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Invalid group ID 39654: invalid device status - shows in the app

Ashok Vengidapathy
Updated at 2024-05-28 05:22:36 UTC 


I am getting an error in the app like " Invalid group ID 39654: invalid device status "

What would be the reason.  Also I am unbale to pair my device.

Please advise on this.



View: 1452   Answer: 1

Multiple zones running on Netro Sprite sprinkler system

Updated at 2024-05-27 17:47:14 UTC 

I have three zones that are running at the same time with low water pressure to all three. This is a new problem. Any ideas on hat might be causing it? 

So far I've tried replacing one solenoid, that did not work. I switched the zones in the control box for one of the three zones but the same result when I activated the switched zone. 

I also tried disconnecting one of the zones, and when I triggered it it did not run. But when I triggered one of the zones I left connected, it did run with low water pressure

View: 1446   Answer: 1

Moving from hunter to netro 12 zones

Updated at 2024-05-27 02:50:28 UTC 

Hi gents 

I have setup a new up to 12 zones metro  replacing an 8 zone hunter system.

So far only 5 zones are active

I am missing something small

Hunter old wiring attached 


View: 1459   Answer: 2


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-26 06:49:27 UTC 

First of all, I have been using my Sprite for one year, and the result is very positive. My lawn is better, and I have learnt about how watering should be done in my case. Congratulations to the Netro team. Let me add some questions below.

On 2023-06-13 Wency said "Netro sever side gets/ updates weather information every early morning at around 4 am.

If the weather forecast changes, Netro will update and recalculate the schedule." But could you expand what time zone is this 4 am?.

And a second question is: how often the system recalculates the watering scheduling after a programmed or manual watering? Will that go in the same refreshing as the weather info refreshing? also at 4 am?

Thank you.

View: 1473   Answer: 1


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-26 06:32:56 UTC 

Good morning. I am observing that when I manual-water using the web app, and the watering ends, the indicator (blue watering can) remains blue, indicating that the system is still watering. Only resets when the page is left or refreshed. I think that the refreshing should be done automatically, perhaps. The current situation makes the user think there is some hang up in the system, although it is not operationally significant.

Thank you.

View: 1429   Answer: 1

Zone Won't Disable

Gary Walloch
Updated at 2024-05-25 20:49:25 UTC 

I have tried to disable this zone in settings, but it will not disable.  If anyone knows a solutions please let me know.


View: 1392   Answer: 1

No Answers

Charles Currie
Updated at 2024-05-25 17:07:13 UTC 

I have been browsing through question from client and have yet to find links to answers to these questions. What is the use of this section of you software if nothing is is fries for answers. Should have a link to follow an answer to all questions. This could prove a lot more useful than just seeing the initial question. 

View: 1329   Answer: 1

mae winslow
Updated at 2024-05-24 02:05:23 UTC 
My sprinkler are set to go off twice they start at 6am then start again around 8am is there away delete the second watering?
View: 1346   Answer: 1

2 separate systems

Roger Johnston
Updated at 2024-05-22 19:07:12 UTC 
We have a 9 zone lawn system and a seperate 4 zone garden system. The controllers are 100 yards apart. We hand 2 Netro controllers and a home network that covers the entire area. Can both controllers be operated with one same app? I’ve tried but without success….must be missing something.
View: 1349   Answer: 1

Weather Underground

Updated at 2024-05-22 16:23:22 UTC 
Hi. The app wont let me add my wundergound id number (IRIBBE4). Can you please help
View: 1330   Answer: 1

Whisper 2 problems

Phil Middleton
Updated at 2024-05-20 09:13:29 UTC 

Hi. I have two Whisper 2 units which have started to give strange readings, both have full batteries and strong WIFI connection. One unit is showing low moisture content when the soil is very damp and the other is showing 123 lux constantly. Any help would be most appreciated.

View: 1418   Answer: 1

Compatibilità con Smartthings

Farina Vincenzo
Updated at 2024-05-18 20:44:01 UTC 
Greetings. Your system is currently compatible with Alexa and Google Home but does not integrate with Smartthings at all. I wanted to know if you were planning its integration. Thank you.
View: 1392   Answer: 1

Whisper doesn’t work only connected USB

Rogier Hoftijzer
Updated at 2024-05-15 17:16:55 UTC 
Who can help me? I have three Whispers. 2 working properly. 1 who has worked last year only ‘works’ when connected to USB. Loading works fine. Connecting will work. But when placed in the garden it doesn’t work anymore and loses connection and no lights etc. 

What is wrong? WiFi signal is good outside. He is fully loaded? Is the battery broke? He’s only one year old….. one summer season outside. Whole winter stored inside.

Please help me.

View: 2328   Answer: 1

Pixie z1 - smart scheduling for vegetable garden

Jamie J
Updated at 2024-05-15 14:47:14 UTC 


We just planted a raised bed vegetable garden with a variety of fruits and vegetables (zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, green beans, strawberries, 2x blueberry bushes) and I bought the Pixie Z1 to use with a soaker hose setup.  

I just setup the pixie and discovered the smart watering options do not include any of these plants.

Does anyone have successful recommendations for settings that would be best for a vegetable garden?


View: 1524   Answer: 0

One of my Netro device can’t open the valve.

Bowie Xu
Updated at 2024-05-14 08:55:50 UTC 
Topic: General
I connected 3 zones and they were working fine last month. All of the sudden all 3 zones stop to work when I manually run the zones. I tested the voltage using multimeter. It seems the device has no voltage output at all when I run the zone.( I am assuming the correct reading should be about 24V). I tried to unplug/plug to restart the device without any luck. What should I do next?
View: 1668   Answer: 2


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-12 06:36:42 UTC 
How could I mark those articles or questions that present a special interest for me (something like my "preferred topics")? Some time after reading them, I see it hard to locate in the database. Thank you.
View: 1573   Answer: 1


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-12 06:32:07 UTC 
Is there an article explaining the different watering modes of smart watering, more that the one line info on the menu? I am looking at information like levels of humidity pursued, depth of watering, or circumstances under which each mode is recommended.  Thank you
View: 1629   Answer: 1

Pixie Z1 Battery Drain

Passawit Kaovilai
Updated at 2024-05-12 03:01:25 UTC 

One of my Pixie Z1 is after months of use is having abnormal battery drain where a 100% battery to dead within 3 days. Is this something warranty would cover?

I've replaced 3 sets of AA batteries now within a week or so.

View: 1475   Answer: 1

Antonio Cordon Rodriguez
Updated at 2024-05-08 18:57:57 UTC 


I have a wishperer sensor in my garden and the measured values, in my opinion, are not correct in the following hours when the garden is watered. I have seen this same problem on other occasions. Is it possible to check it? Thank you very much.

The figure shows an example (the garden is watered at 6am):

View: 1487   Answer: 1

Wafering even when raining

Fabio Silvestri
Updated at 2024-05-07 19:59:22 UTC 

I don't understand the logic behind watering after training. Yesterday and today we had heavy Rain, but the Smart schedule plans to start in 9 hours. In the app I also set to stop watering the day before and after Rain, but that seems to have no effect. Temperatures are low as well, i wouldn't expect watering to start before at least 10 days.

View: 1649   Answer: 1