
end Battery life?

更新时间 2022-06-15 13:23:27 UTC 
I use Netro Pixie for over a year. Now my battery % goes 3%-11%, 45% maximum, even in sunny days. May i conclude the battery needs to be replaced? Please confirm and tell me where to buy for prompt delivery in Belgium.
浏览: 1730   回复: 1

Tech support

Robert Dambrosio
更新时间 2022-06-13 00:41:59 UTC 

I've been playing with my Netro controller for 6 hours now. I create programs and the first time when I look at the schedule the zones are not shown in order and then they repeat for a second time with a different intervals after the first run ends. I try cancelling the duplicates and both occurrences disappear. I could not figure how remove the duplicates only so I tried resetting the controller. I took about 5 tries before it worked.  Then I did the wifi setup and setup a new program. Just a basic 11 zones with a start at 6:00, weekly and start on jun 16,2022,and I enable it and save. When I check the schedule. Nothing shows up for 6/16 and on the home screen it says next run not scheduled.  All of the 11 zones say next in -- without any entry.

浏览: 1748   回复: 1

Netro light

更新时间 2022-06-09 14:46:24 UTC 
Is possibile turn off the withe light on the netro device?
浏览: 1633   回复: 1

The battery for my pixie has failed

James Berg
更新时间 2022-06-05 01:03:46 UTC 
My pixie battery has failed after 1 season of use.  It doesn’t hold its charge, and therefore the timer goes off line.  How do I get a new one?
浏览: 2265   回复: 1

How many zones for the Whisperer Sensor

Andy Ricco
更新时间 2022-05-31 06:12:27 UTC 


I can only add a maximum of 3 zones to my Whisperer Sensor. I wanted to add all my 6 zones to it? Is that possible? 


浏览: 1580   回复: 1

Sleeping mode

更新时间 2022-05-18 10:11:40 UTC 

My pixie sprinkler keels since 24h on status sleeping even if it should go on line twice a day, usually did until yesterday, it does not water nor using programs nor manually. I am far from my home what can I do?

浏览: 2702   评论: 1

water valve does not work

Paolo Raviolo
更新时间 2022-05-03 15:55:47 UTC 

I set up the pixie timer, everithing seems ok but the valve does not opens, nor with program nor in manual mode, no water at all.

can you help me?

浏览: 1559   回复: 1

Pixie shows "communicating" and timer counting down but valve not open?

Douglas Ely
更新时间 2022-05-01 15:54:22 UTC 
When trying to use the Pixie to manually water the garden, I go to the Netro app and select the pixie. It shows "sleeping", 99%charged. I then select "manual run" and set a time. The app then grays out and says "communicating" as the timer begins counting down my preset manual time but the valve stays closed. Why? When does it open? 
浏览: 1900   回复: 3

Location outside USA

Eduardo Prieto
更新时间 2022-04-30 09:45:16 UTC 

I live in Spain and ubication selector do not let me specify my correcto location. I assume It is requieres to provide the Meteorological service the place where to predict weather, so if location is incorrect, the weather too and the watering planning is not optimized properly.

Please work It out un Next app releases.

浏览: 1538   回复: 1

Incorrect rainfall accumulation

更新时间 2022-04-29 16:35:33 UTC 
I live in Katy Texas and have been using the Netro water controller in smart mode for over 2 years with no problems.  We received at least 1.5in of rain on the April 25, so I was dismayed to find my sprinkler system watering my yard on the morning of the 26th.  The rain graph in the app is showing 0.03in for the 25th and is clearly wrong.  I have tried changing to all the different weather providers, but the total rain accumulation doesn't change.  The frontal system that caused the rain passed over the entire area, so this is not a situation of local shower only affecting a localized area.   
浏览: 1583   回复: 2

Manual Run works intermittently

Scott Gustafson
更新时间 2022-04-14 22:26:18 UTC 

I find the most of the time when I do a manual run, the station select get stuck on communicating….  I keep trying over a period of time and eventually one of the times I hit the Play button it goes straight to Watering and the manual run is successful.

浏览: 1664   回复: 1

Replacement battery packs for Pixie?

更新时间 2022-04-03 14:58:04 UTC 
Just booted a pair of Pixies for the coming grow season having recharged the packs via USB.  One unit is fine, the other booted one then shutdown and is dead.  I swapped the batteries around and the problem followed the the battery.   I don't see a replacement battery pack on the store so how do I get this replaced?   Pixies got bought last year.  
浏览: 1697   回复: 1

2 zones turning on at the same time

更新时间 2022-03-21 18:45:44 UTC 
Recently, I noticed that whenever my zone 2 starts (whether manually or automatically), zone 3 turns on as well. This is causing the water pressure to be low to the point where neither zone 2 nor zone 3 are properly watered. This is also causing an unnecessary water waste. Would you please assist?
浏览: 1651   回复: 1

Netro pixie in standby

更新时间 2022-03-12 10:44:15 UTC 


My pixie is in standby and does not execute the scheduled programs.

What can I do to change that ?


浏览: 1606   回复: 1

Gabriele Cofano
更新时间 2022-03-02 12:45:59 UTC 
La valvola dell'acqua è rimasta bloccata aperta e non si chiude.
浏览: 1634   回复: 1


John Degolyer
更新时间 2022-03-02 05:58:45 UTC 

I just can't figure out this interface or scheduling or even how to turn the zones on or off.   It just seems too complex for a simple task.   Is there a guide or something?   

浏览: 1858   回复: 2

Pixie Not Charging Sufficiently

Duane Smith
更新时间 2022-02-16 21:58:22 UTC 

Good Afternoon Everyone,

My Pixie is having issues charging via solar. I live in San Diego, CA and my backyard is not shaded; the device gets at least 8-9 hours of sunlight per day, but that only yields about 8-10% battery. I have it set to check in every 4 hours. So it shouldn’t be burning through the battery too much, and the problem started only about a two months ago.

Thank you all for your help in advance!


浏览: 1600   回复: 1

whisperer off almost 1 month

Jose Lao
更新时间 2022-02-16 17:01:49 UTC 
seems that whisperer didnt collect data for almost one month!!, this is due to battery? we are in winter but it’s installed on a sunny place!! and app did no send alerts when this happens!!?
浏览: 1797   回复: 1

Pixie smart timer battery not charging

Becky Aquino
更新时间 2022-01-23 00:57:20 UTC 
Anyone have an issue with the pixie battery not charging from the unit using solar? My battery level is down to 19% and I live in Hawaii, lots of sun. Not sure if I did something wrong.
浏览: 1603   回复: 1

Sensor sending wrong data

Mick Faulks
更新时间 2022-01-14 06:49:41 UTC 

Hi have my whisperer installed in a garden bed, it saying 0% moisture when the soil is quite wet and it is saying temp is 200 C up to 380 C I have reset it many times but continues to give these readings.

浏览: 1757   回复: 1