
Sprite app says its watering but it is not

Jen Morgan
更新時間 2020-05-03 18:02:31 UTC 

It has been working for 3 weeks, but now it does not. 

I have checked all 7 zones. No wiring issues. Has proper voltage. 

It just won't come on. How do I get it to work again. This is a new unit. Sprinklers are all fine and had a tune up when the Sprite was installed. 

I have unplugged it and plugged it back in. I need help soon, I have new sod and many new plants in my yard and gardens. 

瀏覽: 2111   回覆: 1

Connect the zones

Alessio Martini
更新時間 2020-05-03 17:42:25 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I’ve 2 separate gardens, the first one has 2 zones and ( names: zone 1 and 2, they irrigate the left side and the right side of this garden) the second only one (Zone 3). I would like to connect zones one and two, to avoid, as it often happens, that zones one and two are watered on different days.  example: has watered zones 1 and 3 today, tomorrow it plans to water only zone 2. can someone help me?
瀏覽: 2134   回覆: 1

I want to increase watering time since it only says 2:00 minutes (it works for this time) but am unable to increase/change it. Please help. Please help!

Anne Knudsen
更新時間 2020-05-03 16:47:04 UTC 

I can not change the time (number of minutes) for watering to happen. please help.

Two of the zones are 45 minutes and 60 minutes and they work.

瀏覽: 2085   回覆: 1

Subsoil humidity

Massimo Povolo
更新時間 2020-05-03 07:21:37 UTC 
話題: 通用

Dear sirs,

why you don't show the subsoil humidity in the app?

Please add in next revision. 


瀏覽: 2126   回覆: 1

Sprinklers don’t work

Richard Mundy
更新時間 2020-05-02 18:59:26 UTC 


Although the app tells me I’m on line my sprinklers will not activate. I’m not sure if there been a recent update, however had the same problem last year with firm wear. I’m based in the UK, so not sure if this makes a difference 

Please help

瀏覽: 2242   回覆: 1

Watering when zones are off

Ben Wojcik
更新時間 2020-05-02 13:07:30 UTC 
I turned off all my zones, but my netro still stays is watering.  How do I get it to stop doing this?  I can't figure out what its watering either.
瀏覽: 2526   回覆: 1

Schedule OFF

更新時間 2020-04-30 11:16:12 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I have smart schedule OFF but still have random

Scheduling. How do I program the app to have NO SCHEDULED watering?

瀏覽: 2044   回覆: 1

Selezione tipologia prato

更新時間 2020-04-30 06:49:27 UTC 
話題: 安裝


Volevo sapere cortesemente in Italia centrale  Roma che tipo di erba selezionare nelle zone.



瀏覽: 2032   回覆: 1

New plant/seeding setting

Cody Cant
更新時間 2020-04-30 04:57:11 UTC 
話題: 通用
Is there or could there be a feature to turn on a watering schedule that accommodates for new plants or seedlings that require a bit more water at first and then can be put into a normal schedule?
瀏覽: 2113   回覆: 1


更新時間 2020-04-29 19:55:03 UTC 
話題: Netro App

It is obvious there is big demand for notifications.  Like a notification when the system begins watering.  Anyone know why Netro refuses to add notifications? I asked for this a year and half ago and was told by Netro they did not want to "spam" its customers.  What, spam?  Makes no sense.  The notifications could easily be turned on/off, right?

I love the Netro system, but notifications seems like a no-brainer.  Again, anyone know why this is not being implemented?  Or has it been implemented and i missed it?  Thank you.

瀏覽: 1927   回覆: 0

Fertilization program

Andrea Merito
更新時間 2020-04-27 14:30:47 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Good morning,

I ask you for a suggestion in your app.  in the program menu, in addition to displaying the manual and automatic programming, can you enter a command regarding fertilization?  I use fertilizers from the Bottos company, where each product has its weight and timing.  Maybe create a partnership with the big fertilizer companies.



瀏覽: 2492   評論: 1

Photo of the zone not displayed in home section during manual irrigation

Carlo D'Ippolito
更新時間 2020-04-27 13:16:32 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Good morning after the update of 2 days ago, when I start the irrigation manually, in the home section of the application, it no longer displays the photo of the area.  I checked in the zone settings and the photos are present.

Waiting for a solution



瀏覽: 1929   回覆: 0

Carlo Monico
更新時間 2020-04-26 06:59:36 UTC 

Buongiorno, ho installato correttamente la centralina Netro.

Ora ho installato due sensori whisperer, li ho collegati alla centralina e vedo i dati correttamente ma non riesco a collegarli alle due zone che ho creato.

Leggono solo i dati ma restano indipendenti dalle zone irrigate.

Ho provato a resettarli e reinstallarli ma non mi viene mai chiesto in che zona abbinarli.

Nella home Page della centralina Netro, entrando nella cartella sensori non vengono visti.


瀏覽: 1994   回覆: 1

Problem with controling relay

更新時間 2020-04-26 06:54:18 UTC 

Hi, i try to control working water pump by M contact on controler using relay(24VAC) and that is not posible, I try with three different relays and same situation. 

Is anybody have same or similary problem and if anybody use M contact for controling relay please send tehnical data or picture of that releay that I can buy same... Suporrt not answering on this question I send them video of working two different relays but not got answer... 

I tru to upload video here but that is not posible...

Thank for help.

Best regards

瀏覽: 2071   回覆: 1

Plant Sensor

更新時間 2020-04-25 21:56:51 UTC 
I turned my irrigation system on this year, and the controller is working great. However, the plant Sensor hasn't checked in since last year; so I went to reconnect it to my wifi. When I press the button 6 times, all I get is a flashing red light.
瀏覽: 2286   回覆: 2

Power outage detection and more

Gian Piero Pepino
更新時間 2020-04-25 09:23:06 UTC 
I’ve just bought my first Sprite and Whisperer and really eager to receive them and start them running in my garden.
In Italy, where I live, we often have this situation: during “off summer season” we live in town, but the garden is located in an holiday site, for instance at the seaside house (this is my case). It may happen that we experiment, sometimes, but unpredictably, a “power outage” accident. 
As far as I know, Netro has implemented a “cloud application”. Is it possible to be promptly advised that a “power outage” has just occurred? That would be quite useful, since if I’m promptly known of the issue, I can immediately take a properly action to recover the outage (with the help of a neighbour for instance). This may also be some kind helpful to support the diagnosis around the cause of the issue. I think that the “use case” might be the following: if Sprite is not set to “off mode” and have “no answer” to the check, send a message “possible power outage on Sprite id XXX”. Desirable channel of communication: email, whatsup, sms, … I’d really appreciate to know what you think about my proposition. I really deem it could be a very appreciated “complementary, but valuable service”.
Second question: is there any update on the list of the Meteo Forecasting Providers thar are supported by Netro? I’m interested particularly in Meteo.it and 3bmeteo.com
Thank you very much for your attention and support
Gian Piero
瀏覽: 2119   回覆: 1

Whisperer ans sprite zone

更新時間 2020-04-23 14:40:17 UTC 
話題: 安裝
When i install the whisperer sensor i can’t choose a zone. The installation begin without possibilities to choose. 
The sensor is ok but it is not paires dithyrambiques a zone. 

how i can do please ?

I leave un France 

Best regards 

瀏覽: 2054   回覆: 1

Best sync option?

更新時間 2020-04-22 02:56:17 UTC 

Got a Pixie. Set my sync time to 6 hours for now. Hopefully I won’t have to tinker much.

Is there any compelling reason I should set it to 1 hour or 3 hours if I don’t plan to mess with the settings? Does Netro have a recommendation?

瀏覽: 1960   回覆: 1

google home not connected

更新時間 2020-04-21 23:01:57 UTC 

I have added netro to google home. The netro device in my garden now shows offline "does not respond". It flashes to "connecting" each second which quickly fails. 

controlling via the app works fine.

what could be going on?

瀏覽: 2122   回覆: 2

Smart watering at wrong time

Joakim Björn
更新時間 2020-04-21 19:55:37 UTC 


In Netro app, Settings=>Preferences=>Scheduling I have told my Netro Sprite to use the time frame 18.00-21.00 (6 PM- 9 PM).

But when I look in Schedule it says it's going to start watering 06.00 (6 AM). Something is wrong here?

瀏覽: 2062   回覆: 1