I have in-ground valves. To prevent this issue I tapped the main line and installed a pressure regulator and a drip irrigation line. The pressure regulator keeps the line from moving much water, but allows the pressure to drop after the pump shuts down. I stuck the drip hose in a bird bath and everybody’s happy. It wastes a small about of water, but I live on one of the largest aquifers in the United States. It evaporates and allows me to share water with other parts of the world! 🤪 I thought about a sprinkler head with the smallest nozzle installed (it would just run along with all my zones) but took the easy way out.
瀏覽: 1970   
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Jorma Spitz
2022-08-12 18:47:33 UTC  
That's an interesting workaround. Thanks for sharing!