
Introducing the Referral Program

Netro Support
更新時間 2019-12-10 03:02:22 UTC 

To the Netro community:

We are pleased to launch the Netro Referral Program. You can earn reward points when your friends become Netro customers!

1.Invite your friends to join Netro using your unique link

2.Your friends get a discount or reward points

Your friends enjoy 10% off their first orders or $10 credits toward their first subscriptions.

3.Get your reward points and repeat to earn more

You will earn reward points* equivalent in value to the discounts or credits given to your friends.

*Reward points: for every US dollar your friends spend on their first orders you will earn 10 points ($0.1). You will earn 1000 points ($10) for every friend who chooses to subscribe. There are 3 ways to redeem the reward points:

1. Use the reward points to purchase Netro products at netrohome.com (100 points = 1 US dollar)

2. Use the reward points to pay for your subscription fee at netrohome.com (100 points = 1 US dollar)

3. Withdraw the reward points to your PayPal account (200 points = 1 US dollar)

Your reward points will never expire.

You can check more info about Netro's Referral Program here https://netrohome.com/shop/refer

Netro Inc

瀏覽: 2813   回覆: 2

Raining but still watering

Liaqat Khan
更新時間 2019-12-08 00:23:51 UTC 
Hi- it has been raining now for two weeks and it says moisture level 100% but still watering everyday?  
瀏覽: 2184   回覆: 1


Manuel Roca
更新時間 2019-11-22 17:20:29 UTC 
This is an easy question 
Can I buy whisperers from Spain? Is there any country restriction?


瀏覽: 2393   回覆: 2

Daylight savings

Craig Neidle
更新時間 2019-11-13 18:34:27 UTC 

My sprinklers are starting 1 hr past when they are programed due to daylight savings ending.

I would have assumed the clocks changed with the clock on my phone but that doesn't seem to be the case. 

Haow can i change this? 

瀏覽: 2509   回覆: 1

What about blowout?

更新時間 2019-10-18 02:06:15 UTC 
New system owner. When having fall blowout performed, I found I needed to be present to run each zone. I didn’t find a way to provide access to the technician. Other systems on the market provide this function. 

Why doesn’t this one?
瀏覽: 2336   回覆: 2

Sprinkler Not watering, app shows watering and counting time, controller light remains off

更新時間 2019-09-30 13:51:09 UTC 
Manually watering Zone 2, sprinklers stopped watering while the app still showing watering and counting the time, tried all other zones, none is watering though the app shows they’re. Checked wifi works, power to the controller works. The only thing I noticed is that the light on the controller is off all the time except when unplug and plug it back, the light flicks once and then remained off
瀏覽: 2345   回覆: 1

更新時間 2019-09-29 13:59:02 UTC 

It’s like the app doesn’t know it’s connected 

To the correct WiFi although it is.  Bought a new sensor - not connecting since upgrade to iOS 13. Please advise. See pictures. 

瀏覽: 4298   回覆: 2

Ip address

Kris Y
更新時間 2019-09-25 20:13:08 UTC 

You mentioned you would add the ability to display the ip address in the next upgrade. Having dealt with networking issues for many years. I find it best to be able to assign static ip addresses to my home networked devices so I don’t have random dhcp issues causes by laptops or phones reconnecting and trying to take over an IP address that might be in use by a device that is a permanent resident.

Would you add the ability to assign the IP address to the controller? Many people don’t realize the significance of this but I find it important to a healthy home network.

瀏覽: 2308   回覆: 1

Whisperer not working as expected

Tony D.
更新時間 2019-09-09 12:57:04 UTC 

I've been using my sprite with a Whisperer since a few months. The sprite works wonderfully but the whisperer has serious probloms. I get incorrect readings. Specifically my whisperer is stating 1% topsoil moisture level. Honestly this is impossible after a sprinkling succeded at 6:00 this morning. This misbehaving is going on since the first week. It works for the first day or two after resetting the whisperer but then it goes weird. On other occasions instead the topsoil moisture was stuck at 98% even after several days of not sprinling in full summer with temperatures over 35°. 

I have tried anything from resetting the whisperer to changing spot. At this point I'm led to think that the whisperer is broken.

Is anybody else having this strange behavior?

Do you have any other suggestion to solve this problem?

I have noticed that you are not giving due importance on support requests in this forum about whisperer problems. In my opinion you should put more effort into this.







Thank you

瀏覽: 2577   回覆: 1

Windows 10 APP or web page

Emanuel Di Giusto
更新時間 2019-09-06 19:46:57 UTC 

Good product but there is not a windows 10 APP or the possiblity to setup by browser directly to IP address of netro. There is not web server inside.

瀏覽: 2437   回覆: 1

How do I know how long a zone watered on its last schedule?

Ron White
更新時間 2019-09-04 16:44:17 UTC 
How to determine prior watering schedule?
瀏覽: 2571   回覆: 1

System went basqerk?

Ron White
更新時間 2019-08-27 01:21:18 UTC 
My system says it watered yesterday, which it didn’t, and it’s telling me the next watering is in 8 days during my 100 degree days.  What’s going on?
瀏覽: 2430   回覆: 2

Why water twice a day?

Ron White
更新時間 2019-08-19 19:05:12 UTC 
My 2nd watering cycle on even numbered days is during the highest heat of the day and it’s burning my shrubs in zone 4.  Why not once a day in evening hours for good soaking?
瀏覽: 2381   回覆: 2


更新時間 2019-08-17 23:31:13 UTC 


We r in Toronto canada and we have extremely cold winter , every year we are asking expert to come and drain the water from the system. I would like to know can i do same with running cycle or still i have to ask expert to come and drain the system?

瀏覽: 2446   回覆: 1

Feature Request: API

更新時間 2019-08-17 03:18:34 UTC 
Would it be possible to publish your API? I (and I'm guessing many others) would like to be able to integrate Netro into tools like Home Assistant
瀏覽: 2667   回覆: 3

Alexa skill

Tony D.
更新時間 2019-08-16 23:42:33 UTC 


I have searched the Netro skill in the Italian Amazon market but wasn’t able to find it.

What do I need to search for?

Thank you

瀏覽: 2344   回覆: 1

Zones Shut Off But Show Running in App

Kirk Davis
更新時間 2019-08-16 02:54:33 UTC 

Having a problem since upgrade of the app. Doesn't seem possible unless the main unit updated as well. Valves close within a few minutes of being activated by manual start, or programmed schedule. Have not test with smart watering disabled, but it happens on manual starts, so not sure that is even a variable. The Zone still shows as actively watering in the application. If you submit a stop  action by pressing the red square,then restart, via the sideways triangle, the zone will come back on again. However, it shortly shuts back off, while still showing the zone as being actively watered. This is happening across all four of my zones. Curiously, if you unplug the controller after the valve shuts off, but the app still shows it watering, wait a bit, and then plugit back int-the zone comes backon shortly after reboot.

瀏覽: 2463   回覆: 1

Suport MQTT? Suport REST API?

Sergio Albarran Rebull
更新時間 2019-08-09 14:25:13 UTC 

I'm thinking of buying Netro Sprite, but I have some questions ...

Suport MQTT? 

Suport REST API?

any plans to integrate with Home Assistant?

Thanks in advance...

瀏覽: 2873   回覆: 5

Netro on Apple Watch

Netro Support
更新時間 2019-08-07 06:39:26 UTC 

To the Netro community:

We recently have launched an update for the Netro app on App Store. In the newest iOS version (2.3.0) of the app, Apple Watch is now supported.

In the watch app, users will be able to check the status of the device, the weather data, zone status and view watering schedules in the next 7 days.

Please feel free to explore other new and exciting features that we just added (also available on Android) : 

1.Support Weather Underground PWS

(Settings->Controller->Weather Provider)

2.Rainfall adjustment

(Please go to the Discover page and tap the "+" button on the upper right corner,  select "Correct Rainfall")

3.Enable plant sensors to monitor multiple zones

( Settings->Sensors, select a sensor, go to Zones and select the zones you would like to monitor)


Netro Support

瀏覽: 45859   評論: 15

Firmware update for System reboot after power issue

Junglim Huh
更新時間 2019-08-06 11:03:17 UTC 
When are you planning release firmware update for sprite having issue connecting to wifi after power issue? This happens quite a bit and my sprite is off line.
瀏覽: 2384   回覆: 1