
where is the rst button

更新時間 2020-05-12 18:00:51 UTC 
help just getting this set up. came with my house. the light is not blinking. can’t find a start button
瀏覽: 2047   回覆: 1

Smart Watering Adjustment

更新時間 2020-05-11 20:56:22 UTC 

Hi Guys, 

I have some questions, which answers I couldn't completely find in other posts here.

I have installed a Pixie and a whisperer on my balcony. So far it looks quite good, but it still requires some tuning. 

Unfortunately the house is not well designed which resulted in a complained from my neighbours below me about dirty water dripping onto their balcony, quite soon after I installed the new watering system (with irrigation drippers)

Seems like the Pixie is watering too much, so I went into the settings and configured the SmartWatering with Advanced and tweaked the settings such that it resulted in ~1 min watering per day.

My first question: All over the app, 1 min watering seems to be the minimum - is this correct? Is there a plan to enable even shorter cycles?

When the Pixie is watering for two minutes some of my pots are already filled up and start soaking to the neighbors. 

I think a 30 seconds cycle twice a day should even be sufficient for me. However, I couldn't find a way to get below 1 min. Neither with manual, nor with SmartZone.

So, my current solution would be two have 1 minute in the morning and 1 minute in the evening. That should work on dry days. 

However, I've not quite understood yet, when the SmartZone (if set to basic) skips the watering. It's only depending on the weather forecast, right?

When checking the Whisperer settings, I can also select watering to be skipped and added at certain thresholds. At what times are those waterings added? And at what intervals is this repeated? 

E.g. Add watering set for 50% to 1m. Does this mean it adds 1m watering for that day? once? at what time?

Actually I'd very much like to use the SmartWatering Advanced features, but it just waters too much for my small plants on the balcony. I'm not sure, how I can archive a smart watering behavior in the best way, considering that it should water quite often, but optimally less than 1m, because my neighbors don't want to have a dirty and wet balcony all the time ;-)

And yes, I could reduce the dripping amount at the sprinkers, but this also would mean that it's not spread at all and really just dripping. 

Looking forward for some tips or hints,

Kind regards & stay healthy,


瀏覽: 2220   回覆: 2

Unit system

Andrea DiPi
更新時間 2020-05-10 08:11:33 UTC 
話題: 通用


Here where we are!!! Torino - Cincinnati - Alice Sping - Skagen - Macao - ......

Is it possible set the app whit a unit as metric or imperial or...Mars?!? It is very boring that some parameters are in metric an other in sqft x ex.

瀏覽: 2241   回覆: 1

can't name area with non English name

Chen Li
更新時間 2020-05-10 05:45:08 UTC 
話題: Netro App
the app is localized. why can't I use localized name to name my area? 
瀏覽: 2092   回覆: 1

Pixie Pending

Rich Keith
更新時間 2020-05-09 19:07:11 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I’m trying to water manually with my pixie but when I click “play” it just goes to pending and never starts watering. How do I fix this?
瀏覽: 2095   回覆: 2

2 different water sources

Carlos Oliveira
更新時間 2020-05-09 14:51:27 UTC 
話題: 安裝


I have the netro connected to one water source.

Now I am going to install a vertical garden with very low flow and I want the source of water to be a different one from the main source for the garden.

Is there a way I can connect it as an independent solenoide valve that doesn't need to have the master turned on ?

Thank you,


瀏覽: 2166   回覆: 1

Suited for exterio?

Joan Peiro
更新時間 2020-05-09 01:50:15 UTC 
Can I install the Sprite control unit at exterior location? Can it be installed at exterior weather exposure (rain) or sun light?
瀏覽: 2338   回覆: 2

Add the option of the timeframe to start in one day and end in another

更新時間 2020-05-08 20:36:44 UTC 

Add the option of the timeframe to start in one day and end in another:

Start ar 21:00 end at 3am

瀏覽: 2576   評論: 0


Andrea Merito
更新時間 2020-05-08 07:20:50 UTC 


 I have a problem with a Whisperer, it turns off, when turned on it detects the data, after an hour it should detect the data again instead it turns off.  I bought 3, the other 2 work perfectly.  I send you photos of zone 6 where the Whisperer is connected.  I did the reconfiguration again but nothing has changed.  I need help.



瀏覽: 2068   回覆: 1

What does water your sensor mean?

Kevin Tung
更新時間 2020-05-07 21:55:00 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Got a notification today that tells me to "Water Your Sensor Today".

Does anyone know if I am supposed to pull the sensor out to clean it or just water the surrounding area of the sensor or do I pour water directly on to the sensor's solar battery surface?

瀏覽: 2083   回覆: 1

Does it automatically stop if it rains?

更新時間 2020-05-07 21:51:54 UTC 
Does it automatically stop if it rains? 
瀏覽: 2181   回覆: 1

Start the week on Monday, not Sunday

更新時間 2020-05-07 21:49:17 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Feature request: 

I think only US starts the week on sunday, in Europe we Start the week on Monday, not Sunday

瀏覽: 2288   回覆: 2

Master valve

Sasha Obradovic
更新時間 2020-05-07 20:56:46 UTC 


Is there a way to use only master valve Without engaging any other zones?

瀏覽: 2274   回覆: 1

Discover your garden

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新時間 2020-05-07 16:16:29 UTC 
話題: Netro App

When you select the year view you see only 12 months. Instead it would be useful to add 13, so I could compare year over year the same month.

Not only the last 12 months

瀏覽: 2101   回覆: 1

Whisper Top soil and subsoil sensor reading

Weston Hull
更新時間 2020-05-07 14:52:41 UTC 


 Is there a way to use the subsoil reading vs the topsoil reading from the sensor.  For example the top soil reading always reads 100% but the sub soil says 55% which is more believable in Florida's Sandy soil.  The unit did not water for 27 days and still read 99% and sub soil at 20%.  I watered it to see if it would change.  When I take the sensor out of the ground it does change state.  

瀏覽: 2172   回覆: 1

Whisperer Changing Colors

更新時間 2020-05-06 02:32:37 UTC 
My Netro Whisperer sensor LED changed colors from blue to red on its own.  Is this normal?
瀏覽: 2151   回覆: 1

How to delete Smart Schedule?

Matty Moe
更新時間 2020-05-06 01:35:06 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I had Smart Scheduling enabled on all zones and then I turned off smart scheduling for all zones but the smart schedules for the next 30 days do not go away. Appears no way to delete them?
瀏覽: 2091   回覆: 1

Whisper wifi strength?

Weston Hull
更新時間 2020-05-05 17:29:53 UTC 
話題: 通用
Is there a way to see the wifi strength from the sensor.   From the phone I have good strength but from as far as the sensor it comes and goes for reporting.   Thanks!
瀏覽: 2007   回覆: 0

Nomi zone e comandi alexa

Mirko Paganelli
更新時間 2020-05-05 06:26:19 UTC 
話題: Netro App
Ciao... Io rinomino le zone e quando gli do il comando con Alexa per irrigare una determinata zona rinominata non capisce e irrigua tutte le zone... Come si può fare? 
瀏覽: 2020   回覆: 1


Andrea Merito
更新時間 2020-05-04 13:18:10 UTC 
話題: 安裝


finally the Whisperer sensors are wonderful.  I installed the 3 sensors divided by zones, a single problem that I encountered is this: the sensor that I called Prato should group 4 zones because they are part of the same type of plant, instead it only groups 3 zones.  I need your help.  



瀏覽: 2232   回覆: 2