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Junglim Huh

Lives in: Rochester, MI, US
Using: SPRITE-12
Growing: Tulip


Moisture level correction

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2021-06-02 21:51:35 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering
Different zones have varying moisture levels even when I get rain. How do I adjust individual zone to have more accurate moisture level?

Smart zone when temperature change

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2020-06-14 12:28:36 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering

Does smart zone adjust water time depending on temperature change?

For instance, does smart zone automatically adjust to water more for those days over 90 degrees and water less for cooler days?

Frequent mode

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2020-06-12 20:20:04 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering
Frequent mode vs regular, which consumes more water?

Firmware update for System reboot after power issue

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-08-06 11:03:17 UTC
Topic: Connected Home
When are you planning release firmware update for sprite having issue connecting to wifi after power issue? This happens quite a bit and my sprite is off line.

Start / End time

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-06-21 10:14:14 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering
I have set start/end water time in preference, but it is watering outside the assigned time. Anyone else experience that, and how can I fix this?

Netro off line

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-05-25 02:59:21 UTC
Topic: Connected Home
I have been away for about 3 days now, and there has been a power failure at home. Netro has been offline since then for couple of days now. I know my wifi connection is good because my nest is working fine. What is up with this connection not being able to reconnect after accidental signal drop. 

Manual mode fail to shut off

Junglim Huh
Updated at 2019-05-16 02:05:13 UTC
Topic: Connected Home

Today, I went around the house to start the season, checking springklers, and one zone wouldn't stop in manual mode. I tried to be closer to home to get better Wifi signal. It still would not stop even if I turn on/off other zone. Shouldn't  manual stop override any previous malfunctions? I had to shut the main sprinkler valve for now because there was no way to stop the water for one particular zone.

Any fix for this? I am planning on a leave and that was the whole reason I got Netro, but this worries me if water won't shut off while I am away.