

Eric mn...not....n..n. . Alexandre
更新時間 2021-07-25 05:56:52 UTC 
話題: Netro App

How can I set the Netro up to  water only on two specific days - the same days each week?

瀏覽: 1210   回覆: 1

New lawn setting

Bruce Rodtnick
更新時間 2021-07-21 01:54:26 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I am putting down some new sod Thursday.  My last controller had a new lawn setting that ran for 15 minutes four or five times during the day.  Is there a way to set that up with this controller/program? I think I'm running a sprite, netro version 2.5.3

瀏覽: 1444   回覆: 1

Not all zones are executing

Brian Brun
更新時間 2021-07-20 14:19:47 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I have 6 Watering zones. I have my weekly watering scheduled to run zones 1-5, never 6. For some reason it is skipping over zones 1-4 and only executing zone 5. I just deleted the whole program and started over to see if that fixes the issue. Does anybody know why this might be happening?  All zones work fine if individually run. 
瀏覽: 1538   回覆: 1

Netro Whisperer no works properly

Ramón Rivero
更新時間 2021-07-20 08:32:53 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Netro Whisperer sensor throws misleading and confusing data.

瀏覽: 1247   回覆: 1

Pixie and Whisperer

Nick Thoman
更新時間 2021-07-19 17:46:37 UTC 
話題: Netro App
How do I add the Whisperer sensor as a sensor with my existing Pixie? It let me add it as a new device but when I go into my Pixie, the option to pick a sensor is blank.
瀏覽: 1300   回覆: 1

Delete all zones and stat over

Barry Litinsky
更新時間 2021-07-18 23:12:56 UTC 
話題: Netro App
How to delete all zones and start over
瀏覽: 1323   回覆: 1

Default view on startup

Addiel Isaac Moldes
更新時間 2021-07-18 12:45:53 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I see that the application always open by default using the plant sensors view. I don't have any sensor and always have to change the view before managing zones and watering schedules. Is there any way to make this the default when opening instead of the sensors? It's really annoying to have the wrong screen everything we open the application. 
瀏覽: 1289   回覆: 1


Addiel Isaac Moldes
更新時間 2021-07-18 12:42:37 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I was told by support a few months ago that notifications will be included in the next release of the netro application.

I was included as a beta tester for the new version but I don't see any option for notifications when the system start or stop watering the zones. 

It was or wasn't included? 

瀏覽: 1413   回覆: 1

How to Manually Water with Pixie?

Mike Willet
更新時間 2021-07-07 17:27:53 UTC 
話題: Netro App
Is there a way to activate a watering manually without having to restart the pixie or wait until it syncs? I just want to press manually water on the app and have it start. I’ve tried it with the ‘stay online’ beta feature and it still says ‘watering in xx minutes’.
瀏覽: 1395   回覆: 1

Adding a second moisture sensor to the Netro app

Richard Richards
更新時間 2021-07-06 22:32:47 UTC 
話題: Netro App
 I purchased a second Whisperer. I added it via the Netro app, and it shows up on the app start page.  As it is in a different part of the USA than the first sensor, I wanted to assign  a different location but the app does not seem to allow this.  Am I missing something?
瀏覽: 1457   回覆: 1

correcting rain value

Jose Lao
更新時間 2021-07-06 15:07:41 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Is it not possible to correct today rain to a value lower than 1mm?, the app said it has rain today 2mm but I want to correct it to zero mm.


瀏覽: 1390   回覆: 1

tester mon installation

raynaud patricia
更新時間 2021-07-04 16:45:15 UTC 
話題: Netro App


comment puis-je tester mon installation, avec le robinet ouvert pour voir si tout fonctionne ?


瀏覽: 1226   回覆: 1

Text Font on rain and irrigation chart

Shawn C
更新時間 2021-06-27 16:26:16 UTC 
話題: Netro App
Is there any way to increase the font size on the rain and irrigation charts in the app.  Alternatively can the data be switched to a table with larger type?   Or zoom?
瀏覽: 1322   回覆: 2

Can’t Delete Whisper Sensor

Mike Willet
更新時間 2021-06-24 20:40:43 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I added the sensor as a stand alone, then added it to a pixie. Now I can’t figure out how to delete the whisper from the drop down screen. I go into settings and there are no sensors to choose from. Screenshots attached.

瀏覽: 1372   回覆: 1

Richtiger niederschlag

Gregor Schuller
更新時間 2021-06-21 09:41:39 UTC 
話題: Netro App


In der app sollte es möglich sein den richtigen niederschlag auch auf 0mm stellen zu können.

Zurzeit ist nur 1 mm möglich

瀏覽: 1284   回覆: 1

Network error

Al Piscopo
更新時間 2021-06-17 10:27:03 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I am trying to add a Manager and the system will not accept the email address I am entering. When I tried entering just a user name it populated an unknown email address. I deleted this. 

Then when I tried exiting the screen I received the Network Error 2507

瀏覽: 1247   回覆: 1

Watering adjustment settings

Lyndon Whyatt
更新時間 2021-06-15 16:55:38 UTC 
話題: Netro App
In the Netro app underwatering adjustment, what percentage setting is recommended under ‘moisture to skip watering’ and ‘moisture to add water’. I have a clay loam soil and we are having warm weather.
瀏覽: 1451   回覆: 2

Text overlap in App

Kevin Westling
更新時間 2021-06-12 14:46:02 UTC 
話題: Netro App
It's annoying that text overlap in the app. It's there a fix for this?
瀏覽: 1399   回覆: 1

Looking for Beta testers

Netro Inc
更新時間 2021-06-11 06:11:28 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Dear all Netro customers,

The long waited new version (3.0.0) of the Netro app is on the horizon. The major improvements of this version are

1. faster in loading data 

2. new manual run interface

3. new home view design

4. more languages supported

We sincerely invite you to join the Beta testing program. Please email to support@netrohome.com or leave a message below if you would like to try the new app. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !


Netro App Team

瀏覽: 19854   評論: 60

time irrigation stats proposal in new App

Jose Lao
更新時間 2021-06-10 05:30:31 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I would find interesting to include in the new App version the statistics of the total time (minutes) of irrigation by day, month, zone, etc, for me it’s a more comparable data than the irrigation in cbm, I dont know exactly how it is calculated because you dont know the flow capacity of my system.
瀏覽: 1363   回覆: 1