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Problem with APP connection

Davide G.
Updated at 2023-06-11 05:49:55 UTC 
View: 1738   Answer: 2

Change Country

Updated at 2023-06-08 12:58:01 UTC 

Hello all,

While installing the app, we couldn't choose our location (Curacao) so we filled in Miami, FL. Is there a possibility to change country after all? I can find where to change it in settings but it's not allowing me. Can someone help me out?

Many thanks.

View: 1602   Answer: 1

2 zones not working

Shahid Habib
Updated at 2023-06-05 13:39:04 UTC 


I have 9 zones but 2 of them are not popping up for watering. I can see water is coming out from the ground but not through sprinklers. I have unplugged Netro device and plugged it back but still those 2 zones are not working.

Any help will be appreciated.

View: 1801   Answer: 3

Rename device

3 Dorset Lake Avenue
Updated at 2023-05-28 09:51:48 UTC 
How do I rename one of my controllers ? Thanks. 
View: 1561   Answer: 1

Gestione ritardi

Updated at 2023-05-28 04:44:07 UTC 
Come si cancella un inserimento del ritardo?

View: 1557   Answer: 1

Zone invert

Updated at 2023-05-28 04:42:47 UTC 
Is it possibile to invert the zone order? I mean start from zone 6 to zone 1 
View: 1555   Answer: 2

Can I back up my Netro?

Jacob Matheny
Updated at 2023-05-26 15:39:56 UTC 
I’m upgrading from my Netro Sprite to a Netro Spark. I have very complicated watering schedule and I have 12 zones already programmed and set. I prefer to not have to sit there and reprogram everything manually. Is there an option to backup and restore my water programs and zones?
View: 1622   Answer: 1

Can I back up my Netro?

Jacob Matheny
Updated at 2023-05-26 15:39:51 UTC 
I’m upgrading from my Netro Sprite to a Netro Spark. I have very complicated watering schedule and I have 12 zones already programmed and set. I prefer to not have to sit there and reprogram everything manually. Is there an option to backup and restore my water programs and zones?
View: 1553   Answer: 0

Strange watering cycle

Joe Mariano
Updated at 2023-05-22 14:40:16 UTC 
We just have 2 inches of rain.  I do know why it watering this morning.  Any ideas?
View: 1504   Answer: 1

Mismatch zones/times

Jose R
Updated at 2023-05-21 12:40:53 UTC 

So happy with how this works. 

Everything works nicely but I noticed a weird issue: I was waiting to fine tune the dripping installation and when the app said Next watering in 1 minute, it was not. Kept saying 2 minutes, then 3, then 5... 

Finally it started some 20 minutes later than scheduled. And the zones were not matching with the real order. In my app it's zone 1, then 2, etc and the app was saying now watering zone 3, next 7, next 2 but surprisingly, the zones were being watered correctly.

Apart from that, it's working great. Thanks.

View: 1432   Answer: 1

Can we get a dark mode for the Android app?

Richard Nibbler
Updated at 2023-05-17 02:50:09 UTC 

This sounds silly but with most apps offering a dark mode now it'd be nice to get a dark mode option in the netro app. Kinda tired of burning out my eyeballs when I launch the app later in the evening. 


View: 1633   Answer: 3

Whisperer wifi connection

Jim Shields
Updated at 2023-05-15 21:20:33 UTC 
Hi, I bought 2 Whisperer sensors and when I try to connect to the Netro Wifi, it doesn't show up in my Wifi networks.  The other one showed up no problem.  Is there a factory reset option?
View: 1542   Answer: 1

Whisperer wifi connection

Paolo S
Updated at 2023-05-12 15:41:24 UTC 

I have problem connecting netro whisperer gen 2.

I already try with 2.4 wifi but at the end failed.

Any suggestion?

Any issue with iphone 14?

View: 1517   Answer: 1

Watering adjustment in whisperer sensor

Alvaro Guardado
Updated at 2023-05-08 18:25:58 UTC 

Dear support,

I’ve just bought and installed the sensor and I’m unsure (and other articles haven’t cleared this) which would be the right setting for the watering adjustment. I’ve set 80% to Skip and 20% to Add. This is for a grass lawn. Is this right?

Thank you

View: 1416   Answer: 1

Registrazione utente finale con utente master

Francesco Zorzetto
Updated at 2023-05-05 23:09:14 UTC 
Salve, vorrei capire come far accedere il client al programmatore, ho provato ad aggiungere l'indirizzo email, ma sembra che l'applicazione non dia accesso slave all'utente.
View: 1525   Answer: 1


Tom Carn
Updated at 2023-05-01 17:01:12 UTC 


Quite often I have my Netro controller disabled and then enable it quickly to be able to do some manual watering.

What would be useful is that, after the manual cycles, the unit would return to disabled mode (i.e. preserve the state of the unit as it was before the manual watering). This would stop the automatic watering from starting unintentionally.

View: 1407   Answer: 1

How to cancel schedule

Wayne Curdy
Updated at 2023-04-27 01:15:38 UTC 
How do I cancel a schedule watering on the Netro App? I set up a schedule for heavy watering but only wanted to run it 2 days, now I can’t figure out how to cancel the schedule! 
View: 1444   Answer: 1

0 Minute Zones?

Stephen Wyatt
Updated at 2023-04-26 12:59:02 UTC 
I have 10 zones set up in my Netro system.  How can I create a program that will "zero out" specific zones while setting up desired minutes on other zones?  Right now, I had to select the minimum "1 minute" for the unwanted zones since "0 minutes" is not an option. 
View: 1407   Answer: 1

Add user Error
Updated at 2023-04-21 09:26:43 UTC 
Hi there - trying to add a manager into the app and I get "Network Error with code: 3405"... I am sitting next to my network and the Netro Device 
View: 1493   Answer: 2


David Maerzke
Updated at 2023-04-13 13:19:47 UTC 
My sprinkler started although it's raining. How do I turn off the automatic "feature"?
View: 1526   Answer: 1