
Weather Company API- Revenue stream for Netro

Kirk Davis
更新时间 2019-04-20 12:58:20 UTC 
话题: 通用
It is my understanding that you could restore our ability to pull data into netro from our individual weather stations. This would require paying for the API, which you could mark up 20% and offer a paid option to netro clients. $3.99 a year, for example, would be totally worth it to get accurate information to my sprinkler controller. As I have outlined in a previous post, dark sky has proven to be wildly inaccurate. It's Miss estimates rainfall by at least 50%, on average, and is within three degrees plus or minus on high temperature only about 50% of the time.
浏览: 3162   回复: 4

controller firmware

Magnus Swenson
更新时间 2019-03-27 19:55:40 UTC 
话题: 通用
Does the controller update its own firmware automatically on a specific schedule or you push out when needed?
浏览: 2880   回复: 1

Notice To Users of Weather Underground

Netro Inc
更新时间 2019-03-19 04:52:48 UTC 

Notice of obsoleting Weather Underground

Netro has changed the weather source Weather Underground to Dark Sky from the server side for users of Weather Underground. The reason is Weather Underground stopped its API service without any notice. The whole community is looking for solutions. So we have internally disabled the Weather Underground option and used the data from Dark Sky.

We will support AccuWeather and openWeatherMap in the next release of the app. We expect to launch it early next month.

We are sorry about the inconvenience. Please contact us if you have any questions.



浏览: 3746   评论: 0

Leak detection

Joshua Berk
更新时间 2019-01-03 15:27:07 UTC 
话题: 通用
Rachio has a new leak detection device you can install on the pipe that talks to the controller letting it know if there's water flow that shouldn't be happening. Do you guys have plans to do anything like this? Would absolutely be interested in it!
浏览: 2544   回复: 0

EPA rebate status?

Joshua Berk
更新时间 2018-11-04 07:39:58 UTC 
话题: 通用
Hi I was wondering if we could get an update on where Netro is with an EPA rebate? We're aware Netro has applied, but any word or ETA on getting certification for rebates?  Thank you
浏览: 3052   回复: 3


Ken Siebert
更新时间 2018-09-29 11:26:05 UTC 
话题: 通用
How best to winterize system
浏览: 3216   回复: 1

Great job Team!

更新时间 2018-06-11 17:43:40 UTC 
话题: 通用
This is a great product with a great application as well. Thanks to the team and the developers for working hard to make this right. This is fantastic!
浏览: 3374   回复: 1