
Watering during a restriction

Valeria Dp
更新時間 2022-09-20 20:26:21 UTC 


Tonight at 2.30 my netro start to watering. I had to stop it starting a manual program and stop it because in the app there was no watering sign.

Then I put a restriction for 3 days and around noon netro starts to watering again. There was a lost wifi signal for a minute cause by a voltage drop. 

Is it normal?

Thank you 

瀏覽: 1625   回覆: 1

It Rain and still watering my garden

Fernando Cantu
更新時間 2022-09-19 03:37:26 UTC 
話題: Netro App
It Rains and Netro still watering my plants unless I add daily skips when I see the weather forecast. 
瀏覽: 1818   回覆: 2

Not watering

更新時間 2022-09-16 09:37:00 UTC 
話題: 通用
It shows watering, but it is not?
瀏覽: 1597   回覆: 1

Different symbols in the app

Leon Durning
更新時間 2022-09-13 16:05:13 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I have an ! inside a yellow triangle showing up on days my sprinklers run. 

What does the ! mean?

瀏覽: 1640   回覆: 1

Mulch impact on duration

John Wright
更新時間 2022-09-13 12:58:29 UTC 

My flower gardens have several inches of wood chip mulch covering the soil.  After a season of "Smart Watering" my beds are dry and the perennial plants are stressed.

Does mulch absorb irrigation water intended for the plants?  Is the presence of mulch a factor affecting the duration of an irrigation cycle?

瀏覽: 1652   回覆: 1

Kickstart the Netro Zigbee Hub and Pixie-Z1

Netro Inc
更新時間 2022-09-13 06:23:11 UTC 
話題: 通用

To the Netro community:

We are excited to introduce our new products, the Netro Zigbee Hub and the new smart timer Pixie-Z1. They combined deliver a different experience of smart watering system. 

The Netro Zigbee Hub hosts a long-range local Zigbee network that links all the end devices. It connects to your router (wireless or wired) to transfer data between the end devices and the Netro cloud service. The Hub will work with all our Zigbee products including the new timer Pixie-Z1(introduced below) and the new soil moisture sensor coming this year, as well as the new 4-Zone sprinkler controller and the new weather sensor coming next year.

The new host timer Pixie-Z1 is re-designed from the original Pixie timer in many ways:

1. Always online for instant quick runs. No more sleep mode

2. Powered by two AA alkaline batteries with approximately one year of battery life. Notifications on low battery

3. Supports Google Home and Google Assistant

The Netro Zigbee Hub and Pixie-Z1 are expected to ship in September. To join the Tester program please email to info@netrohome.com and we will send you a discount code in return for feedbacks.


Netro Inc

瀏覽: 120797   評論: 3

quick stop every watering

Lee Hill
更新時間 2022-09-11 20:34:04 UTC 

I have seen quick stop watering on landing page in app once. Than not anymore. Is this a recent feature? Looks not stable. Meanwhile I cannot see stop button on manual run page where it was before. Shame that everone got wet on garden party.

瀏覽: 1605   回覆: 1

Cannot reset Sprite

更新時間 2022-09-10 22:30:01 UTC 

Hi, I had a Sprite working OK but I needed to move it to another location and WIFI network. I assumed starting from scratch was the easiest method and deleted the controller on the App but now I cant get it back into host mode (<1sec press of reset button) or factory reset it (6-8 sec)....The LED flashes about once every 6 secs or so not every second, no matter what I do. 

So I never see the Netro_IRC wifi network ....

How do I fix this ?


瀏覽: 1673   回覆: 1

Add a manager

Tom Warren
更新時間 2022-09-10 16:36:08 UTC 
話題: Netro App
Trying to add a new manager. Any email address I enter results in a "can't find user ..." error message.
瀏覽: 1590   回覆: 2

Can't schedule after programming restrictions

Jay Fahar
更新時間 2022-09-10 12:26:33 UTC 
Because it rained for two days, I put temporary restrictions on programming my Netro. Now I cannot reprogram it no matter what I do! Any clue what I should do besides the manual or adding new program?
瀏覽: 1630   回覆: 1

Custome schedule being ignored

Ethan R
更新時間 2022-09-07 21:08:59 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I was told the custom schedule would not let my moisture level go below the min I set but it goes below the min all the time

瀏覽: 1731   回覆: 1

Watered while sensor above the skip limit

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新時間 2022-09-07 05:47:06 UTC 

Hi today the smart schedule wateres while sensors above the 50% humid. I stopped manually. It is weird because the schedule shows to skip the zone but it watered anyway. Zone 3 and zone 4. Zone 1 is correct

May you check it?

瀏覽: 1695   回覆: 1

Adding weather station to weather underground

更新時間 2022-09-05 21:41:34 UTC 

Can you guys add weather station


瀏覽: 1653   回覆: 1

Smart Watering is too much, Custom Program doesn't show up

Karen Thompson
更新時間 2022-09-02 15:15:20 UTC 

We had enabled Smart Watering. It was watering each zone twice, for a very long time - totalling up to 2 hours nearly daily, unless it was raining. I know the standard comment from Netro CS is that it's better to water deeply and less frequently, but this was watering every day...2 hours a day. It's too much. I disabled smart watering, and created my own program, but it 1) doesn't show up in the calendar/schedule and 2) the home page says "Next run not scheduled". How do I enable my custom program to run? Is there some small enable/disable button somewhere I need to use? Do I need to clear everything and start from scratch? We'd love a nice green lawn, but can't water for 2 hours every day (on just a small front yard!). 

Also, it'd be nice if there was a way to talk to a technician. Thank you.

瀏覽: 1726   回覆: 1

Two zones running at the same time

Jesse Sanchez
更新時間 2022-09-02 03:52:13 UTC 
話題: 通用

Anyone running into an issue of having two zones run at the same time when doing a manual run?

瀏覽: 1542   回覆: 1

How many rain sensors?

Roland Pircher
更新時間 2022-09-01 17:53:32 UTC 


I was wondering if it's possible and makes sense to connect more than one rain sensor to the Netro Sprite.

瀏覽: 1556   回覆: 1

Help! Pump Relay Question

Kirk Davis
更新時間 2022-09-01 13:43:25 UTC 
話題: 安裝
My unit has been working great . However, the relay no longer trips when a zone is activated. Am I supposed to have 24v A/C between M and C (on the right side of the panel, not the zone side) when a zone is active? I can trip the relay if I pull it from the Netro. Some sort of voltage output map would be helpful. 

I have new grass seed down, so please help soon. 
瀏覽: 2631   回覆: 1

Random sprinklers turn on

Brian Strickler
更新時間 2022-09-01 12:33:12 UTC 

So has anyone else have random sprinklers turn on even though there is no program active for the sprinkler?

I had to turn off most of my programs because I have to reduce my sprinkler heads. And now I’m getting random sprinklers coming on.

瀏覽: 1582   回覆: 2


Bob Neal
更新時間 2022-08-31 17:11:55 UTC 
How to delete a schedule on my watering system.
瀏覽: 1639   回覆: 1

IFTTT out of sync

Andy Fiore
更新時間 2022-08-30 07:08:46 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Hi and thanks for fixing my last bug.

Another problem I have is with IFTTT being out of sync with my Pixie, eg, I schedule the Pixie to operate between 4:30 am and 4:45 am but IFTTT, whichI use to switch on the pump, reports it active between 4:43 to 5:24 am.

The consequence is that I only get 2 minutes of water as the Pixie has already stopped the flow by the time IFTTT turns the pump on.

Please advise.

瀏覽: 1667   回覆: 2