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How is soil moisture in app calculated?

Mitch Green
Updated at 2021-04-20 00:44:59 UTC 
The moisture indicator in the app shows my soil moisture is 38% but we had 3 inches of rain on 24 hours. How is moisture determined? We aren't using any sensors
View: 1924   Answer: 1


Michael Sheahan
Updated at 2021-04-19 21:19:54 UTC 
Purchased in Nov of 2020 and stored until recently in basement.  When I went to put it for the season the battery was dead.  I understand it needs to be charged which I did for two days.  When I turn it on, I get solid white, then green and then red.  I also noticed it’s missing from my sensor list in the app. Like it has been deleted.   If I click edit button. Nothing happens.  Can you please help?  Thank you. 
View: 1663   Answer: 1

Email address

Troy pascoe st
Updated at 2021-04-19 11:01:30 UTC 

I'm trying to change the email address connected with the app.  

When i change the email address and submit on the app it doesn't change.

Can someone let me know how its done.


View: 1644   Answer: 1

Updated at 2021-04-19 10:06:30 UTC 
On the Home Page, how do I change the minutes on the manual water time. Mine seems to be preset at 5 minutes but I’d like to move it to 10 minutes. 
View: 1708   Answer: 1

Whisperer sensor soil type

Aki Lan
Updated at 2021-04-17 13:47:25 UTC 
Topic: General


Is whisperer sensor able to know your soil type due to drain capacity?


View: 1653   Answer: 1

Multiple Pixies?

J Forrest
Updated at 2021-04-17 03:33:18 UTC 

Can multiple pixies be controlled through the app as different zones?  Can they run sequentially - i.e. manually run all zones for 15 minutes one after the other?  Is a controller required for any of that?


View: 1616   Answer: 1

How to delete a device

Updated at 2021-04-16 12:33:31 UTC 

I wanted to add a whisper sensor to my existing system.  I accidentally added it as a new device.  I did eventually add the new whisper sensor to my original device.  The issue is I now have two devices in the app.  The first is a device named Ros Reg that has my two whisper sensors attached and a second device named Sensor de planta with nothing attached to it. I want to delete the device  named Sensor de planta.  I cannot find a way to delete it.

T'he third device is named Ros Gotero

View: 1688   Answer: 1

Time zone not supported

Havre de Grace
Updated at 2021-04-15 08:11:30 UTC 

I keep getting this error when I try to put my address in Jersey, Channel Islands. 
View: 1557   Answer: 1

Manual start on demand

Krzysztof Wiater
Updated at 2021-04-14 03:34:58 UTC 
Topic: General


I just got unit garden hose pixie unit. I am looking for a manual watering on demand button. I want to be able to turn it on and off an needed. Right now i see I have to wait 1 hr or so to turn it on. Am I missing something here? Please help. Thanks in advance. 

View: 1803   Answer: 1

How to Set Schedule?

Updated at 2021-04-14 02:13:12 UTC 
I created a schedule under settings, programs and indicated a start date. When I go to “schedule” I do not see the program j created on the calendar. Please help. 
View: 1757   Answer: 1

Zone not watering keep loading

Fabio Pellizzoni
Updated at 2021-04-13 20:10:43 UTC 


It happened recently that the app shown "online" and  i tried to start one zone  but didn t  work. the count down start but the message loading keep showing and the zone never actually start

Do you have any idea why ?


View: 1706   Answer: 1

My sprinklers keep watering beyond the timer

Tony Pellegrino
Updated at 2021-04-13 19:14:36 UTC 

Why does my sprinklers keep watering after the timer has expired.

View: 1703   Answer: 1


Imran Ali
Updated at 2021-04-12 22:54:05 UTC 


Is there a way for the App to notify me once irrigation has started or stopped? 

Thank you.


Imran Ali 

View: 1711   Answer: 1

Timezone not supported

Shai Amiel
Updated at 2021-04-11 19:33:24 UTC 
why do i get this error? I am trying to install in israel
View: 1794   Answer: 1

How to delete a device

Scott Gustafson
Updated at 2021-04-10 16:04:18 UTC 
I wanted to add a whisper sensor to my existing system.  I accidentally added it as a new device.  I did eventually add the new whisper sensor to my original device.  The issue is I now have two devices in the app.  The first is a device named Sprinkle that has my three whisper sensors attached and a second device named Plant Sensor with nothing attached to it. I want to delete the device  named Plant Sensor.  I cannot find a way to delete it.  



View: 1754   Answer: 1

Disable a zone

fernando colon
Updated at 2021-04-10 14:15:21 UTC 
Ive been trying to remove/disable a zone however the app is not allowing me to do so.  Is there an alternatuve method?
View: 2598   Answer: 1

Moisture Level

Des Mullin
Updated at 2021-04-09 23:48:09 UTC 
Due to external factors on our property it would be very useful to be able to set the current moisture level for a zone. Is there a way to do this ?
View: 1783   Answer: 1

Adding multiple sensors to a Pixie

Updated at 2021-04-09 18:13:11 UTC 
Topic: General
I have a mister setup with multiple Herb racks and raised garden beds. I just got a Pixie and a few Whispers. My hope was using one Pixie and monitoring each bed with a whisper. Is this possible? Can I create multiple zones? Is this something going forward that might be possible? I don't want to set them up as standalones.
View: 1659   Answer: 1

How often should I water reseed

Abel Vargas
Updated at 2021-04-09 00:49:42 UTC 
I am currently located in New Jersey. I just reseeded my back yard and lawn on Monday. How often should I water them and what times would you recommend 
View: 2802   Answer: 1

How do I cancel a watering schedule while we make sprinkler repairs?

David Farries
Updated at 2021-04-07 02:16:14 UTC 
How do I cancel a watering schedule while we make sprinkler repairs?
View: 1733   Answer: 1