
farenheit to celsius

Santiago Moller
更新時間 2023-04-22 02:41:55 UTC 
話題: 通用
Hello, I need help to change the settings from Fahrenheit to Celsius in the app, I have a smart plant sensor.  Thank you
瀏覽: 1594   回覆: 1

Looking for business partners in EU

Netro Inc
更新時間 2023-05-04 02:54:48 UTC 
話題: 通用

Dear all,

We are looking for individuls in the EU (Spain or Italy preferred) who can work with us on shipping, inventory management and marketing. It is a paid, part-time and low-intensity work. 

Please email to carolguo@netrohome.com if you are interested.


Netro Inc

瀏覽: 1726   評論: 3

Add user Error

更新時間 2023-04-21 09:26:43 UTC 
話題: Netro App
Hi there - trying to add a manager into the app and I get "Network Error with code: 3405"... I am sitting next to my network and the Netro Device 
瀏覽: 1145   回覆: 2

Pixie keeps disconnecting

Sang Peiris
更新時間 2023-04-18 12:44:42 UTC 
Hello I have 4 pixie devices.  Two are right next to each other.  One of these two keeps going off-line every couple of days.  Then i have to manually press the button on the device to bring it back on-line?  How do i fix this annoying issue?  Thanks. Sang
瀏覽: 1254   回覆: 1

Multiple users

Norm Markworth
更新時間 2023-04-17 00:22:59 UTC 

How do I set the Sprite for two users. Setting up user 1 killed the user 2 setup.


瀏覽: 1590   回覆: 2

dummy serial for testing

Christophe Benoit
更新時間 2023-04-16 17:53:00 UTC 


I am presently uprgading my jeedom plugin of Netro and I need to test my code with all models. I can do it with Sprite/Spark/Sensor since I have got the devices in my own installation. This is not the case for Pixie, I do not plan to purchase it since I do not need it but some of my plugin users do have it.

Do you have a test/dummy serial number that I could use for testing Pixie integration ?


瀏覽: 1193   回覆: 1

Intelligent mode useless

Juan Lambea
更新時間 2023-04-14 15:51:37 UTC 


The inteligente mode watering a lot of minutes. However I have adjusted the dimensions and type of soil and it seams there is no impact on the schedule. Then I have decided to stop intelligent mode and schedule by myself. However I do not see my schedule in the calendar. I have setup it on preferences but it is not visible. My fear is not active. Thanks

瀏覽: 1724   回覆: 1

Watering even though 100% saturation

Matt Ward
更新時間 2023-04-14 13:57:11 UTC 

I set up all of my zones for smart watering today and it looks like it will be running all day. On zone 1 it must have watered 5 times (close to an hour total) even after it showed 100% saturation. Do i need to adjust some settings? That is way too much water for 70 degree weather in April. 



瀏覽: 1255   回覆: 3

carlos davalos melgar
更新時間 2023-04-13 20:07:05 UTC 
Especias primarias cuales son?
瀏覽: 1538   回覆: 1

carlos davalos melgar
更新時間 2023-04-13 20:06:57 UTC 
Especias primarias cuales son?
瀏覽: 1559   回覆: 0

carlos davalos melgar
更新時間 2023-04-13 20:06:46 UTC 
Especias primarias cuales son?
瀏覽: 1090   回覆: 0


David Maerzke
更新時間 2023-04-13 13:19:47 UTC 
話題: Netro App
My sprinkler started although it's raining. How do I turn off the automatic "feature"?
瀏覽: 1128   回覆: 1

Suggestions and Question.

Maurizio Gianesin
更新時間 2023-04-12 15:08:32 UTC 
Good morning.
I just started using Netro Sprite 8 zones out of 12 zones with two whisperers.
Congratulations for the App and the Web interface I'm using.
I have a concern about some trivial errors in the interfaces:
If you go to settings/preferences/SchedulingSetting
1.1 The Italian translation of "Two Frames" in "Due Cornici" makes me smile, it is better translated in "Due Cicli" or "Due Fasi". But my suggestion is also for English : it is my opinion that if instead of "Time Frames" and "Two Frames" you use "Time Phase" and "Two Phase" it is much better also for English and automatic translations free from misunderstandings.
1.2 Only in the App and not on the Web, the description of the two phases has "afternoon" under "morning" and vice versa.
Now I have a question:
I ask you for an explanation on Smart Scheduling.
I had set a lower limit of 10 C° and a Time Phase of 6:00 - 10:00. When I removed the 10 C° limit, the system did the same day a cycle at 23:58 instead of waiting for 6:00. why?

I hope I have been helpful and thank you for any response.
瀏覽: 1144   回覆: 1

Whisper will not factory reset!

Ross Brown
更新時間 2023-04-13 10:43:03 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Hi I have had to send back my spark due to a problem with one zone not operating, I’m now trying to do a reset on my whisper, I have pressed the power button quickly 6 times, on numerous occasions and cannot get it to reset, any help would be much appreciated. New Spark arrived and working well, l just can’t seem to reset the Whisper no matter how many times I try the on/off 3 times. Are there any other action I could do or do I return it for a replacement?
瀏覽: 1598   回覆: 1

Maximum watering duration for SPARK

Katarzyna Wrobel
更新時間 2023-04-11 22:55:50 UTC 
話題: 通用

Hi there :)

I want to set-up a watering duration for my desert garden (Phoenix, AZ). We should water our garden deeply and infrequently. So, I want to set-up a watering time of two hours. Unfortunately, the app has a maximum duration set to 60 minutes only. Any suggestions?


瀏覽: 1169   回覆: 1

Wiring multiple controllers

John Wright
更新時間 2023-04-10 19:05:31 UTC 
話題: 安裝

I have an existing 18 zones irrigation controller which I am replacing. I require 2 controllers. No master valve or pump.

It is possible to connect both commons to the existing common connected to the 18 zones?


瀏覽: 1604   回覆: 1

Reorder zones in the Netro App

更新時間 2023-04-10 17:53:48 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Is it possible to change the order in which the garden zones are shown in the Netro App?

In my case they are shown in the same order they were created initially in the app and I would like to see them in a different way.

I suppose I could delete them and create everything again from scratch, but I would like to avoid that.

瀏覽: 1116   回覆: 1

Feature request for the system - objective deeper roots and less water consumption

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新時間 2023-04-10 15:17:46 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Hi there

I have read this article explains how to save water based on 

- seed type

- watering adjustement - EPA

- how tall to cut the grass

- how tall to leave the grass to growth ( deeper roots, the problem of loosing water by transpiration)


Currently the whisperer takes into consideration soil evaporation, but I do not know if transpiration is something to add to the watering algorithm

瀏覽: 1281   回覆: 1

Pixie linked to 2 iphone

Paolo S
更新時間 2023-04-10 13:29:30 UTC 
Is it possible to control 1pixie with 2 iphone?
瀏覽: 1098   回覆: 1

Netro Sprite + Netro Pixie Z1

更新時間 2023-04-10 09:58:51 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Is it possible to connect the Netro Pixie Z1 to the wifi and to the App using the Netro Sprite without the need for the Netro Hub?
Thank you
瀏覽: 1542   回覆: 1