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Solid white light can't connect to phone

Nathan Anderson
Updated at 2019-02-13 03:53:31 UTC 
I connected to the netro wih the app a few times no problem. Then it said failed to connect. The light is solid white no blinking. I have uplugged it reset it multiple times and deleted and reinstalled the app. Any help?
View: 3065   Answer: 1

Why is my sprite watering zones multiple times a day

Tim Cox
Updated at 2019-02-02 01:35:59 UTC 
Installed sprite after I got it for Christmas.  Today it started watering on its own for the first time and certain zones ran for almost 45 minutes and a couple zones watered more than one time in a day.  What the heck is going on????
View: 3079   Answer: 3

St. Augustine

Spencer Vaughn
Updated at 2019-01-10 03:15:53 UTC 
What’s the best way to fill in a bald corner of my yard with st Augustine. Every house in my neighborhood has a lush yard and so do I do for the most part. There isn’t a lot of foot traffic there. The only thing I can think of is that it’s at the top of my slopped yard (probably my the highest point) and maybe the water runs off to quickly. I don’t want to have to lay sod down if I don’t have too so I wanted to see if there were any other options. 
View: 3647   Answer: 2

Leak detection

Joshua Berk
Updated at 2019-01-03 15:27:07 UTC 
Topic: General
Rachio has a new leak detection device you can install on the pipe that talks to the controller letting it know if there's water flow that shouldn't be happening. Do you guys have plans to do anything like this? Would absolutely be interested in it!
View: 2899   Answer: 0

not watering after installation

Sangjin Lee
Updated at 2018-12-15 18:56:48 UTC 

I installed two Netro Sprites to replace the previous controllers. The installation itself went fine, and I was able to verify that the first one waters the zones fine.

However, the second one does not water any zones. All the status indicators are fine, I hear the water getting turned on, and everything but no watering. What could be wrong? The wiring seems pretty simple. One common wire, 4 zone wires, and the power. All the wires are securely in. What are the ways to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance!

View: 4952   Answer: 1

Select suitable plants for slope

Netro Support
Updated at 2018-12-13 07:48:53 UTC 

Select suitable plants for slope

Growing plants in some area with slopes may be more difficult than level gardens. A lot of challenging factors should be taken into consideration, for example, the different soil conditions, the sunlight condition, the slope condition, etc. Netro's smart watering would take care of these factors. Please go to Settings->Zones , select your zone and choose your soil type, slope condition and other settings.

The top priority is to evaluate the pitch and runoff. If the pitch is more than 30 degrees, it might be a good idea to terrace the area to prevent topsoil from eroding and all moisture evacuating every time you water or it rains. Once you have solved any moisture retention and erosion problems, it is time to evaluate the site further for exposure and zone, and plan what plants grow on slopes. The types of plants you choose will depend not only on your visual preference and vision but also the needs of the area. Deep rooted plants help stabilize soil, trees add dimension and shade to prevent excess evaporation, and low growing ground covers cover up unsightly areas with ease of care.

Although growing plants on a hillside can be a challenge, once established they can transform the area and help keep soil from slowly weeping down into the flatter parts of the terrain. Taller shrubs and bushes add many seasons of interest and will help give the area a sculpted appeal. Just remember that young plants will need additional moisture, staking and training as they establish. To keep maintenance down, choose plants that produce very little mess which would otherwise require extra work to clean up annually. Some plants that work well on slopes include:

Burning Bush 

Fragrant Sumac 

Japanese Yew 

California Lilac 

Creeping Juniper 

Dwarf Forsythia 



Carpet Cypress

Read more at Gardening Know How: Choosing Plants For Sloping Areas – What Plants Grow On Slopes

View: 5199   Comment: 1

Needing to connect to a new device

Rebekah H
Updated at 2018-11-28 04:23:43 UTC 

My phone broke and when I tried to connect my new one to the sprinkler, I get an error message saying that our Netro is linked to another device and must be deleted from it before it can connector to my current phone. Is there anyway to reset the controller? 

View: 3065   Answer: 1

Water pump shutting off

Ryan Cochran
Updated at 2018-11-26 02:32:24 UTC 
My water turns on then about a minute into the cycle it will suddenly shut down. The app says it is still going but water is not coming out of the sprinklers. Help  
View: 3072   Answer: 1

EPA rebate status?

Joshua Berk
Updated at 2018-11-04 07:39:58 UTC 
Topic: General
Hi I was wondering if we could get an update on where Netro is with an EPA rebate? We're aware Netro has applied, but any word or ETA on getting certification for rebates?  Thank you
View: 3448   Answer: 3

Skipping skipped?

Updated at 2018-10-31 16:11:03 UTC 
Live in Hawaii and yesterday we had flood level rains and to my disappointment Netro watered this morning even though I have it set to skip if it rained the previous day. Anyone have this happen?
View: 2951   Answer: 1


Matt Lasser
Updated at 2018-10-31 16:01:30 UTC 
Listen.  This timer is really bad.  How do I let a service man run my timer I don’t want to give him my phone at least with the Rachio I can grant temporary access this is not worth the money at all
View: 3041   Answer: 1

Is there a way to water multiple times during the day?

George Zraick
Updated at 2018-10-27 20:05:15 UTC 
I have this fern area in a desert climate. Is there a way to do short spirt misting multiple times a day?
View: 3099   Answer: 1

Updated at 2018-10-17 16:59:29 UTC 
My controller is blinking. Hasn’t done that before. Ideas?
View: 2991   Answer: 1

connecting to wifi..

Phani Gade
Updated at 2018-10-15 17:20:42 UTC 
Hi: i am having issues connecting to wifi.. i have been using the Netro for more than one year..still having issues with connecting to wifi. it gets connected for some time and disconnects. it is been happening. is it issue with Netro it self or something i have to do. i see all the bars on my phone at netro.. 
View: 2806   Answer: 0

Customization->set rain/temperature/wind threshold to skip watering

Netro Support
Updated at 2018-10-13 06:19:08 UTC 

Customization->set rain/temperature/wind threshold to skip watering

Netro automatically creates dynamic watering schedules according to local weather, so if you turn on the smart zone feature for your zone, season adjustment will be made with smart watering schedules according to weather.

There are different types of weather restrictions: rain, temperature and wind.

By default, If you turn on the smart zone feature, Netro will skip the schedules (including manual schedules from user programs) when there is a chance of significant rain(>0.2inch).

The default threshold to skip watering when temperature is too low is 0 Celsius degree (32 Fahrenheit) for all the Netro controllers.

You can now customize rain, temperature and wind threshold through Settings->Preferences.

View: 4377   Comment: 0


Phil Samson
Updated at 2018-10-12 18:41:33 UTC 
My controller shows that it’s online but the app is saying I’m offline. How do I correct this?
View: 2893   Answer: 0

How can I give my landscaper a way to manage the watering cycles?

Joshua Berk
Updated at 2018-10-10 06:22:09 UTC 
I would like to be able to share this account with my wife and my landscaper so they have access to turn things on and off when needed. Especially when I'm going to have my landscaper do work on my sprinkler system to fix the heads he needs to be able to test it easily without me being there.
View: 3162   Answer: 3

New seeding

Douglas Ely
Updated at 2018-10-09 23:09:48 UTC 
Here in ocean city NJ, when we seed for new grass we need the water to come on twice daily to start germination. When I set my Netro to “new plant” and the soil type to “sandy clay” which is the top layer, the controller had only been watering every 2.21 days. The soil is dust dry. I don’t want to have to make gross adjustments. That is why I bought Netro. What’s wrong?
View: 3695   Answer: 3

Disable all zones for winter

Wayne White
Updated at 2018-10-09 23:05:21 UTC 
It’s winter, I have manual zones and 3 sprites. Is there a way to disable the sprites? There has to be. A simple switch I’m missing. 
View: 2885   Answer: 1


Ken Siebert
Updated at 2018-09-29 11:26:05 UTC 
Topic: General
How best to winterize system
View: 3531   Answer: 1