Netro Support
更新時間 2019-08-16 06:37:34 UTC

Hi Kirk,

We can take the device back and replace the fuse with a larger one which will solve the issue. If this sounds like a good solution for you please write to us and let us know your home address for shipping purpose.


Netro Support

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Kirk Davis
2019-08-27 01:10:47 UTC  
There is no blown fuse. The zones just shut off. Is it maybe a thermocouple?

Kirk Davis
2019-09-17 12:06:28 UTC  
Again, no blown fuse. No zone will finish watering. It appears to be dropping the 24v signal mid-watering, which causes the valve to close app still thinks its watering. This happens even with all smart features disabled.

Kirk Davis
2020-05-03 23:06:23 UTC  
Same issue this year. Going to pull the system out as I cannot trust it. When it shits the zone off, but thinks it's still running, it screws up the moisture calculation. Very irritated.