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Ac adaptor

Cisco -
Updated at 2024-08-24 21:45:58 UTC 


I have bougth a Netro sprinkler w/o adaptor for an offer on Amazon IT.

Unfotunately i though a 24Dc adaptor would be OK but valves don't turn off while using program and manual irrigation too.

Point is that it is very hard to find an Ac Adapter 24V in our country.

Could you please help to find some place where to retrieve one?


View: 993   Answer: 1

problematiche app

Giampaolo Mariani
Updated at 2024-08-20 08:16:25 UTC 

Buongiorno, ho alcune domande:

1)è possibile far partire solo una zona specifica attraverso i comandi vocali su google assistant?

2)è possibile aggiungere un altro meteo diverso da quelli proposti?

3)perchè quando applico il ritardo pioggia la pianificazione intelligente impazzisce e pianifica male?

grazie in anticipo delle risposte

View: 1051   Answer: 1

1 valve works, two don't

Phil Rubin
Updated at 2024-08-17 21:52:30 UTC 
For some time the system worked perfect. Now I  have two sections that don't work. It turns out that the signal to activate the valve is too short. When I  put a meter on it and then activate the valve the meter jumps to 28v for about one second then drops to zero before the valve can move. Conversely the one that works stays at 28v for much longer. I have rebooted and reset the system.  Any ideas?
View: 1067   Answer: 1


Felipe Martinez Cuadrado
Updated at 2024-08-16 21:16:23 UTC 
Topic: General
He instalado el programador y de vez en cuando salta una de las zonas 
View: 1083   Answer: 1

Van Klaveren Patrick
Updated at 2024-08-15 10:04:53 UTC 

How can I share the Nero application of my watering control system with my gardener?


View: 1065   Answer: 1

Smart watering very stupid

Ruth Wengert
Updated at 2024-08-13 14:22:33 UTC 
Smart watering has taken over my system. It waters on the wrong days at the wrong times. I have tried and tried to reprogram it with no success. I have asked for support from Netro at least 10 times and they have no support. Can someone please help me and tell me how to program the stupid smart system? It waters my plants three days in a row and then doesn’t water it for four days. My grass is dying. My plants are dying. Everything is dying because Netro has zero support. They don’t even have helpful videos on YouTube someone please help.
View: 1105   Answer: 1

Terminal 1 not working

Updated at 2024-08-12 01:27:03 UTC 
My terminal 1 is not working anymore. How can I troubleshoot?
View: 1087   Answer: 1

deleting plant sensor

David Ridgwell
Updated at 2024-08-10 01:31:44 UTC 
Topic: General
deleting plant sensor??
View: 1098   Answer: 1

2 hub-1 in my house

Troy Guinn
Updated at 2024-08-09 00:15:52 UTC 
Topic: General


I have 2 pixe devices and 2 hubs. I have 1 hub and pixie working fine. When I added the 2nd hub it does not show up in the app and therefore cannot add the 2nd pixie what am I doing wrong

View: 1163   Answer: 1

Zone watering while disabled

Brian Paternostro Paternostro
Updated at 2024-07-31 10:10:11 UTC 

I am doing yard work to 2 of my 3 zones right now and have the whole system disabled for several days as many heads are disconnected.  Woke up a 5am to have zone 3 on and spraying water everywhere for 20 minutes. 

How is this possible? Why do you not update your softwar? 

View: 1392   Answer: 2

Boost factor in app

Jorge Castrillo
Updated at 2024-07-30 13:55:17 UTC 


I see a boost factor option in the web interface. I understand it's meant to increase or decrease the watering time. You can see the effect in the estimated watering times and schedules.

In the app, however, that option does not exist and, in fact, it shows a different estimate than the web interface. Why is that? Which one does the system pay attention to? The settings in the web, or those in the app?


View: 1271   Answer: 1

Sensor plat

Tiago Lourenco
Updated at 2024-07-28 12:17:00 UTC 

Good afternoon

I have plant sensors in all zones, and they block.

Sometimes i have my grass really dry and the sensor have 70/80 % of humidity.

I turn them off change place like 2 cm, turn them in again and they have the correct humidity.

Anyone experience this?

Thank you in advance

View: 1328   Answer: 3

Watering system turns on by itself?

Michael Collins
Updated at 2024-07-27 23:34:54 UTC 
Topic: General

I have the following odd situations:

1. The Netro does not show any watering activity.

2. My watering system is turning on by itself, and one of my zones is just firing away, spreading water for hours on end.

3. The Netro does not seem to be be able to stop it or even show that it's running.

4. Unplugging the Netro did fix the problem. Even more bizarre

I have an old Netro that never did this. I wonder if I should just swap them out?  This newest one seems to bug sometimes?

Any thoughts what could be doing this?

View: 1172   Answer: 2

Error E1

Simone Ragnolini
Updated at 2024-07-26 11:13:02 UTC 
Ho, we need support, as we are having an issue as the app doesn’t activate watering. The control unot shows E1.
View: 1115   Answer: 1

Can't get desired watering time

Fabio Silvestri
Updated at 2024-07-24 19:24:30 UTC 


I'm struggling to setup watering time, even after third season im using this app.

As per my settings, EPA suggest to water every day, 30 minutes a day for each zone. The grass is getting sick as all past 2 years, cause the frequency is too high.

I would expect it to water for 1 hour, each 3-4 days. This is what i call "deep watering".

I tried following settings, the frequency decreases, but no way that i can increase the watering time which remains 30 minutes.

Help please

View: 1193   Answer: 1


Updated at 2024-07-21 04:36:32 UTC 
Can't connect to the internet with this app 
View: 1157   Answer: 1

La zona non si spegne

Updated at 2024-07-17 16:29:38 UTC 

Quando collego la valvola la zona resta alimentata a 24 v anche quando finisce il ciclo. Quindi non smette di irrigare anche con la spia di colore verde.

Senza la valvola invece la tensione torna 0 volt.

Cosa può essere il problema

View: 1216   Answer: 2

Bug in Smart watering Algorithm

Updated at 2024-07-16 18:53:40 UTC 

I would like to know how to get a serious bug in the smart watering algorithm resolved.

I live in north Dallas.  All of our soil is clay.  Most yards (like mine) have Bermuda grass, which is extremely drought tolerant.  This grass grows roots several feet deep and can survive with zero watering for 3 weeks after a downpour that saturates the clay.  (I can show you green grass in a yard that is hard as a rock)  During mid July to mid September the average low is 80 and the high is over 100.  Bermuda grass will go dormant(not dead) if not watered during summer.  You can easily keep the yard looking decent with only 10 minutes of watering per week.

I bought my house in 2020 and it came with a Netro.  After a summer of use, my wife and I failed to look at the auto-pay CC card water bills.  We had accidently spent thousands of dollars on yard watering during the summer. (I can show the water bills)!  (FYI, I had each zone set to the max ECO level)  Instead of buying a new timer, I changed smart-zone to basic instead of advanced and setup very detailed schedules.  

My timer got hit by lightning back in May.  I bought a new one and set it up.  I failed to notice that the default value for new zones is "smart zone enabled with advanced setting".  Even though I had set up manual programs the timer found 'loop holes'.  The advanced mode was watering some zones as much as 70 minutes in 1 WEEK!  (compared to previous 10 min a week).  My water bill went from $160 to $400 ( at least I caught it before it got to $800 again).  

This bug has literally cost me thousands of dollars with a feature that is supposed to be saving me money.  I am not asking for compensation, it was my mistake that that I failed to look at the schedule and CC auto-pay.  

But this bug is ridiculous.  

How do we get the following implemented:

1) Global setting for water conservation (impacts all zones) that limits the max per week and max per month that a zone can be watered 

2) Budgets inside manual programs that will set limits for max per week and max per month.

3) expand frequency for programs to be across 14 days instead of 7 days

4) notifications from app that informs owner of minutes watered per week and per month.



View: 1140   Answer: 0

Problem with irrigation time

Daniel Encinas
Updated at 2024-07-12 10:43:36 UTC 
Hello, I have owned a Netro Sprite programmer for several years.

The problem I have is that it programs the phases intelligently and if it indicates that it has to water for 10 minutes. It only waters for about 1 minute but the app shows that it has watered for 10 minutes. The garden is drying out and I don't know what to do.
This happens to me in all irrigation phases. If I program it manually the same thing happens to me. If I try it twice, the second time it takes even less time to water.
I have connected the transformer directly to the phase, bypassing the programmer, and it works correctly.
Reviewing its problems section, I found a similar one in which it says to look at the 24 volt voltage. (which is correct, around 30 volt) and the resistance in ohms of more than 20 (around 30 ohmios). It also says that there the programmer has a recoverable fuse.

What can I do?


View: 1226   Answer: 1

Manual watering beta

Lynn johnson
Updated at 2024-07-10 04:17:16 UTC 
So I like the idea of being able to manually water when I want especially on really hot days but the battery aftervthe second day dies and never charges more then 10 to 15 percent even in full sun for 10 hours. Would be nice if it charged faster and had a better battery or less drain in that mode.
View: 1233   Answer: 1