Wency Pan
更新時間 2023-09-14 02:15:53 UTC

Dear customer,

I apologize for the inconvenience. This issue was due to a bug on our server and we have fixed this usse. Your scheduling should be functioning correctly now.



Netro Support

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C He
2023-09-15 06:03:41 UTC  
Hi Wency,

i see still the same issues.

It was raining one day after your answer (on 13.Sept.).
My setup is skip 2 days after it was raining, but the spark skipped only one day and let it rain today (15.Sept).

I missed something?
Wency Pan
2023-09-18 03:17:04 UTC  
Dear customer,

Netro will not water your zones according to regulations. Could you please check the regulation which restricts watering on odd days? If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
