my trees into a whole bunch of short bits of watering. Given the way my soil sucks down water, I'd prefer to water my trees for 4 contiguous hours of watering every two weeks, but there does not seem to be a way do specify this directly.
View: 2164   Answer: 1

Recharging whisperer in spring after winter shutdown

Ken Wiens
Updated at 2021-05-28 19:17:48 UTC 

I buy a new whisperer every year (on my 4th year now). I also try to charge the old ones each year. I set them in the direct sun. At night I put them under a direct indoor light source. This year they have been charging for a little over 4 weeks now. This gives them enough power to run for 7-10 seconds. As the watering season where I live is only about 4.5 months, this means that every whisperer only lasts me 4.5 months. It's a pretty expensive solution at this rate. 

Is my experience common? Has anyone gotten a whisperer to work after being stored over the winter (and I do charge then fully before turning them off for the winter)?  I assume the internal rechargeable batteries just aren't that good. Has any one had any experience changing the batteries?

View: 2460   Answer: 1

How program without smart program

Pedro Abad
Updated at 2021-05-30 08:18:01 UTC 
Hi friends, I have a doubt, how can I program my controller without the smart program? What I want is to schedule my lawn to be watered EVERY day at the same time: for example, every day at 8:00 a.m. for 15 minutes.
Thanks and best regards

View: 2231   Answer: 1

Set a kind of alarm to know when the controler is working

Pedro Abad
Updated at 2021-05-30 08:33:28 UTC 
Hello friends, I would like to know if I can set some type of alarm so that the controller alerts me to my mobile when something sector is being watered, I mnean a kind of light, message, or sound to know that it is being watered ...
Is it possible to configure this?
Thank you all!
View: 2290   Answer: 2

Wisperer not working

Andrea Paparotti
Updated at 2021-05-31 14:42:20 UTC 
Hi all, one of my whisperer is not working after the winter season. If I press the button it just blind a red light and then nothing. I have left it under plenty sun for the last 3 weeks but nothing appened... Any suggestion? Thanks
View: 2353   Answer: 2

Custom weather sources possible?

Yuriy Andamasov
Updated at 2021-05-31 19:44:41 UTC 


Using Netro device near Madrid, Spain

Weather forecasts not that precise.

Any suggestions how to add other sources for weather forecast are welcome.

Thanks in advance. 

View: 2117   Answer: 1

Completely ater

Bruce Rodtnick
Updated at 2021-05-31 20:03:22 UTC 
I just put out some grub killer, and they want me to water it in. But when I have my system water all spots it only Waters about two or three minutes each  section.  How do I water for a certain amount of time for each section?
View: 2195   Answer: 1

Wi-Fi connectivity

Updated at 2021-05-31 21:20:22 UTC 


I am having reconnecting to my home wifi after I changed the router.

I've followed the steps, reset thru the box and can see netro network come up. But it doesn't connect. Tried several times with unplugging the box completely but not resolved.

Appreciate your help.

View: 2220   Answer: 1

Sign it

Matthew Gruen
Updated at 2021-06-01 00:50:47 UTC 
How can I removed the sign in process to access the app... I don’t want to have to put in my name and password every time I open the app?
View: 2245   Answer: 1

Mancata irrigazione

Cristian Toraldo
Updated at 2021-06-01 05:47:43 UTC 
Topic: General
Buongiorno ogni volta che salta la corrente la centralina crede di funzionare ma gli irrigatori non partono. Per far sì che tutto riprenda a funzionare bisogna ogni volta resettare la centralina ma se qualcuno è via per molto tempo potrebbe costituire un grosso problema.
View: 2115   Answer: 1

UK watering restrictions

Andy Fiore
Updated at 2021-06-01 11:26:19 UTC 

Can you tell me if your database of watering restrictions covers the UK?

If it doesn’t, can you tell me when they are likely to be added?



View: 3342   Answer: 1

Sensor inputs

Andy Fiore
Updated at 2021-06-01 11:33:16 UTC 

Can you tell me if the Netmo system can be linked to security systems that can then turn the water off automatically if a movement is detected so that they don’t get a soaking?

I’m thinking apple Home in particular.

View: 2249   Answer: 1

60 minute limit

Updated at 2021-06-01 21:33:39 UTC 
I would really like to see the app be able to water longer than 60 minute increments. I know there is a way around it to create multiple programs that run consecutively but I Would love to be able to turn on a zone from the app when it’s not scheduled and water for 8 plus hours (drip on big trees). I Have been a Netro user for years and love everything about it except this one part.
View: 2094   Answer: 1

solid red light - spark controller
Updated at 2021-06-02 12:11:24 UTC 
my controller stopped working after I lost water for couple of days. I unplugged it for 15 minutes but the sold red light is not clearing and the controller is not working. Any idea on how to fix this? Thanks
View: 2193   Answer: 1

Moisture level correction

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2021-06-02 21:51:35 UTC 
Different zones have varying moisture levels even when I get rain. How do I adjust individual zone to have more accurate moisture level?
View: 2412   Answer: 3


Gianluca De Virgilio
Updated at 2021-06-03 14:47:01 UTC 

Good afternoon,

Is it possibile to ad new site for the weather forecast? The ones available aren’t accurate.

View: 2261   Answer: 1

Manual Watering

Kevin Westling
Updated at 2021-06-04 00:42:16 UTC 
From the home screen, I use the manual watering option. Each one of my four zones won't go higher than 30 minutes each. I can go to the wheel adjustment, but it won't go higher for some reason and I'd like it to go to 60 minutes. 
View: 2198   Answer: 1

Best time for irrigating

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2021-06-04 19:44:57 UTC 
I want o know when is best for the gras

Early in the morning? 6am etc...

Late in the night, 21, 22.h


View: 2524   Answer: 2

Schedule stopped working

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2021-06-04 20:37:36 UTC 
I changed restrictions and schedule time and all the schedules disappeared
View: 2345   Answer: 1