
Netro Sprite non apre le valvole

Simone Nolletti
更新時間 2020-06-03 09:40:36 UTC 
話題: 安裝

valvole hunter 24vac, netro non apre le valvole.

i collegamenti sono stati eseguiti come da istruzioni.

Quale può essere il problema?

Alimentatore 24v 1000ma e’ corretto?

瀏覽: 2282   回覆: 1

Moisture to Skip Watering

更新時間 2020-06-02 23:59:08 UTC 

I have a whisper installed and was wondering if the setting "Moisture to Skip Watering" is based on topsoil or subsoil moisture.

瀏覽: 2140   回覆: 1

Smart things?

更新時間 2020-06-01 23:14:05 UTC 
Is there any plan to allow for Smart things compatibility on the Netro units?
瀏覽: 1943   回覆: 0

Missing Whisperer

更新時間 2020-05-29 18:11:36 UTC 
話題: 安裝
This season when I put my whisperer back out to monitor my garden bed I looked on the app and no longer saw that device. So I went through the process to re-add it to my network and my Netro account and I get an error message stating that that serial number is already registered.  Anyone have any thoughts on how I can de-register and re-register this device?  Thanks
瀏覽: 2198   回覆: 1

Exclamation warnings in calendar what do they mean?

Jesse For
更新時間 2020-05-29 08:33:36 UTC 

For the last week all the watering events in my calendar show an exclamation warnings symbol. But I have no way of knowing what that means. I have no alerts from the system. My grass looks like it's dying. What is going on? 

瀏覽: 2152   回覆: 1

How do I reset all the programs in the watering schedule and clean up the calendar ?

更新時間 2020-05-28 18:56:02 UTC 
How do I reset all the programs in the watering schedule and clean up the calendar ? 
瀏覽: 2095   回覆: 1

Delay between zones

Nicholas Lydakis
更新時間 2020-05-28 15:39:00 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Can a pump delay be programmed between zones?


瀏覽: 2230   回覆: 1

Web interface

Emanuele Floridia
更新時間 2020-05-27 16:58:10 UTC 
話題: Netro App
Hi, sorry but is there the possibility of a web interface, without using the Netro app?
瀏覽: 2289   回覆: 1

Moisture level showed by sensor

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新時間 2020-05-25 16:08:09 UTC 

Sensor 2 says moisture level is 7% after very heavy rain, but the weekly view says 92% 

瀏覽: 2407   回覆: 1

Is a full time wifi connection required for watering? Or any other unattended modes of failure?

Chris Graham
更新時間 2020-05-24 20:43:23 UTC 
話題: 通用

If wifi is disrupted will the controller continue to water acording to the most recently programmed schedules?

More generally are there any modes of failure (other than loss of power to the house) where the controller can unexpectedly halt watering?  It would be unacceptable to have one's garden die from lack of water if the system fails when one is away from home for a number of days.

瀏覽: 2513   回覆: 1

Is it possible to name zones for easier identification

Chris Graham
更新時間 2020-05-24 20:37:39 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I'm evaluating whether to by a Netro and one of the things I need is to be able to name zones rather than have a zone called say "Zone 6".

I don't see any users manual on your site to answer questions like this.

瀏覽: 2428   回覆: 1

Pressure compensated drip hose

Simon Clark
更新時間 2020-05-24 17:22:21 UTC 
話題: 安裝


I use Netafin pressure compensated drip hose on all my beds and there doesn’t seem To be an irrigation type for that. Is it OK using the drip setting which seems to be for micro drippers. 


瀏覽: 2272   回覆: 0

Rearranging zones?

Kurt H
更新時間 2020-05-23 19:17:20 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I do enjoy my Netro, and the app makes things pretty handy.  I do have a couple of questions.

Are there any plans to allow the software to rearrange the zones in a watering cycle (or is that already available and I am just missing it?)  Right now it seems I am stuck watering in the order I have wired the controller.  It would be nice to water one zone, let that soak in while watering another zone, then come back and water a third zone that is adjacent to the first zone.

Another question I have is - is it possible to copy a schedule so that I do not have to set each of the 5 zones for every schedule.  There are times when I would like to run a one time schedule that follows my normal dry schedule,  or follows my moister schedule.

瀏覽: 2394   回覆: 1

Using measured flow rated instead of estimated

Wayne Richards
更新時間 2020-05-23 16:07:26 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I understand that Netro estimates water usage based on time, emitter type,  and square footage,  but I  have access to actual flow rate via a Flume flow rate monitor. Is there a way to replace the flow rate estimates with actual rates for each system? 
瀏覽: 2210   回覆: 1

Need any (netrohome.com) payed cloud service?

Roman Prochazka
更新時間 2020-05-22 07:55:46 UTC 
話題: Netro App


I to plan buy Netro Sprite splinkler controller. But I need know if I need pay any fees for using Netro app. Because the app using account at netrohome.com websuite.

Many thanks for early answer

Best Regards

瀏覽: 2325   回覆: 2

Best settings for garden

Alexandre Morin
更新時間 2020-05-20 11:01:20 UTC 
話題: Netro App


I have a bed garden with multiple types of vegetables. My irritation type is drop emitter and I bought the humidity sensor Whispered and Pixie.  My garden surface is 100 square feets

I wan to know what is the best app settings to have the best results. The app contains lots of settings and I am little confuse!


瀏覽: 2569   回覆: 2

Do not water when it rains or rain is expected

Kobus Marneweck
更新時間 2020-05-19 03:33:33 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I replaced my Rainmachine with a Netro but I cannot configure it to do what the Rainmachine did. I live in Austin And can only water 1 day a week. Water is incredible expensive so I  cannot use Smarzone because my water bill will be too high. I want to run each zone for 20 min once per week and not water when rain is expected or it is raining. Netro does seem to be able to do this. Any suggestions?
瀏覽: 2334   回覆: 1

Pixie sync Sprite

Sebastian Diaz
更新時間 2020-05-19 02:50:59 UTC 

Hello, i have a netro sprite with 6 zone, i need controlate when i watering zone 4 (example) on sprite... open the pixie too. It is possible ?

Thanks you Sebastian

瀏覽: 2492   回覆: 1

Watering program

Maciej Karpinski
更新時間 2020-05-18 01:01:57 UTC 

Hi there,

I recently installed the Pixie, and have set up both the smart feature and a regular watering program. The watering program was supposed to go off this evening, but it didn’t. I then checked in the schedule, and all I saw were any restrictions and the smart watering schedule. My program was not there. I set the filters to show me the enables program, but it still does not appear. I have no way of telling with the program has been initialized. Is this a glitch? Should the program appear on the schedule? Why did it not activate when it was supposed to?


瀏覽: 2232   回覆: 1

Zones are not activating since I changed 1 of the solenoid

Yves Desrosiers
更新時間 2020-05-17 18:31:27 UTC 


Had to replace a solenoid on the valve on one of my 2 zones and when I do a manual 5min watering on zones 1 or 2 none of them start. I can hear the click of the main valve opening but none  of the zone 1 or 2 valves is opening...if I use the override on the valve to open manually, the water does pass...seem the controller is not sending any open command to eather solenoid of zone 1 or 2 ..

Thanks for your help :)

瀏覽: 2076   回覆: 1