
How protect Netro Sprite

Stefano Carucci
更新時間 2020-04-21 09:14:57 UTC 
話題: 安裝
I need to install the Netro Sprite in a tool shed covered by tiles and closed only on three sides that I have in the garden (L 2mt, W 1.5mt, H 1.8mt).

I would like to know if, to protect it from humidity, dust and insects, I can install it in a box like this:


and if this box can decrease the reception of the wifi signal.

Thank you,

瀏覽: 2048   回覆: 1

Pixie Leaks

Rich Keith
更新時間 2020-04-19 17:18:48 UTC 
My pixie is leaking between the hose coupling and the unit (so screws on and seals and leaks between the seal and the main unit). Any ideas? Or is the unit defective?
瀏覽: 2129   回覆: 1

Netro-Community using App

Lou Infeld
更新時間 2020-04-19 13:46:12 UTC 
話題: Netro App
When I am in the Netro-Community through the App and I click on an answer to a question, there is no way to get back to where I was before I clicked on the answer.  Using the browser web site to do the same thing, I can use the browser back button.
瀏覽: 2804   回覆: 1

Mixed Plant Zone

Rich Keith
更新時間 2020-04-18 23:36:39 UTC 
I have a lot of mixed zones and am trying to decide what to categorize them as for smart watering. I have a zone that is an in ground avocado tree, grass, to avocado trees in large wooden containers and also, believe it or not, pumpinks. What setting should I use?
瀏覽: 2101   回覆: 1

Forecast vs Expectation

Arvind Ramanadham
更新時間 2020-04-17 18:25:49 UTC 
What is the difference between Forecast vs Expectation? Is the 0.2 threshold the total amount of rain for the entire day or per hour?
瀏覽: 2314   回覆: 1

Keep Connected option

更新時間 2020-04-17 17:38:10 UTC 

Since wifi uses a fair amount of regular power, I assume the Pixie cannot be kept connected to the Internet or remain online for long periods of time. Yet the instructions and website don't seem to offer much guidance, and if so, I have not been able to find it.

So I experimented. I set the Keep Connected option to 9 am to 7:30 pm for Thursday. Seems the battery went dead in a day. 

I gather the Keep Connected option is limited. If so, any guidance would be appreciated. I did find it concerning that neither the Netro app nor the experimental web app showed the rapid deterioration in battery power.

Ideally users would have the option to set multiple blocks for Keep Connected. For example, I would like the Pixie to stay online from 7 am to 8 am and then again from 6 pm to 7 pm. Is that something that's in the works? I know most customers might not need such an option, but for some such as myself it would be useful.

I also imagine there is some kind of obstacle to the device sending out a WAKE UP command when a user wants to connect. Such as feature would obviously be great.

The particulars: 

The Netro app said I had 82% power at the start of Thursday. The app also said I had 82% power as of Friday morning (data appeared frozen in retrospect).


On Friday afternoon, the app suddenly told me it was zero power (while the experimental web app told me it was at 84% power and then 9% power on Fri afternoon). The app went from showing itself to be ONLINE, as it should, to NEXT SYNC. No warning or anything or the app showing a gradual depletion of power.

瀏覽: 1972   回覆: 1

Whisperer shows 0% moist always

Max V
更新時間 2020-04-17 09:46:19 UTC 


I have the following problem for several days, whisperer stopped calculating moisture. It shows 0% always, for 3 days already. I have tried to restart it, change its place. Soil is extra wet, but it still shows 0%. Other parameters like sunlight and temeperature are working fine. What should i do?

瀏覽: 2240   回覆: 1

Which Alexa app?

更新時間 2020-04-16 20:00:55 UTC 

Just got a Pixie. I downloaded both Netro and Netro Home for Alexa. Both work, but should one be disabled? 

The Netro app seems a bit simpler to use (but still clunky). By contrast, Alexa asks if I want to open the Nextro Home app every time I give a command.

Ideally the commands would be simplified, but at least I can get it to work.


瀏覽: 2017   回覆: 1

Range of whisperer

更新時間 2020-04-16 19:35:32 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Is there a maximum distance I can place the whisperer(s) in the garden. Largest distance it should cover is approx. 30 mtrs.

The sprite probably will be placed inside.

瀏覽: 2081   回覆: 1

Daily Wind speed could not be accurate enough to decide if water or not

Luca Manfrin
更新時間 2020-04-16 10:23:31 UTC 


When I set up not to water when wind (daily peak) is higher than a certain set value it seems that Netro will not water during all the day even if in many hours that limit value is not reached.

In my idea Netro should not water only during hours in which wind is higher than the limit value.

Look at my location wind forecast for today - from DARKSKY. During the day there is a great variation in wind speed.


for example today wind load of 10 km/h is reached only between 12:00 pm and 17:00 pm..then the system could water in differents hours outside that time range

then if i set wind limit at 10 km/h the Netro app should check if during allowed irrigation time range (or programmed) the  hourly speed limit is reached, not the daily wind speed limit. And in case shift the irrigation time to an hour in which hourly wind speed is lower than the limit.

Could be useful to be able to choose between set daily wind peak or hourly wind speed as limit.

thank you

瀏覽: 2147   回覆: 1

Restriction means exactly..when not to water..but if I want specify the opposite?

Luca Manfrin
更新時間 2020-04-16 07:47:25 UTC 
話題: Netro App


Using restrictions I discovered that I can only specify when NOT TO WATER but in my specific case I want to tell the system to water in between a certain time range.

Then I had to set up a restriction between 00:00 and START TIME

and add an other restriction between END TIME and 23:59

this was very tricky and not flexible.

It would be nice to have (in restriction page) a drop down menu to choose if specified timelapse is to water or not to water. 

Imagine if I want to specify the irrigation days and not the NOT IRRIGATED DAYS..could be very annoying.

I had to specify irrigation time range because I need solar power to irrigate and  I want to irrigate during most productive hours (I know that the best would be irrigate at early morning but also this is a money saving strategy). And probably I have to monthly move that range. 

Then please check if it s possible to upgrade it.

Thank you for your support

瀏覽: 2071   回覆: 2

Faucet Connector Broke

Larry Griggers
更新時間 2020-04-14 18:49:27 UTC 
話題: 安裝

I was having difficulty getting a leakproof seal when attaching my Smart Hose Faucet Timer (Pixie-1) to my new faucet. I finally was able to tighten it tight enough not to leak, but after a week, it broke and popped off. It is probably under warranty, but is there somewhere I can buy a new connector and repair it myself?

瀏覽: 2167   回覆: 1

App Notifications for watering

Brett Lilly
更新時間 2020-04-13 18:42:28 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Mine is less of a question and more of a request. I would like notifications from the app that tells me when the Sprite has started watering or has skipped a watering. After setting up my Sprite this weekend, it skipped the first watering for low temps, but I had no idea of that. Also, I run my sprinklers in the early morning and it would be much easier to read the notification that it did water than have to go into the app and check it manually. This is the only thing I will miss after switching from a Rachio controller, otherwise it is everything I need.

I understand you don't want to spam us with notifications, but you could add a "Notifications" tab in the settings page where we could choose the notifications we want to receive. I would at least like the choice.

瀏覽: 2032   回覆: 1

Netro app on google home

更新時間 2020-04-11 10:07:58 UTC 


I found netro home app in google home and add with my account to my home. When I click on it I can only start and stop netro without control on which zone I want to do this action. I suppose that it will go in order through the zones. Could be possible to add a zone control on this action? 

Thanks for your support.

瀏覽: 1963   回覆: 1

Wifi issue smart disconnection!

Luca Manfrin
更新時間 2020-04-10 11:43:03 UTC 

This device is becoming a nightmare.

I bought 2 of these last week and they are unable to reconnect when my router drop connection some times. 

I continue to reset and restore everything each time I have a disconnection because both my devices are unable to reconnect. 

Probably I have to send back them to the seller or please give me a real resolution

I need to water my garden not spend hours and hours about this non smart device

Thank you

瀏覽: 2407   回覆: 2

Incorrect weather conditions

Andrea Merito
更新時間 2020-04-09 20:33:11 UTC 
話題: 通用

as the state / province is changed because Madrid is specified instead of Catania, consequently the weather is incorrect.

瀏覽: 2203   回覆: 1

Resetting Netro Whisperer

更新時間 2020-04-09 19:34:52 UTC 
話題: Netro App
How do I do a factory reset on my Netro Whisperer?
瀏覽: 3354   回覆: 1

Power adapter - eu

David B.
更新時間 2020-04-08 13:43:20 UTC 
話題: 安裝

I have a netro sprite with an original power adapter.
How ca i connet this to my 220/230 Volt energynet in Austria pls?

A normal Adapter will not work since i have to tansform volt and ampere to 800ma and 110volt as far as i could find informations.

Kind regards david
瀏覽: 2240   回覆: 1

how change weather in celsius or change country?

Seb Cruzer
更新時間 2020-04-07 15:03:43 UTC 


I don't know why, since today my Netro smart system show temperatures in F° and I'm in France.

usualy it works well in Celsius, i've restart the system (shutdown out of power), change weather channel, not solved...

I try to change country or Zip Code but the system doesn't let you to do it on smartphone and PC.

Please help!

瀏覽: 2247   回覆: 2

Irrigation time striketrough

Luca Manfrin
更新時間 2020-04-07 12:34:22 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Why sometimes the irrigation time is striketrough? it seems to be a temporary condition, but is not clear the reason. 

when triketrough I can t press play and watering

thank you

瀏覽: 2052   回覆: 1