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Internet connection problems
I have had a lot of trouble with losing netro's connection with internet. My old router failed so I replaced it with an expensive mesh wifi system which provides wonderful service to everything I have tried to connect except my Netro! I have now discovered that it will not work with anything but 2.4 GHz wifi. The new wifi does not provide 2.4 connection. Is there a workaround for this? Or do I have to throw out my new state-of-the-art $400
5 GHz
wifi to get my somewhat obsolete $100 Netro to work?
Answer From Jeff Mendonca
Jeff Mendonca
Updated at
2019-08-21 01:06:05 UTC
I experienced the same issue. I ended up buying an extender and that solved the connection issue.
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I experienced the same issue. I ended up buying an extender and that solved the connection issue.