
Zone doesn't stay on

Brent S
更新时间 2023-06-18 02:05:28 UTC 
话题: 通用

Hi just installed a sprite 6. I can here zone turn on then immediately turns off but the timer is still running on the app. I can hear the water stop and start in each zone ; the app thinks it's watering but the valve closes. Same for all zones


浏览: 1519   回复: 1


更新时间 2023-06-02 18:10:49 UTC 
话题: 通用
My netro sprite is sometimes working or powered off.  I tried to reset it but no joy
浏览: 1532   回复: 1

Controller location

Francesco Zorzetto
更新时间 2023-05-29 13:55:31 UTC 
话题: 通用
Hi, during the installation phase of the controller, it was not possible to change the position regarding the geographical state of the machine, a US state remains by default and consequently, I can assume, the start times of the irrigation cycles are carried out with the time zone american time. How can I fix it?
浏览: 1607   回复: 1

Unable to delete 6-zone control unit from PC

Luciani Daniele
更新时间 2023-05-27 09:26:29 UTC 
话题: 通用

This morning I had to reset the 6 zone control unit. After the reset everything is fine from the Netro app. Instead, when I log in from a PC with my account, the old setting is detected and it won't let me delete it. The system returns error nvalid group ID 33131: invalid device status.
What to do?

浏览: 1521   回复: 1

Problem in Netro app in my iPhone

Manel Barbero
更新时间 2023-05-18 08:21:17 UTC 
话题: 通用
I had installed an irrigation controller and one plant sensor and it worked OK. Since I have added one Pixie-1 and one Pixie-Z1, on the app screen when I try to enter innthe red ring bell to see notifications, I am thrown out the app and I can’t see my notifications.
浏览: 1541   回复: 1

Days not appearing on 6-days a week schedule

Rec Tift
更新时间 2023-05-17 02:40:49 UTC 
话题: 通用
Our watering restrictions are on 6-days a week. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday do not show water schedule. How do I add these days to program?
浏览: 1418   回复: 1

Rain delay

David M.
更新时间 2023-05-07 04:30:25 UTC 
话题: 通用


I made a mistake on my netro spark and included a rain delay from the main screen.

How can I delete this delay?

Thank you

浏览: 1419   回复: 1

Looking for business partners in EU

Netro Inc
更新时间 2023-05-04 02:54:48 UTC 
话题: 通用

Dear all,

We are looking for individuls in the EU (Spain or Italy preferred) who can work with us on shipping, inventory management and marketing. It is a paid, part-time and low-intensity work. 

Please email to carolguo@netrohome.com if you are interested.


Netro Inc

浏览: 1732   评论: 3

Pixie connection

更新时间 2023-05-01 06:20:22 UTC 
话题: 通用

Good morning,

I already have the Sprite 12 and want to add one or two Pixies. 

Do I need the hub for the pixie or the sprite12 acts as hub?

Thank you!


浏览: 1433   回复: 1

Purchasing in the UK

Phil Middleton
更新时间 2023-04-27 21:05:51 UTC 
话题: 通用

I have purchased Netro Sprite from Amazon. I'm now trying to purchase a couple of Whisperer units. Is there anywhere in the UK as purchasing from the online shop the delivery charge is over $26.



浏览: 1528   回复: 1

problem with Netro sprite 12 controller

paolo cellini
更新时间 2023-04-24 14:27:08 UTC 
话题: 通用


i have continous problems with 

Sprite / app

Never before

Disconnection to wifi

Even when say : online 

it works randomly ( start/ no start  manual 

irrigation )

浏览: 1390   回复: 1


Javier Domínguez
更新时间 2023-04-22 16:04:10 UTC 
话题: 通用


Cuando estoy configurando las zonas me pide un valor de area, ¿en qué medida? ¿Metros cuadrados?


浏览: 1211   回复: 1

farenheit to celsius

Santiago Moller
更新时间 2023-04-22 02:41:55 UTC 
话题: 通用
Hello, I need help to change the settings from Fahrenheit to Celsius in the app, I have a smart plant sensor.  Thank you
浏览: 1602   回复: 1

Maximum watering duration for SPARK

Katarzyna Wrobel
更新时间 2023-04-11 22:55:50 UTC 
话题: 通用

Hi there :)

I want to set-up a watering duration for my desert garden (Phoenix, AZ). We should water our garden deeply and infrequently. So, I want to set-up a watering time of two hours. Unfortunately, the app has a maximum duration set to 60 minutes only. Any suggestions?


浏览: 1176   回复: 1

Dont't start manual irrigation

Simone Teressi
更新时间 2023-03-26 11:39:57 UTC 
话题: 通用

I've checked that My netro isonline...but if i start a manual irrogation app say to me "communicating" and never begin to start..... If i turn off elecrticity and turn on again..... And then i go to manual  Irrogation and press start irrogation begin immediatly

浏览: 1283   回复: 1


Fernando AT
更新时间 2023-02-26 18:00:46 UTC 
话题: 通用


1. How can I enable notifications (when watering, sensor moisture level…)?

2. Cannot set my Wunderground station ISANTA605.


浏览: 1331   回复: 1

Location Setting

更新时间 2023-02-18 10:10:44 UTC 
话题: 通用

Please advise how I can change the location. I am staying in Windhoek, Namibia.

浏览: 1264   回复: 1

Whispered sola panel deteriorated after 6 months

David Gomez
更新时间 2023-02-08 06:15:54 UTC 
话题: 通用

After 6 months of whispere’s exposed to sun, the protective layer of screen is started yo be deteriorated, losing the transparency property and protection to UV, meaning is catching up less sun.

Answer from Netro support after several exchanges had not been at the right level, despite that last topic was really well addressed.

“Thanks for your info and it should not affect the normal use of the sensor. Please let us know if you see any further issues during use.

Check pictures and make your statement, but I am not convince about quality of manufacturing of the whispered elements.


浏览: 1322   回复: 1

Whisperer plant sensor

Vincent Coutinho
更新时间 2023-01-26 20:56:14 UTC 
话题: 通用
How do you find the sensor battery percentage on the netro app.
浏览: 1231   回复: 1

Delay on Manual watering

Jim Barnes
更新时间 2023-01-22 01:22:58 UTC 
话题: 通用
Why is it when I select a manual watering it delays until wake up?
浏览: 1187   回复: 1